Really getting disheartened!!!!!!!!!!!



  • Widdy1961
    Widdy1961 Posts: 100 Member
    one more thing I read, that if you realize your calories have been too low, add them gradually 100 every couple of days so your body can adjust. You want your metabolism to adjust to using the extra calories, so by increasing gradually, your metabolism doesn't get shock therapy, and doesn't just want to store all the extra (leading to an initial weight gain). Hope it all helps, I find it much easier to stick with eating a reasonable amount of food and not starving myself. My dh wouldn't beleive me that he needed to increase his calories, when I finally convinced him to eat more, and eat regularly, he took off 10 pounds in about 1.5 months without changing anything other than increasing his calories. It it hard to change the mindset that has been drilled into our head all our lives of the 1200 calorie myth, but it is doable and it works.

    Been a great help thank you.

    I am the same as your Hubby........I cannot get my head around eating MORE to LOSE weight, it goes against logical thinking.

    I have upped my intake initially from 1400 to 1550 and upped my workouts too (adding in the extra cals), I will use this cal figure for 7 days then up another 100 for a further 7 days and finally increase to my RECOMMENDED cals after 3 weeks...........

    Thanks again

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