New-10lbs lost, 76lbs to go!

Hey everyone, just thought I'd pop in and say hello. I am new to the forums, and basically new to MFP. I signed up way back in March but haven't done anything with it since then until now. I started the Couch to 5k program this week (with plans to do Bridge to 10k after) and have successfully completed the first week! I used to run a lot as a teenager and it has been nice to have running back in my life again-and to be adding it back at a safe rate. On previous occasions I have done too much too fast with the running and ended up with shin splints. I have been eating breakfast every day (one week of it so far!), and trying to keep track of what I'm eating and make sure it's balanced. I'm also trying to get out and do the other things I love more often. I have lost 10lbs so far, and today I measured my % body fat and lean body mass so I'm going to keep track of that too. :) It feels good to be on my way to fitness again :)


  • rubytuesday
    rubytuesday Posts: 20 Member
    Well done on your weight loss so far!

    I know what you mean about it feeling good to have exercise as part of your life again, I was really active as a teenager and am starting to build up my fitness again as well.

    Good luck with the weight loss :-)
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Thanks, RubyTuesday! It does feel great to be back at it again. I was skinny but not fit as a teen, and my weight has gone up and down in my adulthood. I am hoping to get it down and keep it steady this time! And my dog is quite happy we're doing more again :)
  • womblesgirl
    womblesgirl Posts: 69 Member
    Hey thats great, Im thinking of starting that program in a couple of weeks so thanks for giving it a thumbs up :) congrats for the loss so far, keep up the good work
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Thanks womblesgirl! I do recommend the C2k5, it gives you a safe and healthy guideline to follow that you can adjust to what works for you best. There are lots of great articles on the CoolRunning website, and I think it's a good resource. Also, there is a free C25K app that makes it really easy-I just play music on my phone, and the app notifies me of when it is time to change pace. Much easier than fiddling with a stop watch!