Ladies Help!! Trouble with the birth control.... :(

So I have heard over and over again how birth control makes you gain weight or makes it impossible to lose it. I didnt believe it until I started trying to lose weight. I cut out my sodas and junk food and started eating green green GREEN!! I have slowly been cutting out my breads and sugars as well. I've drank almost nothing but water everyday, all day. This has been my habit for almost three weeks now..... What do I get? NOTHING. Not a pound lost. I have been on BC for over a year now and I am freakin out that I wont be able to lose weight. Can some of my ladies help me out here? Any tricks or experience with this delima? All comments are welcome! Thank you :)


  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    First and foremost, medications do not make you gain or lose weight. They make have an influence on how your body handles weight loss or gain but that doesn't mean it is impossible to lose. Second, It depends on what you are on. My doctor put me on orthotricyclen in the spring and the weight started falling off with diet and exercise*. I was on nothing prior to that. The only one I've really heard about major weight gain was the the depo shot. My friend gained 45 lbs in the last year but she also drinks and eats terribly.

    What are your work out habits like? Just because the scale dopesn't move doesn't mean you aren't losing in inches..
  • Hj723
    Hj723 Posts: 141 Member
    It all depends on the birth control. Stay with it. It'll happen. I've been on Birth control for about 4 years now and I've been having problems losing weight but I'm sure it has nothing to do with my birth control. Speak with your doctor about it. They should know better than most.
  • savannahgro
    savannahgro Posts: 113 Member
    I've been on BC for a little over a year and lost 16 pounds in about 3 months. It can happen!
  • Colleen_OBrien
    Colleen_OBrien Posts: 6 Member
    When I was on BC I gained weight! As soon as I got off of it I lost 10lbs like THAT! I won't go on it again because I gain weight..
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    I have heard that before but I've been on BC since Jan 08 and I still have lost. I don't know, it may definitely slow you down, but my experience says it's completely doable. I've been on MFP since June of this year and I have lost about 8lbs since.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    i dont think this is correct either. I've been on and off BC for awhile... This last on phase has been two years now. And I have lost and gaine weight per my eating/exercising habits, not due to being on or off BC.

    If you're concerned about your eating... see a nutrionist, maybe you're not feeding your body what it needs to sustain your lifestyle.
  • BC has had diffferent effects on me. From losing to gaining to flat lining my weight.

    Paraguard IUD <~~ No hormones/No Medication...look into it!
  • nikkicarter13
    nikkicarter13 Posts: 231 Member
    I have been on BC for 12+ years. Over that time I have managed to lose ~70lbs and maintain for a while now. I was looking at your diary and I noticed a few things. doesn't look like you are eating enough. You need to consume at least 1200 net calories a day. I suggest eating more, consuming less than 1200 net could make your body go into starvation mode.

    Second...I didn't notice if you are exercising or not. If you aren't try incorporating some physical activity in to your routine everyday. Walking, biking, whatever you like! Doesn't have to be for a long time, starting with 30 minutes a day will help.
  • You probably need to give it more time if you have only been logging for 1 week. Try eating at least 1200 calories every day and keep in mind your weight may vary up to 3 lbs daily. Just be consistant weighing and logging. I weigh in every Thursday morning immediately after waking up right after using the bathroom. I have been on depo since December and have still lost 57 lbs, so try not to give too much credit to the whole birth control thing.
  • ConnieM20
    ConnieM20 Posts: 493 Member
    it doesnt stop your weight loss. you may need to exercise as well as eat healthy. i lost over ten pounds while on BC, so it is possible. dont give up!
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    I have been on birth control forever as well as other medications and I have never gained weigh bc of itt. U said you havent lost anything in 3 weeks. Did you just start MFP cuz that is normal. I suggest switching up your workouts and upping your calories and completely losing drinks besides water. I think that is just an excuse that birth control is making u gain weight. I may be wrong. If u just started taking it, it may.. but u said you have been on it for a year. Try something new and if nothing changes, talk to your doctor. Good luck.
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Also, I quickly glanced at your diary and I think you could really benefit from eating ALL your calories and tracking your sodium :)
  • Jenny56dreams
    Jenny56dreams Posts: 147 Member
    I use that! Paraguard IUD! It's awesome :tongue:
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    I actually just went off my BC this week b/c I see no point in adding extra hormones into my body..
  • It's not by any means a smart idea to go off of your birth control. Especially if you need it for medical reasons (example: PCOS)! I've only had issues with weight gain when I was taking the Depo-Provera shot. I went from 115, to 145 pounds, and did not lose any of it until I went off of the shot! I have since been taking a waaaay cheaper method of birth control known as Tri-Sprintec. It is $9 from the Walmart pharmacy, and I have had no issues with it when it comes to weight loss. I've gone from 135 to 125 pounds, after struggling for many years with weight loss since dropping the initial 10 pounds. It can happen! If you think it's the meds, ask to be switched! If that doesn't help, talk to your doctor about the issues you are having. It could very well be something else.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    The most recent study I heard about (a couple weeks ago) said it has nothing to do with gaining or losing weight.
  • Thank you so much ladies for all your feed back. I work as a waitress and am always on my feet. I havent been excercising because I'm either at school or work. I am going to start to try and run three days a week with strength two days. I think maybe its all in my head o.o I will definitely try an eat all my calories and watch the sodium. Thanks for all the good advice!
  • Unfortunately I haven't been able to work out due to my school and work schedule. I am making an effort to start this week by running 3 times a week for an hour and doing strength and weights 2 times a week. It should at least give me some excercise for the week!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    I actually just went off my BC this week b/c I see no point in adding extra hormones into my body..

    this is such a good point... but did you know that fat produces estrogen.... i actually had to go back on BC to regulate again due to the hormones in my body not playing well with each other.

    So if you don't already have enough of a reason to lose weight.. there's an additional one.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    When I started birth control, I gained almost 30 pounds in about 3 months. after using the Nuvaring for a year, I switched birth control about 6 months ago (from Nuvaring to Junel Fe) and did not notice any difference at all.

    Now that I am actively trying to exercise and eat healthy, I am VERY SLOWLY losing weight, but I can tell you that it is MUCH slower than my weight has come off in the past. For instance, this past week has been a good one for me food-wise, but I've lost a whopping 0.2 lbs. It's VERY frustrating.

    I may stop taking it altogether in a couple months... it's just not worth all the side effects (in addition to the weight-related ones, I've had other side effects as well).