help for the day after alcohol beverages

What should you eat after a night of drinking to stop the cravings for junk?! I always seem to be starved after a night out and totally bomb that days healthy eating habits! What can I do to stop this? Btw I drink a TON of water.


  • misslyssa319
    misslyssa319 Posts: 186 Member
    my brother, the professional nurse and beer drinker, says drink gatoraid. slam one when you wake up and have a few during the day. they have it in diet too. better than water for this kinda thing. :drinker:
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    I usually just go with it, enjoy it, and then move on!!!!!
  • LoriL41
    I try to stick with the "Healthy" versions of junk food.....i.e. turkey hot dogs with a low calorie bun and lo-cal coney sauce (10 calroies for a Tbsp), Margarita pizza on a multi-grain curst, or even McDonald's chicken nuggets for a big splurge....just keep that water coming!! (working on this today, LOL)
  • jazzybean1
    I usually crave choc milk and of course carbs so when I'm on track I will have whole grain toast with eggs in the a.m with some fruit. If you want something like a milkshake try this...
    1 scoop vanilla protein powder (low carb/sugar)
    1/2 banana
    1 cup almond milk or 1% reg milk
    cocoa powder
    1 packet stevia
    couple ice cubes
    blend together, is awesome!

    My best friend always wants fries and a strawberry shake so we make a mix of homemade baked yam and potato fries and do the above shake with strawberries instead of! Kills the craving and is healthy:)
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    For some reason, if you eat something high in fat and sugar, it often stops that. I usually eat some horrible hostess cupcake kind of thing along with ibuprofin before bed. Hey! It always tastes better when your are drunk off your butt anyway! If I miss the cupcake at night, a donut in the morning stops it. I know that goes against EVERYTHING we are doing for ourselves here. But I just have found that if I put the sugar and oil in, the alcohol gets flushed out and the cravings and sick feelings (including headache) all goes away. But I hope someone else has a healthier alternative. LOL!
  • getskinnyk8
    I have this issue too! I make 2 eggs with 2 tbs cream cheese to make them creamy...that's around 220 calories. Then I eat it with salsa. It's almost like going to brunch but healthier :)

    If that doesn't work, special k cracker chips!
  • Cindyyoun
    Cindyyoun Posts: 1 Member
    Hi :)
    the day after a drunk night, I usually skip my lunch (also skip breakfast because I tend to wake up late the day after:p) to empty my stomach and drink tons of water. Sometimes if I get hungry during lunch hour I eat vegetables such as carrots or strawberries (low calorie fruit) but I try to avoid any kind of bread and meat.

    For me I get this cravings for sweets/ junkfood and fastfood the day after alcoholic beverages. You have to straighten your mind since the day after alcoholic beverages is the most critical and difficult day for yourself to be on a health diet but if you stick with your healthy diet on that day, you will feel accomplished and you can get back on your diet the day after and you will be fine :)
  • jazzybean1
    Fresh coconut water is unbeatable...full of electrolytes. You can buy cans of it too but is better right out of the shell. They are the young thai coconuts, not the round brown ones. If you are not feeling good from a hangover or flu these are the best thing out there!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    All I want in the world after drinking is pizza. So I have one to get it over with and move on, otherwise it'll drive me crazy all day and I'll probably end up eating something even worse!
  • Manlee52
    Manlee52 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for all the help! I will definately have to try these suggestions to see what will work for me. I just know I have to stop eating over my calorie limit even if it is only once a week.
  • Manlee52
    Manlee52 Posts: 13 Member
    I am soooo glad I am not alone on this ::happy
  • kyylieeeeee
    kyylieeeeee Posts: 197 Member
    I usually chug some Gatorade right before I go to sleep, and that makes me not want to eat junk when I wake up...both from feeling better, and from knowing how much sugar is in Gatorade. But unfortunately, I usually cave and wind up getting a Cuban sandwich (hardly healthy) or eating a ton of toast with butter and jam. I guess it's not the WORST.

    I like this topic though, it does bring up a good point that even after a rough night of drinking, it's important to get right back on track the next morning!
  • kellss155
    just go with it, its good for your body to have a splurge day it boosts up your metabolism :)