Anyone doing Supreme 90 day workout?

I just started the Supreme 90 Day workout. I'm on day two. I haven't the slightest idea how to log the calories I've burned or even how to figure it out in the first place. There isn't like an average in the manual. Not at least that I have seen. Is anyone else doing it and how are you keeping track? Keep in mind I don't have the 30$ right now for a heart rate monitor.


  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    I'm 5'11", 150#, female, 44yrs. I get 140-160 cal for most of them. Tabata and Cardio Challenge, a bit more, say around 185-200. Hope this helps.
  • DarkOctoberNight
    DarkOctoberNight Posts: 111 Member
    Heh thanks so much. I'll prob. take away a few calories from that. I weight about the same, but you are a lot taller then I am heh. Thanks again!!
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    I've been doing it. Today is Day 83...YAY!

    I use a HRM and would strongly suggest you invest in one if you don't use one. Then I "create" exercise in MFP and put in my time/calories burned. You can't reallyn2 use what others get because you may burn more or less. I burn about 300 on tabata/cardio challenge. And the others vary from 150-200. You may get a lot more or less than me or someone else doing the same program at the same intensity. If you can't afford up! So worth having one!

    It's a great program! I have lost an inch a month off things. Lbs are only about 15, but I can see big changes in how much leaner I'm getting. Lbs don't tell the whole story. I started in size 16 and am now needing some 12's.

    Good luck! If you have any other questions, feel free to message me!
  • DarkOctoberNight
    DarkOctoberNight Posts: 111 Member
    I'm unemployed soon as I get a job I really should get a HRM. I hope it's not going to hinder me if I don't eat back all calories burned.
  • raiderred82
    raiderred82 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi!! I have been wondering the SAME thing and have searched for an answer! AND I use myfitnesspal!!! Love both!! I did the 90 Day all the way to Day 72 and slacked off. Stick to the workout and I PROMISE you will see results. I would suggest not pushing til you feel like you are going to throw up! I did and my children freaked out! They all 3 workout also. My youngest daughter gradutated from Texas Tech Univerity in the area so I consult her alot. She qualifies as a Traniner. I am an ALL nothing person so I deal with that in all areas of my life! I am 53 years old and 5'3". My weight is 133 now. But I was down to 120 on day 72. Remember muscle weighs more than fat so your weight may decrease slowly. I am adding the elipitcal now and a new gym in Fu sebruary when it is completed. Variety is important for your body and mind!!! I love working out at home---- attire is NOT an issue! Thank you for posting! It made me feel good that we are on the same page and I am not alone! I did legs today and was trying to calculate calories burned. Good Luck! If you skip a week on 90 Day-- just pick up where you left off. I started over like 3 times and felt mentally stoic. LOL
  • raiderred82
    raiderred82 Posts: 3 Member
    You go girl!!!! BE PROUD!! Wear those clothes you would have never warn before!
  • raiderred82
    raiderred82 Posts: 3 Member
    Congradulations! I got to day 67 or so and fell off! Now after 2 months off of this program, I am starting over. I think this program is AMAZING and very inexpensive! I was more successful when a buddy of mine was doing 90 Day also even though we were on diffternt days!
    What are your plans for working out now?
  • Lifelearner
    Lifelearner Posts: 6 Member
    This site may help with Supreme 90 Day calorie calculations: It will take some time to research each exercise, but you only have to do it once.
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    Thanks. I just started (Day 5 today) and I had no idea how to post it.
  • Kgammon82
    Kgammon82 Posts: 2
    Hi all! I am so glad I found this conversation. I was trying to find out how to count the calories as well. I bought the dvd's several months ago. I would start and stop and have to start over again. Now I mix up the dvd's with zumba and my treadmill, and I am finally starting to see results. It was really using mfp, tho, that really changed things for me. I had np idea I was eating so much!
    Well I just wanted to say hi, Good luck everyone!
  • KarmaZen7
    KarmaZen7 Posts: 16
    I just started it this week. Do you suggest adding cardio to this program?
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    I don't know if you have to. I always feel like I have run a marathon after. The feeling of "I just want to die!!!! How much longer???????" happens almost every time. :ohwell:
  • lizbethlorayne
    I just purchased the Supreme 90 videos and I want to start doing them and Zumba combined. But I don't know if it will help me? I'm a big girl, 275 and I want to lose 100 pounds but every website I've looked at for the videos people were already simi-in shape, they just wanted muscle gain. I want to LOSE weight, will the 90 day plan help me?
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    I am definitly not an expert, but I have discovered that the more muscle I have the faster I lose weight. I feel better too. I just do the workouts to the best of my ability and go from there. I am seeing a difference even though I am not doing them perfectly and I am not always able to do everything.

    If you do just one "right" thing at a time and take baby steps you will get there.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Lizbeth, I did Supreme 90 last summer (got to day 60 and then I had to stop for surgery). I have no idea if I lost weight because I refused to step on the scale, but I did lose a jeans size or 2. That's pretty good considering I was a decent shape to begin with.

    Workouts 1 + 2 are lame. I gave up on the ultimate ball one and just did Jillian's 6 week 6 pack on that day. I nearly broke my knee cap slipping off the ball and onto the hardwood floor. The exercises in that dvd were not worth the risk of injury.

    I found the program worked well if I added in a speed walk a few nights/week. I didn't think there was enough cardio for weight loss.
  • Cinnamon45
    Cinnamon45 Posts: 22
    I just finished day 20, tomorrow is day 21 rest day. I changed the program to have Sundays as rest. I also workout with a trainer two times a week. My trainer just makes my workout based on what video I am on. I love this program, it is the only thing I have consistently done, now three weeks down. I like that the videos are short, but I sometimes need to pause them to finish a set if the people are already done.
  • joan111582
    joan111582 Posts: 21 Member
    Has anyone found the DVDs recently in stores? I've looked around but haven't had luck and I'd rather not order them online if I can help it. I know some have had luck at Ross and Big Lots but it sounds like that was a few years ago.

    I'd love to get them and join you!
  • alexnguyen78665
    alexnguyen78665 Posts: 59 Member
    They were a close out item, hence why they were sold at such a cut rate at places like Big Lots. The set isn't manufactured any more, so online from Amazon or Ebay is the only avenue left unless you run across an old set here and there.

    I have a set purchased off Ebay for $24 shipped. I plan to start it in August. It looks very thorough.
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    I'm waiting to start next year. Hopefully I will have dropped a lot more weight by then. I wish more companies would come out with cost effective 60 / 90 day systems with eight to 10 discs for $50 or less.
  • alexnguyen78665
    alexnguyen78665 Posts: 59 Member
    There are lots of free workouts, even 'programs' on Youtube and the internet in general like

    If you really want it on DVD, there's the Weider X-Factor ST set that sells for about $40. I've thought about picking it up in a few months, but I really have plenty to keep busy with right now.