Breakfast options for non-breakfast food people!



  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    One of my favorites is an everything bagel thin toasted with 1 ounce of fat free cream cheese, sliced strawberries or raspberries about 3 thin slices of deli turkey, topped with a bit of baby spinach leaves. Yum! Another variation I do is no fruit and just add a teaspoon of dijon mustard. Sort of breakfast, sort of not!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    i'm a non breakfast foods lover. but i have discovered there are certain types of cereal that change my life... i sometimes eat that... or i'll have PB and toast, or yogurt, or today i had cashews and string cheese lol.
  • juli3b2011
    juli3b2011 Posts: 77 Member
    My fav is 1/2 cup cottage cheese (2% milkfat), 1/2 cup of mandarin oranges and pineapple (non-syrup), with a teaspoon and a half of chopped walnuts....quick, easy, and yummy! I also like the wheat sandwich thins (toasted) with natural peanut butter.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i love breakfast foods in the morning

    but my aunt cannot STAND them. she starts every morning with a big bowl of soup and a thick slice of dark bread.
  • NoDairy
    I dont chew breakfast,

    i love making smoothies with coconut milk, frozen fruit and vegan protein, and if i need wake me up i add some cocoa powder. So healthy and fast!

    Have your sandwich if you want, no need to eat breakfast food for breakfast, just get something in your stomach so your body wont hold on to fat...
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    Love all the suggestions! :) Thanks
  • Unwrapping_Candy
    Unwrapping_Candy Posts: 487 Member
    It shouldn't really matter what you eat for breakfast as long as it's healthy and it fits within your diet plan. It's a good idea to get more fibre and carbohydrates with your breakfast than with subsequent snacks and meals because this helps to set your metabolism and to keep you regular throughout the day. However, you don't have to get the fibre and carbohydrates from a stereotypic breakfast food like cereal or oatmeal.

    You could even have a cheeseburger for breakfast if you want to. I'd suggest going with a soy burger and a multi-grain, high fibre bun + lettuce and tomato (skip the have to deal with people throughout the day), and some kind of fruit with a glass of milk. lol But this non-breakfast-food breakfast would give you the necessary nutrients you need to start your day off right, and you wouldn't have to stomach the breakfast-type food that you obviously don't like.

    Good luck to you.

  • Iheartsushi
    Iheartsushi Posts: 150 Member
    Protein shake and a handful of almonds! Always my go to when I just don't feel like breakfast!
  • ZachyABaby
    i always make a shake for breakfast. some milk, casein protein (it dissolves slower), egg and PB. it's delicious and gets my energy up.
  • rufflestx
    I wake up to salads, 1/2 cup raw peanuts, mixed nuts, a bag of chopped vegetables with a few raisins, or left over meat from dinner..... count calories
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Eat whatever you want for breakfast! no reason it needs to be standard breakfast food.

    Oh and btw you dont have to eat breakfast. I wake up at 5 am and dont eat until 2pm. I eat all my calories in about 8 hrs. Been losing faster than ever before
  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    I make a breakfast turkey sandwich with a high fiber/whole wheat english muffin or bagel, toast it up and then add some turkey and slice of low fat cheese....high protein and delish!!!

    I will also make a breakfast sandwich out of 2 whole grain waffels and a couple pieces of turkey sausage in the middle. Yummo!!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I don't have anything at breakfast time either. To me it's almost a waste of calories. I would prefer to have those calories at night time rather than the morning :)
  • mjshmily
    mjshmily Posts: 137 Member
    I started the day with pollock and a bit of cocktail sauce followed by yogurt. Not the norm for a breakfast meal but I find often I eat fish or poultry in the morning. I go through a lot of tuna and chicken concoctions. If I get a good dose of protiens in the morning I find my energy is way better through the day!
  • amberdaniels
    Honey, eat what you want. I like to eat breakfast for lunch or dinner. I happen to like breakfast foods, but is there really a need to have it at certain times. not hubby loves steak for breakfast, one of his favorites.