

  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    I smoked for 8 years didnt start until i was 18 and dont know why i started..probably cause the flatties were doing it,
    I was a very happy smoker for 6yrs of that then is started to get phlegmy and coughing all the time - i sounded disgusting
    Tried giving up with patches - they made me sick, Zyban pills - they turned me crazy, cold turkey - poor will power.

    Last year i got pregnant with my 2nd - decided to stop smoking since i was going to get fat anyway (so didnt need to worry about gaining weight) and stopped. It was damn hard but i kept one of my scan photos handy for motivation.
    3 months after having my son im 25kg heavier than pre pregnency weight but i can run without coughing up my lung, no more gross phlegm but damn i still crave those disgusting things so everyday is still a challenge.

    I cant wait until i dont think about smoking anymore, it will be great to walk past someone else smoking and feel nauseas and repulsed instead of secretly trying to take deep breaths to inhale as much of the smell as possible....lawdy thats sad.
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    I've been a non smoker for 6 years now. Me and my partner quit cold turkey together and I thought it was the gretest thing ever! Until last year I found out he was lying to me for 5 years straight saying he quit but he was smoking behind my back. Everyone knew except me. Even my dad knew! Talk about losing trust in someone. He lied to me EVERY DAY fort 5 years....straight to my face. It makes me wonder what else he is lying about. Oh well, what can you do. At least I quit and feel GREAT!!!!!!

    EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I drank a ton of mochas. Every day if I had a craving for a smoke, I would drive to the coffee shop and get a mocha. The first 6 months I spent more money on coffees than smokes. But now I am fine and I have saved so much money! Plus years of my life!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I've been a non smoker for 6 years now. Me and my partner quit cold turkey together and I thought it was the gretest thing ever! Until last year I found out he was lying to me for 5 years straight saying he quit but he was smoking behind my back. Everyone knew except me. Even my dad knew! Talk about losing trust in someone. He lied to me EVERY DAY fort 5 years....straight to my face. It makes me wonder what else he is lying about. Oh well, what can you do. At least I quit and feel GREAT!!!!!!

    He did pretty good if you could not smell it on him at all (ever).... I smell 'that' smell in a heartbeat.
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    I've been a non smoker for 6 years now. Me and my partner quit cold turkey together and I thought it was the gretest thing ever! Until last year I found out he was lying to me for 5 years straight saying he quit but he was smoking behind my back. Everyone knew except me. Even my dad knew! Talk about losing trust in someone. He lied to me EVERY DAY fort 5 years....straight to my face. It makes me wonder what else he is lying about. Oh well, what can you do. At least I quit and feel GREAT!!!!!!

    He did pretty good if you could not smell it on him at all (ever).... I smell 'that' smell in a heartbeat.

    Actually I smelled it all of the time. HIs excuse was he worked in a machine shop where everyone smoked around him and that is why he always smelled like it.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    I started smoking when I was 14. Smoked until I was 20. When my dad got lung cancer... and whole year of watching him suffering, chemo, gasping for air, coughing up blood, and being on oxygen, and eventually dying, I quit cold turkey. It changed my life completely. I will never smoke again. It's been 10 years now. Being around smokers is horrible. My mom and sister still smoke which baffles me- especially now that it's $6 a pack and they complain about being broke. whatev. and i don't know if i can handle watching them go through the same thing my dad did. :(
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I've been a non smoker for 6 years now. Me and my partner quit cold turkey together and I thought it was the gretest thing ever! Until last year I found out he was lying to me for 5 years straight saying he quit but he was smoking behind my back. Everyone knew except me. Even my dad knew! Talk about losing trust in someone. He lied to me EVERY DAY fort 5 years....straight to my face. It makes me wonder what else he is lying about. Oh well, what can you do. At least I quit and feel GREAT!!!!!!
    He did pretty good if you could not smell it on him at all (ever).... I smell 'that' smell in a heartbeat.
    Actually I smelled it all of the time. HIs excuse was he worked in a machine shop where everyone smoked around him and that is why he always smelled like it.
    Sorry he did that to you, but congratz on your achivement. Quitting smoking is a very big deal. Well done. ☺
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    I started smoking when I was 14. Smoked until I was 20. When my dad got lung cancer... and whole year of watching him suffering, chemo, gasping for air, coughing up blood, and being on oxygen, and eventually dying, I quit cold turkey. It changed my life completely. I will never smoke again. It's been 10 years now. Being around smokers is horrible. My mom and sister still smoke which baffles me- especially now that it's $6 a pack and they complain about being broke. whatev. and i don't know if i can handle watching them go through the same thing my dad did. :(
    That must have been tough to deal with. I am scared that is what I will have to go through with both my parents as they are smokers. It is a horrible fate they are putting themselves in. And not to mention the children who have to watch them suffer. I know it is hard to quit. But I wish people would realize what they are doing to other people as well.
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    I've been a non smoker for 6 years now. Me and my partner quit cold turkey together and I thought it was the gretest thing ever! Until last year I found out he was lying to me for 5 years straight saying he quit but he was smoking behind my back. Everyone knew except me. Even my dad knew! Talk about losing trust in someone. He lied to me EVERY DAY fort 5 years....straight to my face. It makes me wonder what else he is lying about. Oh well, what can you do. At least I quit and feel GREAT!!!!!!
    He did pretty good if you could not smell it on him at all (ever).... I smell 'that' smell in a heartbeat.
    Actually I smelled it all of the time. HIs excuse was he worked in a machine shop where everyone smoked around him and that is why he always smelled like it.
    Sorry he did that to you, but congratz on your achivement. Quitting smoking is a very big deal. Well done. ☺
    Yeah I'm over it now I guess.