That gym conversation thing

BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
From today's blog:

I'll admit it; I'm not much of a social exerciser.

I dropped my running group because their goals didn't match my own and I remained pitifully slow while they all progressed in leaps and bounds. I seldom do classes as all the hanging around beforehand and afterwards gossiping about/to the teacher makes me gag. All I want to do after exercise is have a shower, eat and collapse somewhere. The thought of "grabbing a coffee" and dissecting your most recent workout appals me.

I did run with a friend for a few months and we made amazing progress together while gossiping away the miles. Sadly her doctor told her that the achy knees that we all get when increasing distance meant running just wasn't for her and she should give it up entirely and immediately.

I am constantly amazed, therefore, at the number of stories on MFP where people have stopped them to congratulate them on their progress or how great they're looking. For me a workout is a heads-down selfish sweat session. I certainly don't notice people around me or what they're doing. Other than that odd sneaky look over to the next-door treadmill to see who's faster...

Turns out it does happen.

I was doing a steady hour on the treadmill with a John Le Carre audio book distracting me from my exertion when I noticed a fit-looking silver-haired woman, probably in her 60s, was standing alongside me.

A popped my headphones off and smiled. "I just wanted to let you know you're amazing," she said. "You look like you could go on all day."

I wish I'd said thanks and that she made my day, but by the time I'd engaged my brain and taken a breath, all I managed was, "I wish I could!"

Next time, if there's a next time, I'll be sure to be more gracious. Who knows, if I see the same woman again, I may even say hello.


  • I'm not much of a social exerciser either unless it's on walks so you don't have to think about the time. But if it's something like running or weight lifting...I like to keep my focus where it belongs! Otherwise I lose count of reps and can't focus on my breathing. Plus if i'm running it's more of a "ok, uh huh, yeah" conversation than a real one.
  • Aww... I am sure she understood that she caught you off guard and was not offended by your response. What a compliment though. I can run a marathon, but 40 minutes on the treadmill is painfully long for me. I always overheat running indoors. Keep up the good work.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I never did the gym conversation thing when I did have a membership and went regularly. In Tae Kwon Do class it's taken me a while to get sociable with the regulars and part of that is being a regular yourself :happy:

  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I love this story!
  • I'm an anti-social exerciser, more or less. Dont pay any attention to anyone else really at all. I run 5-6 miles every day after work on the same trail, and have done so for the better part of 6 months now. Even then, there are really only 2 or 3 people I 'wave' at...because those are the only 2 or 3 people that I've ever really even made eye contact with in that entire time, mainly because they run just as much, and at the exact same times, as I do every day.

    I work out M-W-F at a gym near my house, and have done so for about a month and a half. I've yet to speak to anyone.

    It's not that I'm rude or intentionally ignore anyone else, I'm just focused on what I'm doing and have my earbuds just dont really notice. When I do look up kinda glance at the world around me, it looks like pretty much everyone else is doing the same.

    Now that said: here's a ***** fest from me. I HATE HATE HATE social runners. What I mean by that is, I hate the groups of 5 or 6 women that trot/walk side-by-side on running trails, gossiping and basically just having a mini social event. It's not that I care that they are doing it, not at all....the social part is fine. What I HATE is that they wont get the heck out of the way, or even trim their 6 abreast side-by-side unit down to a less space-hogging grouping. Trying to pass by them on a busy trail is annoying, particularly when they stare you down as if you are satan incarnate for infringing upon their own personal public space or something.
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    What a great compliment!!! I agree, though...I am totally "in the zone" when I start working out that hard, especially when running!
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    I'm with ya! However my out going personality makes me give courtesy to those around me. Other than that, like you, it's eyes straight and mission focus.
  • nicely said!
  • nikkimwarren
    nikkimwarren Posts: 20 Member
    I totally get the non socializing at the gym, and that sneaky look over at the next machine. I always have a little burst of pride knowing that I may be 240+ lbs and running or ellipticalling faster, harder and longer than that fit 100 lb beauty or hunk of a man next to me. I think it is awesome that the woman complimented you. Great work on being the best you can be and working to better yourself every day.....
  • BFit40
    BFit40 Posts: 163 Member
    I still see myself as "the fat bird" in the lycra, so I'm eyes down and get on with it - no conversation.
    However, I think it's wonderful that someone took the time and effort to compliment you. You've come so far and done so well. I'm still trying to catch up to you.
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    Congrats on the compliment, that's awesome! I am an anti-social exerciser as well. I've been going to the gym for months and I don't speak to anyone but a couple of the trainers. I watch Buffy and Angel during my workouts and am totally focused on that. I have however noticed those around me glancing at my iPhone to see just what the hell I am watching! There are regulars I see at the gym and a few times we have made eye contact and the head nod but not much more than that.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I have to admit that at the gym, as in life, I am far less likely to look around me if I know I look rough. Specs, no make-up and scruffy gear will always have my eyes on the floor. Add to that the fact that at the gym I am usually quite literally dripping with sweat, and I wouldn't even want to chance catching the eye of Mr Right or my new BFF! Hell, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror is enough of a horror show!
  • Awe! I love this story too... :) Thanks for sharing it, pretty inspirational. I often think these things when I see peoplg working hard but don't say anything to them... I am definitely anti-social at the gym. I am there to do one thing, bust my butt off!!
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    Haha, I'm the opposite. I'm very social. I belong to a run club with 300+ members. We all go out for drinks after.

    And since you mention Mr. Right (or Ms. Right in my case), I actually met my gf while we were running! Neither of us looked our best -- she was sweating and had her hair pulled up -- but she did smile and say hi to me. So remember good things can happen when you least expect it. :)
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