I put myself down.

I put myself down - because I'm too heavy to hold? No, that's not it.

I put myself down - with criticism? No, that's not it, either.

I put myself down, on here, as having a sedentary life style. However, I do take a LOT of exercise, including working as an Assistant Instructor in an Outdoor Education Centre one day a week and knocking out 10-12 miles in the hills once a week. Most other days I walk (3.5mph) or run the trails for at least 30 minutes plus, almost every day, I add some other exercise like pilates or lifting weights or biking or outcrop/indoor wall climbing.

I am also, by nature, a fruit and vegetable eater. Not vegetarian, I just eat lots of fruit and vegetables; fruit raw and veg, usually steamed or rapidly stir-fried. My protein is poultry, eggs and dairy products. Some ham.

As I sit here, writing this, I AM FULL from my evening meal. And about 500 calories under the recommended. I don't think I can eat any more. Of course I could run over my daily recommended amounts if I ate cake, ice-cream, biscuits etc. etc. but the fact is, I usually don't want to. MFP's "Suggested Goals" announce that "the more you exercise, the more you can eat!" (as if this were a good thing). I really can't eat any more today!

I put on the extra 14 pounds I don't need during an injury/recovery period earlier this year, when I could barely walk (crutches) and could NOT exercise, except on a static bike. My "fighting weight" is 139pounds; I know this and I want to get back to it.

Two questions: should I, do you think, alter my log-in details away from Sedentary to – well, something a bit more active? And what suggestions do you have for increasing my calorie intake in ways that would NOT leave me feeling over-full? At the moment, I eat what I like to eat and I don't go around feeling hungry. I'm on track to lose up to one pound a week.

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • crux
    crux Posts: 454 Member
    If you have a way of tracking the calories burned when you exercise then leave at sedentary and add the calories manually. It's the most accurate way. Other wise maybe change to more active...

    As for filling the calorie gaps, nuts and seeds can make up a gap in a hurry for not too much volume :)
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    I would add nuts and or peanut butter. A little can add up to a lot of cals. Add extra to each meal spread out through the day.
  • angelew
    angelew Posts: 133 Member
    I would think of lifestyle description as having to do with your type of employment or daily activities....apart from your daily exercise. Think of them as two different things. Sounds like you get lots of exercise and only put on weight because of an injury which interrupted your lifestyle. I would leave the daily calorie deficit alone- don't ever eat if you are not hungry. Sounds like you eat healthy, whole foods which are naturally lower in calories and full of nutrition. I think you'll get your wight off in no time.