

  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    I know exactly what you are talking about! My family is very supported of me and my husband for doing this and wanting to make a healthy change! However, I have one sister that is not quite on board but wants to be. But there is another issue at hand with her. She has a 7 yr old daughter who is "overweight" and to the point that other kids are making fun of her at school. She is trying to teach her to eat healthier but there is a fine line to "over-doing-that" with a 7 yr old. Now its to the point that she does NOT want me to discuss "how many calories" and "what's the portion size" when around her. She feels that her daughter should not have to worry about those kinds of things and if she hears me and my husband talking about it then she will be become obsessed with calories. I however believe that she can see us as a "role model" and see that by being aware of calories and portion sizes is very important to weight loss. I know she is only 7 but.... my sister continues to let her eat and drink things that are not as healthy for her and doesn't stop her from eating 4-5 cookies when 1 would have been enough and then let her eat some kind of fruit. My thing with her is she is unhappy with the way she looks as well as her daughter and instead of "dealing with the issue at hand" she would rather "sweep it under the rug" and only deal with it when she wants to, which is hardly at all. So I try not to indulge in her "dark side" way and keep myself focused on myself and my family habits!
  • clw_888
    clw_888 Posts: 157 Member
    Our family get together's usually revolve around food also and it's generally not the healthiest choices. According to my family members, canned veggies and white potatoes are a great source of veggies. But those are their choices, not mine. If I go to their house I expect to eat like this or to have these choices be offered at least. I also always volunteer to bring a dish so there is something healthy and good that I can eat when I am there. I know by making the right choices I am helping my body and being an inspiration at the same time. If I give in and eat those choices it is only my fault...not the person who offered.
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    I think its a mixture of all of the above - plus other people who are still in love with how eating crap makes them feel - feel genuinely concerned that you are denying yourself this lovely comfort. They cannot conceive that you retrained your body and now it takes comfort in healthy fuel without all the sugar, salt, e numbers, preservatives, colours, hidden nasties, fillers, bulking agents....

    In particular I find it physically difficult to eat fried food - I feel like I'm gonna barf!

    It's also funny these same people have seen me lose 3 stone and think I've taken a magic pill or had "something done". Nope just discipline, and a change in attitude. No more procrastination, excuses or laziness. They want the magic pill but not good honest focus - I haven't found one step of this hard work! I never felt denied. They don't believe me! They are not ready to take that leap........

    Thank goodness for MFP
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member
    You're the one making the change not them. You can't expect people to change their behavour because of a decision you have made. Yes, some people may change their own behaviours around you, but most won't. That's not their issue, it's up to the person who is making the change to adapt.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    It is apparent, my friends are better than everyone else's friends.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    You're the one making the change not them. You can't expect people to change their behavour because of a decision you have made. Yes, some people may change their own behaviours around you, but most won't. That's not their issue, it's up to the person who is making the change to adapt.

    The OP is not expecting anyone to change. Just not to through garbage food in their face and expect them to eat it.

    Might want to read the post through before posting.
  • glitterpiss
    Hah I guess I'm one of those terrible food pushers with my best friend. Hes already underweight and still freaks out about calories and goes through periods of exercising many hours ever day for weeks when he "feels fat". I just want him to enjoy a dessert with me sometimes lol.

    While I don't ever have people try to overfeed me, my parents do occasionally make comments like "are you sure you can eat that?" which drives me crazy, especially now that I have it under control and keep track of my consumption.
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    It is apparent, my friends are better than everyone else's friends.

    this is clearly the answer.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    It is apparent, my friends are better than everyone else's friends.

    My family, too. Craziness.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Some people express affection through food. Other people quite simply do not know very much about nutrition. I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume their intentions are good rather than feeling as though they are trying to sabotage things.

    This works for me.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I'm starting to develop a theory on this. I think it's ultimately a matter of people like to see how serious you are about it by testing your convictions. There's so many people out there who go on diets all the time and fail that I think people have become very synical toward the idea. So when someone they know is making a diet improvement they almost subconciously decide to test that person's dedication and seriousness about losing weight by testing them. For some I think it almost becomes a challenge to see if they can get you to "cheat".
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    Yeah and it always seems to be the people who had NO problem at all telling you ya needed to shift a few pounds, now its like ohhhhh dont get too thin, dont starve yourself, oh stop now!!
  • lalinzki
    Its amazing that you find people/strangers are in the same predicament as you.This is sooooo funny that's not even funny :noway: . Even with the "Its too much for me help me eat it, I just don't want to waste food". :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I been healthy all my life working out I have a good body but I could of had it to the point of being shredded. Why you ask I didn't its because people was shoving me food left and right. My in-laws cooking on Holidays "THE BEST SOUL FOOD EVER" :embarassed: but the reason I had to eat its because the the excuses my wife or in-laws used to say to me "its disrespectful to not eat the food and blah blah blah and going to make my mom,grandma,uncle not invited us no more" It was just excuses and I should of known better, but I gave in. This time is not going to work no more, my mind is made up and I'm going to be so shredded its going to be SWEEEEEEEET!:blushing: Just keep that in mind, my MFP people that once you give in once, its bound to happen over and over. JUST SAY NO! STAY FIRM,
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    It never bothers me when people offer me food. I'm fully capable of saying no. I've never had anyone continue to pester me. I would love to help these people understand the definition of "no" in my own special way, but I never get to have any fun...
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    I tell them that I just became a vegan. That pretty much stops all the decadent food offerings.
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    This just happened to me today. A friend and neighbour on FB posted a picture of some lush chocolate cookies. I commented 'Oh I can't imagine the calories in those!' He knows that I am hitting the gym and eating better. So he texts me not 2 hours later asking if he can stop by for a catch up with the hubby and I oh and can he bring the cookies? Ummm no, no cookies. Then he tells me he doesn't want to eat them all, they will just make him fatter. Oh hello dingdong, maybe you shouldn't have bought them???