How Did You Pick Your Goal Weight?

Hey Guys,

I set a weight of 135 lbs as my goal weight, the last time I remember weighting that was in 2004, however, I do remember in 2006 weighting 142 (fully clothed) and I was actually hott... I can imagine 138-142 is a great weight for me, but being that I am lifting weights and doing cardio, I may be super fit at 145 too, I guess we'll wait and see...

My question is how did you all set your goal weights?


  • KazziaLlewellynn
    KazziaLlewellynn Posts: 127 Member
    I picked a weight I knew to be a healthy weight for me. I have no plans to be skinny, I settle for healthy.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Totally at random. I had a pair of jeans I wanted to fit in again because I remembered being happy with my size when I wore them. But when I joined MFP it made me put a goal so I put one. I've changed it since fitting in the jeans. I think I have 6 lbs to go before I meet the new one, which I guess is really my second goal.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I started at 230 on Memorial Day and have lost 29 pounds.
    I have a mini goal of 180, but no ultimate goal yet. I'm 61 and I'm waiting to see how far I can go. In January I become part and I'll have more time to spend in the gym. That could change things.
  • LizDHarris
    LizDHarris Posts: 42 Member
    I used a weight that I knew would get me on the right tracks in a reasonable time (10lbs in 6 weeks) - I need to see results to keep my will power. Once I achieved that and felt I could stick at it I reduced my goal further, using the same principle. I'm now on my 3rd goal and have been going since 1st April. Good luck.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I picked about half the weight I need to lose (sorry). I'll fix it when I'm almost there! I just need to see the butterfly on the ticker move and see myself clearly make progress.
    I know. Not going to help you figure your goal weight out, is it?
  • Ashley121205
    Ashley121205 Posts: 131 Member
    My goal weight is not set in stone. But, a healthy BMI for me would be around 145 pounds. I really just want to feel comfortable in my own skin again and I'm getting there :)
  • jwwfit
    I picked a weight that I remembered being happy at and decided to go for it :-)
  • dieseljay74
    Random here too.....I thought I would be lean at actually took me getting to 185 to do it!
  • ahmpierce1
    ahmpierce1 Posts: 221 Member
    Funny, my goal weight is also 135, which was my skinniest, back in 2004 also. I remember looking in the mirror at this weight and being satisfied with what I saw. I would like to get back down to this, but anything between 135-145 would be fine for me!
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    I just put a weight that i liked the sound of! I will probably want to set a different goal once i get there but i'm mostly going on how my clothes feel and i'll be happy once i get down to a size 12
  • suz74
    suz74 Posts: 77 Member
    I went for a healthy BMI (not that it's a great guide, but a starting point), somewhere right in the middle of normal weight, about 21.5. Now I'm there I like it! good luck with your journey :smile:
  • ConnieSG
    I picked a goal weight from BMI. I couldn't see myself going down to the lowest weight which was allowed, but I knew I wanted to be lower than the highest weight
  • R_Meena6891
    I went with a healthy weight which the doctor set for me which was 145-148ish. It takes me out of the over-weight area and into the healthy area and all in all I know that that is a comfortable weight and also a happy weight for me.

  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    Picked a weight I knew I'd been at before...that's probably what most of us should do, as long as you're not someone who has always been overweight. Better to go for a weight where we know we were healthy, rather than trying to fit into some range that some tool says we should be in.
  • lucylou9701
    I really just want to get to a point where i know all the fat is gone and then i can do toning i really want a bikini body :)
  • SaundraU
    Talked to a nutritionist and Army wieght goal requirements
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Hey Guys,

    I set a weight of 135 lbs as my goal weight, the last time I remember weighting that was in 2004, however, I do remember in 2006 weighting 142 (fully clothed) and I was actually hott... I can imagine 138-142 is a great weight for me, but being that I am lifting weights and doing cardio, I may be super fit at 145 too, I guess we'll wait and see...

    My question is how did you all set your goal weights?

    How I determined My Goal Weight:
    I took My lowest weight as an Adult minus My Present Age = That Ain't Happening;
    SOO I took My Highest Weight as an Adult - My Then Age + What I Know would get Me Healthy + What I COULD/Maintain + Incorporating Some Good Eating Habits = GOAL WEIGHT.

    Hope THIS Helps a LOT!
  • Rozzymoo
    I want to be skinny and I know I can be skinny and healthy. So, I picked my goal weight as just a little lower than I know I used to be when I was comfortably fitting in my clothes.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I picked 130 pounds, because that was what I weighed when I was with the dance company doing 5-hour-per-day dance rehearsals. Slim and muscular.
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    I am 5'8 5'9 ish My goal is 140 when i was 125 ( the bottom of my healthy weight range) people used to ask if i was anorexic but at 159 (a long time ago) i was still chunky so i shot for the middle of that.
    But we will see when i get there