Really getting disheartened!!!!!!!!!!!



  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I'm not sure if someone already said this (didn't read all the replies)

    But I thought men had to eat much more than women did. I thought i remembered seeing men shouldn't drop down below 1800 cals a day. If I'm wrong, someone please shut me up. :tongue: :flowerforyou:
  • Coach2010
    Coach2010 Posts: 209
    Hang in there Bro. We're almost in the same spot...I've been stuck in 212 - 225 lbs. forever and a day.

    I've always found it difficult to maintain weight loss during the Winter months. The question I wanted to ask is, are you walking indoors or outdoors. (Note: there's an observation that even though swimmers burn more calories than walkers [240/30min vs. 210/30min], they appear to hold onto body fat longer).

    I mentioned being in the same spot...I just finished some initial homework on calorie burning workouts. I only have the raw numbers, but here's something for your consideration:

    Activity Calorie Burn Estimate
    Jog 13 cals / min
    Swimming 240 cals / 30 min
    Walking 210 cals / 30 min
    Bikram Yoga 680 cals / 60 mins
    Weights 430 cals / 60 mins
    Bootcamp Aero. 650 cals / 45 mins
    Dancing ~ Aero. 600 cals / 45 mins
    Gardening 300 cals / 60 mins
    House cleaning 250 cals / 60 mins
    Spinning 300 cals / 30 mins
    TaeBo 11 cals / min
    Aerobics 6 cals / min

    Based on these numbers, I may want to add TaeBo & Bikram Yoga (hot yoga), to my regimen. :happy:
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I would up your calories. I bet that's the problem. Also don't forget your water.

  • Widdy1961
    Widdy1961 Posts: 100 Member
    Hang in there Bro. We're almost in the same spot...I've been stuck in 212 - 225 lbs. forever and a day.

    I've always found it difficult to maintain weight loss during the Winter months. The question I wanted to ask is, are you walking indoors or outdoors. (Note: there's an observation that even though swimmers burn more calories than walkers [240/30min vs. 210/30min], they appear to hold onto body fat longer).

    I mentioned being in the same spot...I just finished some initial homework on calorie burning workouts. I only have the raw numbers, but here's something for your consideration:

    Activity Calorie Burn Estimate
    Jog 13 cals / min
    Swimming 240 cals / 30 min
    Walking 210 cals / 30 min
    Bikram Yoga 680 cals / 60 mins
    Weights 430 cals / 60 mins
    Bootcamp Aero. 650 cals / 45 mins
    Dancing ~ Aero. 600 cals / 45 mins
    Gardening 300 cals / 60 mins
    House cleaning 250 cals / 60 mins
    Spinning 300 cals / 30 mins
    TaeBo 11 cals / min
    Aerobics 6 cals / min

    Based on these numbers, I may want to add TaeBo & Bikram Yoga (hot yoga), to my regimen. :happy:

    Hi CoachLou

    I walk outdoors (when possible), usually weekends at this time of year due to the weather and darkness.........when it is not possible to get out, I have a static cycle which I use (indoors obviously).

    Hey allaboutme.........done some checking too (as you have done) and see that you are completely correct regards calorie intake.................according to some other sites, I should be eating 1760 cals for a normal fat loss and 1740 for an extreme fat loss (makes you think) and it looks like this is the reason for my problems..........................noted by quite a few members on here.

    I have upped my intake to 1750 cals and have also started doing a little strength training, along with the 5, 10, 15 as suggested by khsundstrom too.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member

    When I first started on MFP I did great, losing over 6lbs in the first week or two, I continued to lose weight steadily (although being on Insulin made it a little more difficult) and was down to 212lbs from 225 by the time I went away on Hols to Florida.

    I then 'drifted' from my calorie plan and rose back to 218lbs, at which point I got back on here, trouble is I now cannot seem to lose weight, I am yo yo'ing between 220lbs and 217lbs, I cannot seem to fall below 217lbs and do not rise above 220lbs.

    I do not do 'strength' training and prefer to walk 2 or 3 miles per day (weather permitting over here in the UK), I always try to take up my full calorie intake (1,400 per day) but to no avail.

    It's getting so disheartening now.

    Help!.......have any of you experienced this or know why it is?...........even better if someone knows how to overcome this.

    3 Months of losing nothing aint' amusing.

    *EDIT* I am also off to Florida again in 6 weeks

    Hi! I noticed that you are on Insulin for diabetes? Has your Diabetic Endocrinologist talked to you about limiting your carbs and upping your fat intake?

    I have lost 23 pounds in 2 weeks starting Atkins at Phase 1. I am doing a complete lifestyle change and by the time I get to maintenance I will be eating only healthy, healthy carbs......................................

    I am going grocery shopping between tonight and Sunday to get my goodies to start Phase 2 of Atkins. I will be adding in more veggies that are a little higher on the carb ladder as well as start adding in nuts, seeds, and berries.......................

    If you are interested, please feel free to message me and I will assist you in any way possible!!!

    By the way, I don't count calories, fat grams, etc...............I only count carbs and right now I do that very loosely too. I am eating mostly green leafy vegetables and salads along with high quality protein, so the carbs in those veggies are pretty small anyway!!!
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I agree with LeanLioness, you should talk to your doctors about the proper nutrition and caloric levels to support your weight loss without impacting your insulin levels. I've talked to a number of people with diabetes and they do tend to struggle more with weight loss becasue of their special dietary needs. I doubt any of us are really qualified to offer advice.
  • Widdy1961
    Widdy1961 Posts: 100 Member
    I agree with LeanLioness, you should talk to your doctors about the proper nutrition and caloric levels to support your weight loss without impacting your insulin levels. I've talked to a number of people with diabetes and they do tend to struggle more with weight loss becasue of their special dietary needs. I doubt any of us are really qualified to offer advice.


    I have regular Diabetic 'Check Ups' (once every 3 Months) and the Nutrition info I am given matches what I eat, in fact, since starting on MFP I have more than halved my Insulin Meds, so am heading in the right direction.

    My Blood Sugars have been very stable too (I check them twice a day, every day)

    My original query was, why I had all of a sudden started gaining weight (or not losing), although I had not really changed anything I was doing or eating.

    I do realise the importance of keeping my Diet 'Diabetically' Healthy, although I understand that in the UK things are a little different than they are in the US regards Diabetic treatment. and sometimes contradict each other.

    My Diabetic Nurse could only say 'more exercise' when I asked her why I was gaining weight.......:ohwell:

  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I agree with LeanLioness, you should talk to your doctors about the proper nutrition and caloric levels to support your weight loss without impacting your insulin levels. I've talked to a number of people with diabetes and they do tend to struggle more with weight loss becasue of their special dietary needs. I doubt any of us are really qualified to offer advice.


    I have regular Diabetic 'Check Ups' (once every 3 Months) and the Nutrition info I am given matches what I eat, in fact, since starting on MFP I have more than halved my Insulin Meds, so am heading in the right direction.

    My Blood Sugars have been very stable too (I check them twice a day, every day)

    My original query was, why I had all of a sudden started gaining weight (or not losing), although I had not really changed anything I was doing or eating.

    I do realise the importance of keeping my Diet 'Diabetically' Healthy, although I understand that in the UK things are a little different than they are in the US regards Diabetic treatment. and sometimes contradict each other.

    My Diabetic Nurse could only say 'more exercise' when I asked her why I was gaining weight.......:ohwell:


    My Dr preaches watching carbs, carbs, carbs.............

    I have gotten off shots after 2 weeks. I am only taking 2000mg of Metformin now to control my diabetes.......

    I get my carbs from veggies right now, NO grains or fruit. I will be adding in strawberries this weekend though, which are the lowest on the glycenic index.

    My triglycerides were over 200 and that is from fruit and grains..........which for a diabetic in moderate quantities are HIGH carb limits and a recipe for disaster...........
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    I agree with LeanLioness, you should talk to your doctors about the proper nutrition and caloric levels to support your weight loss without impacting your insulin levels. I've talked to a number of people with diabetes and they do tend to struggle more with weight loss becasue of their special dietary needs. I doubt any of us are really qualified to offer advice.


    I have regular Diabetic 'Check Ups' (once every 3 Months) and the Nutrition info I am given matches what I eat, in fact, since starting on MFP I have more than halved my Insulin Meds, so am heading in the right direction.

    My Blood Sugars have been very stable too (I check them twice a day, every day)

    My original query was, why I had all of a sudden started gaining weight (or not losing), although I had not really changed anything I was doing or eating.

    I do realise the importance of keeping my Diet 'Diabetically' Healthy, although I understand that in the UK things are a little different than they are in the US regards Diabetic treatment. and sometimes contradict each other.

    My Diabetic Nurse could only say 'more exercise' when I asked her why I was gaining weight.......:ohwell:


    So your question was answered, your body pleateaued and refused to budge cause you weren't feeding it enough.

    the body definitely has a mind of its own :laugh:
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    one more thing I read, that if you realize your calories have been too low, add them gradually 100 every couple of days so your body can adjust. You want your metabolism to adjust to using the extra calories, so by increasing gradually, your metabolism doesn't get shock therapy, and doesn't just want to store all the extra (leading to an initial weight gain). Hope it all helps, I find it much easier to stick with eating a reasonable amount of food and not starving myself. My dh wouldn't beleive me that he needed to increase his calories, when I finally convinced him to eat more, and eat regularly, he took off 10 pounds in about 1.5 months without changing anything other than increasing his calories. It it hard to change the mindset that has been drilled into our head all our lives of the 1200 calorie myth, but it is doable and it works.
  • Widdy1961
    Widdy1961 Posts: 100 Member
    one more thing I read, that if you realize your calories have been too low, add them gradually 100 every couple of days so your body can adjust. You want your metabolism to adjust to using the extra calories, so by increasing gradually, your metabolism doesn't get shock therapy, and doesn't just want to store all the extra (leading to an initial weight gain). Hope it all helps, I find it much easier to stick with eating a reasonable amount of food and not starving myself. My dh wouldn't beleive me that he needed to increase his calories, when I finally convinced him to eat more, and eat regularly, he took off 10 pounds in about 1.5 months without changing anything other than increasing his calories. It it hard to change the mindset that has been drilled into our head all our lives of the 1200 calorie myth, but it is doable and it works.

    Been a great help thank you.

    I am the same as your Hubby........I cannot get my head around eating MORE to LOSE weight, it goes against logical thinking.

    I have upped my intake initially from 1400 to 1550 and upped my workouts too (adding in the extra cals), I will use this cal figure for 7 days then up another 100 for a further 7 days and finally increase to my RECOMMENDED cals after 3 weeks...........

    Thanks again
