Treadmill vs elliptical ... but my knee hurts :(



  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I have bad knees and ankles and running actually makes them feel better and the elliptical makes them feel worse. So I just listen to my body and avoid the elliptical as much as I can.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I had knee problems, too, and the doc sent me to a physical therapist. He said if I strengthened the muscles around the knee, it would improve (he was right!). He gave me several exercises to do, but the best one was to lay on my back with my knees up. Straighten one leg, flex your foot, and raise your leg toward the ceiling SLOWLY and lower it back down. At first, I could only do about 5 on each leg, but as I got stronger and could do more, I noticed the pain in my knee going away, too.

    A trip to an orthopedic doctor and a possible referral to PT are definitely a good idea. The doc can take xrays and determine if there is any kind of injury. If not, he can refer you to a PT for strengthening. It's worth the expense if it helps you feel better!
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    try biking, even if it is riding a stationary bike it is less impact than the treadmill or elliptical
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Ow. You might need to see a doctor about that knee. Did you sprain it or anything?

    I have ankle and knee pain that stem from having flat feet. I tried running before and it caused a lot of problems. I had an elliptical machine for a while, but I found it painful to get started, too. Then I tried the recumbent bike and hated it because my butt would fall asleep and it hurt my back. I have a stationary bike that is MUCH better for my joints. I used to HATE cardio until I got the stationary bike. I'm sure that the elliptical is better for me but I have cold/wet days where it hurts just to wake up.

    If you're gonna invest in a machine at home, maybe you can try it out at a gym first. And definitely listen to your body.
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    My knees crunch all the time too. I cannot do the tredmill at all, kills my knees. I use the elliptical on low resistance. If I have sore knees the next day I get in the pool and that helps a lot.
  • JaenaM
    JaenaM Posts: 251 Member
    Wearing my HRM the past couple weeks has shown me that I really burn about the same on any machine I use. I say stick to the one you like!
  • Babrao
    Babrao Posts: 152 Member
    I used to DREAD the Elliptical, I could only do like 10 or 15 minutes IN PAIN. My feet would burn, my theighs would ache and my lower back would kill me!!! I started doing other exercises and once I got in better shape and lost weight going on the Elliptical is great! I now do 35-45 minutes and that includes like 5-10 mins backwards. I can see the great improvement in my ability and the problems that the extra weight and being very out of shape caused me. I would say that you should concentrate on what feels comfortable right now and once you get in a better place physically, try it out again!! Good Luck :)
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    There are tons of tips online about eccentric training to strengthen the knee and promote healing. Definitely get check out, but also try reading up on this.

    Here's a start...
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I have had a lot o knee problems. I have been to the podiatrist, and to the orthopedic surgeon. Good shoes are top of their list, and not just any good shoes, but ones that fit your particular joint geometry.

    For some it the use of the joint, others the knee pounding from hard roads, or cheap sneakers. If you are having a chronic problem, I suggest seeing someone. I finally had an MRI and all the "guessings" done by the other was wrong, and it turned out to be a fracture!

    Sometimes knee strength can help if there is good cushion left in the knee. Other times no matter what you do, it's game over without surgery. Again, a qualified opinion is best. Some knees respond to icing after a workout, and other respond to heat. It depends on the type of inflammation that is causing the problem. The biggest problem for folks that have been sedentary for a long time is foot and knee injuries from overuse, and inclines whether up (affecting the foot) or down (affecting the knee).
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    The elliptical isn't any better than the treadmill, it's just different. It's generally designed for those who are looking for a good burn, while staying low impact. If your knee bothers you, I would recommend seeing a doctor and staying off of the elliptical. Perhaps the doctor could recommend treatment that would help your knee and allow you to use the elliptical down the road. Have you tried a bike? Does that hurt your knee?