I'm just eating, eating and eating... what can I do?

Hi everyone!

I'm really new here, jost joined a week ago.
First of all sorry about my english I'm not fluent, because I'm from Hungary.

Since I moved to England (july 2011), I'm just eating all evening. I'm working in daytime but in the afternoon when I'm not working I'm so bored and eating. Like muffins, cereals, pancekes.....

At home I had a very busy life, I played handball 4 times a week and I just went to the swimming pool or just met some friends. And I did not have time to eat. At home I never have breakfast, just had lunch and just sometimes had dinner.
Here I'm working too, bur I'm very lonely. My co workers have different time table so I'm always alone in the evenings.
Because I had enough about my evening eating, I joined to the local gym, and I'm going there 3 times per week (I have a 50 mins spinning class every time)

All day I'm eating normal and healthy food, but after the class I always feel so hungry, so I just eat all the food in my fridge. And after I always fell so guilty.And I promis myself not to eat more next day.
I having a holiday in december, so till then I would like to loose some weight. But if I eat this much I wont :(
What can I do to not eat that much in the evening or after my class?

Thank you your answer !

I'm 180 cm (5' 11) tall and 74 kg (163lb) and 22 years old.


  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    To keep me under control with my eating, I promised myself I would put everything I ate in my food diary and make my diary public. It kept me in check when I was tempted by a large amount of food because I would ask myself if I really wanted everyone to see how much I ate. It would have been too embarrassing for me.