What WOULD you do

Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
edited October 3 in Chit-Chat
I love my job. Love my bosses. They are great.

BUT all excluding two in my group are the rudest people ever.
I'm not certain what I've done, but they refuse to even speak to me. I've stopped saying good morning because I got tired of just getting stared at like I had a 4th eye and not having the greeting returned.

I've NEVER been anything but nice to these people. In fact several times I've brought donuts because I thought it might smooth waters(one of these people refused to even eat that).

They all laugh with eachother, in fact on an individual basis all(but the donut b*tch) are very nice to me.

The one other woman I like says that she gets treated the same way.

I just don't understand why they'd behave this way, and I'm not sure what to do. Anybody ever have any experience with something like this?


  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    Theyre not worth your time! Spend time on the nice people and eventualy they'll see what theyre missing out on!

    its wasting energy trying to please someone who doesnt want to be pleased!

    Stuff them! Enjoy nice people and nice energy :) x
  • Kaz4ebt
    Kaz4ebt Posts: 5 Member
    Carry on being nice and polite to them and dont waste your time worrying about them.

    Everyone else will see you being a nice person who smiles and says good morning and the other 2 being miserable b*tches.

    Life it too short to waste on ignorant people.
  • Theyre not worth your time! Spend time on the nice people and eventualy they'll see what theyre missing out on!

    its wasting energy trying to please someone who doesnt want to be pleased!

    Stuff them! Enjoy nice people and nice energy :) x

    I AGREE!!! As the saying goes, You cannot please everybody. Its a tough reality in this world but we must learn to move on & just concentrate to those who really cares.
  • sorry to hear that you are going through this childish situation on your job!!! Have you ever ask them what the problem is? Sometimes when you communicate in a calm manner you and the others will get a better understanding of each other. If this fails at least they can say that you are a " true adult " that cares and eventually it will rub off on their rude attitude!!! In the mean time just keep smiling!!
  • I work in an office and in my experience they can be just as clicky as high school. There are a few people in my office who are less than friendly. Mostly they like to tattle to the boss. They spend a lot of time in her office chatting and ratting out their coworkers for things they themselves do. It is very difficult to work in a situation where you are not comfortable. I have found that coming to work and creating my "own little world" helps. By that I mean I put on my MP3 player and keep to myself. It makes the day go faster and I am so much happier not having to deal with everyones drama. This may not work for you in your situation but try to find something that does. And if in the end you still are not happy. Look for a different job. Life is too short to be unhappy!
  • GymRatRaceRunner
    GymRatRaceRunner Posts: 160 Member
    You didn't get stares when you showed them your 3rd eye? It took the 4th eye to freak them out a little?
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    What would I do?

    In my corner of the world, most people are like this. What I do on a day to day basis is remain polite to them, but keep them at a distance emotionally.

    I don't want people like that in my life, they sap you, trap you, and anchor you down.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I would continue being polite and even say good morning for kicks. At the end of the day let it rest on their hands to act like little rude f%ckers, not on you.

    Also, when I get annoyed by my hormonal, single 40 old virgin coworker I plug in my headphones and listen to music and ignore her.That old hag isn't going to make my day bad just because she needs to get laid.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    I guess I'm different than everyone else. I would ask her what her problem is...in front of the other girls. Fact of the matter is, the other girls probably act that way because she does, that is why they are nice to you on an individual basis. Maybe you confronting her will free the others girls up some. I say this of course because you love your bosses, which means they are probably pretty cool. Obviously if she is the boss' pet, I would just try to ignore it.
  • Ugh. That's the worst. I have zero tolerance for people who bring their crazy into the work place. Who knows why she is such a snot to you, but you should just shake it off. Be pleasant and professional, and she'll work herself out.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I would do.... nothing.

    I'm there for the money, not to make friends.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    I wouldn't be nice to them, forget about buying them donuts. You tried to be nice and it didn't work. That shows you have a better character than they do. They are mean to you and it's not right. Some people just suck. I don't understand why some people enjoy being mean. How old are these people, like 10? You'd think when people become adults they'd grow up. Usually people like that have low self esteem and like to put others down to make themselves feel better. It's sick, I know. I've been treated like that is the past and ended up leaving my job. But I'm not sure if that is something you are able to do. And besides you said you like your job and your boss so stick with it. Keep your head high and try not to interact with the ones who are rude. Try to have a nice day and I'm sorry you are hurting. :flowerforyou: Peace and Love, Sue
  • Hiya,
    I'm sorry to hear you are being treated like this.
    I think the problem is that you are very pretty and they are jealous of your beauty, inside and out. Continue to be the nice person you are. They are the losers, and you are the better person.
    I hope your situation improves.

    xxx xxx
  • What would I do?

    In my corner of the world, most people are like this. What I do on a day to day basis is remain polite to them, but keep them at a distance emotionally.

    I don't want people like that in my life, they sap you, trap you, and anchor you down.

  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I know it's easy to say do nothing, but I'm sure it's hard for you to work in an environment like that. I would ask a couple of them individually (the ones you say are nice to you on an individual basis) why you seem to be on the outside of the group. Don't ask in a defensive way, but in a sincere way.
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    Women are b*tches. I say be cordial and keep clear of them. You don't need the negativity in your life. It does make it hard at work when you have to deal with ignorance but I surely wouldn't go out of my way to figure it out. Be strong beautiful and breathe :smile:
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    I would continue being polite and even say good morning for kicks. At the end of the day let it rest on their hands to act like little rude f%ckers, not on you.

    definitely this

    there was a lady used to get the same train as me to work and was part of a small handful of people that took bikes on the train, which included me

    for some reason she didn't seem very friendly towards me, and I loved seeing how blatently I could say hello to her and her still try and avoid saying it back!
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I would do.... nothing.

    I'm there for the money, not to make friends.

    I agree. I'm not here to make friends. I work very hard, and I enjoy my job.
    But the fact is I have always been very kind to everybody, rarely have I ever experience somebody not liking me. Because I am so nice.
    I am a people pleaser and when somebody is not pleased......or an entire group.

    It's vexing.

    It might be a culture thing. But if it is, that's rather unfair to me.

    oh well eff em and feed em fishheads!
  • I love my job. Love my bosses. They are great.

    BUT all excluding two in my group are the rudest people ever.
    I'm not certain what I've done, but they refuse to even speak to me. I've stopped saying good morning because I got tired of just getting stared at like I had a 4th eye and not having the greeting returned.

    I've NEVER been anything but nice to these people. In fact several times I've brought donuts because I thought it might smooth waters(one of these people refused to even eat that).

    They all laugh with eachother, in fact on an individual basis all(but the donut b*tch) are very nice to me.

    The one other woman I like says that she gets treated the same way.

    I just don't understand why they'd behave this way, and I'm not sure what to do. Anybody ever have any experience with something like this?

    will you buy me donuts if i'm mean to you?
  • emy10284
    emy10284 Posts: 171 Member
    I would continue being polite and even say good morning for kicks. At the end of the day let it rest on their hands to act like little rude f%ckers, not on you.

    Also, when I get annoyed by my hormonal, single 40 old virgin coworker I plug in my headphones and listen to music and ignore her.That old hag isn't going to make my day bad just because she needs to get laid.

    I do the exact same thing i started taking my headphones to work about 6 months ago and upload new music weekly LOL
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