A Question For Single Women Only



  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    I go out on my own all the time! I really like being by myself sometimes. I am a very punctual person, and I LOVE being on my own schedule. I also can do what I want, when I want.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    yes, single and live alone. If I didn't do things alone, I'd never leave the house. Things I won't do alone? No. some things are more fun with a friend or a group but I've even gone camping alone if nobody else can or will go.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    yes, single and live alone. If I didn't do things alone, I'd never leave the house. Things I won't do alone? No. some things are more fun with a friend or a group but I've even gone camping alone if nobody else can or will go.
  • Do you go out alone?

    My favorite alone-time thing is to smuggle snacks and a flask into the theater and watch a chick-flick drunk. It's the only way these films go down easily.

  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    so i'm going to jump in on this. No i'm not single, but I am geographically single. So that just means I'm not looking for someone, but I dont have my partner to go out with me.

    So do you ever feel that others judge you when you go out alone? thats what keeps me from going places by myself. all my friends are married (since you know married couples gravitate to other married folks) or are single males and that just brings on a whole other set of feeling like i'm being judged.

    If anyone ever judged me for going out alone, that's their problem, not mine. I couldn't care less what anyone thought. If I want to see a movie none of my friends or family wants to see, I am not going to let what some stranger thinks of me being alone, stop me from going to see it.

    This is how I feel about it as well. I don't think I ever noticed if I was feeling judged in the past. I definitely don't now. People talk to me a lot, and I end up picking up "friends" all the time.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    When I was single, I did all kinds of things alone! I loved it! Throw on my headphones and just do whatever. One summer I had a season pass to the amusement park, and I'd go ride a few rides every afternoon. That was probably my favorite thing to do alone ever. Even though I'm engaged now, I still do things alone. I like to go to dinner alone some times (although I rarely go out at dinner any more), I prefer to shop alone, some times when the boyfriend is OOT for work I'll go to the park and just sit in the grass alone. (We have an awesome back yard, but sometimes I even need time away from the dogs!)

    Things I wouldn't do alone ... hmmm.. I probably wouldn't go to a dinner-date type place alone. Like Melting Pot or other romantic-y spots... that's stuff you just need a partner for.
  • FelizMi
    FelizMi Posts: 79 Member
    36 and technically single. I'm seeing someone and would like it to go further, but I don't know if he does, even though we get along perfectly. But we started seeing each other and agreed we weren't going to be in a relationship, (stupid, I know but I'm recently divorced and dating scares me because people are such liars, lol) but I don't think either of us expected that we would get along so well nor have so much in common. We are from different sides of the planet so to speak. But, what we have has worked for 9 months and we are exclusive, so I said if it ain't broke don't fix it.

    But anyway, no, other than grocery shopping or to work out, I don't really go anywhere by myself. But, at the same time I don't really go anywhere anyway but grocery shopping, working out, work, and stuff for the kids, or visit family.

    I'm not a club/party person, I don't drink, don't smoke. I don't really have female friends, never been the "bonding" type. A bit of a loner, lol. Aside from my kids, I could do without human contact for days, probably weeks or months, just give me some music and I'm good!

    I DO want to get into salsa dancing, but I don't have anyone to go with me and I'm definitely not going alone! So, anyone in the Indy area, let me know!

    I know that was more info that asked for lol, but :ohwell:
  • I've gone everywhere alone! From traveling for work to hopping in the car and driving across the country...I just <3 having adventures and I'm not willing to wait for a someone who may never appear to have a good time~

    I always figured the CCR song was right- someday never comes. Might as well have a great time in the now!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I'm 21. I have gone to the movies by myself before, and to dinner alone. I love people, but I will also not wait for people to join me on activities. If there is a movie I want to see and I have free time, I will go see it by myself. Doesn't bother me one bit. However, I wouldn't go to the bar by myself, because when I go I like to dance with my friends and hang out with them, not strangers.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I go shopping alone but that's it, the rest is just too depressing.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I kind of count, I am in a relationship.. But it's long distance and I don't know many where I live.

    I have NO problem eating by myself, going to a movie, or even going out and having a few drinks. I actually quite like it.
    It's peaceful and serene and I feel very independent.

    Oh, and I'm 32.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member

    I have no issues goin out alone & usually I do bc I either don't think about calling someone or I find myself w/o my daughter unexpectedly...
    I wouldn't go to a concert alone only bc its more fun with someone else. And I don't go to bars alone...one I'm not a big drinker & two it makes me nervous.
    Shopping I prefer to do alone in general...just easier and eating alone is something I've come to enjoy.
  • MissB0949
    MissB0949 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm 24 and I actually prefer to go to the movies by myself. I have eaten by myself a couple times. I almost always shop alone. Not interested in taking in a concert or hitting the bar solo but I think it would be interesting to take a vacation that way. Impressed by all of these independent ladies!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Just curious - why do you ask?
    I was thinking about this time that I was doing happy hour by myself, and these 3 old geezers came and asked me how old I was. They actually guessed correctly. I told them "you should really try to guess younger every time, fellas." And they laughed and said they guessed that I was that old based on my confidence about going out and drinking alone. They claimed that girls in their younger years tend to travel in packs. And then I saw one of my friends mention that "girls travel in packs" and I thought - "wait... I don't." And then I wondered if other women were like me or if these guys were right.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    I'm enjoying reading this thread. It's very encouraging. I'm 31 and am almost the only single girl left out of all my friends. I like the attitudes that most of you take to the subject. Very different from the one I've had about it!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Oh! Concerts! I prefer those alone. When I go to a show I like to hear the band and see them perform and people watch the crowd. When you go with someone else, inevitably they want to talk about stuff or go get drinks or maybe not stay through the whole set... I'm too much of a music fanatic to make concerts a social thing.

    Crap, what are those called? Zenofiles? Xenofiles? I forget, it's late.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Well I am a single mom of 1 and I don't go out. . not really avidly looking though. . so I guess that counts me out in this. . I figure if the Lord has someone for me. . it will happen~
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Not single anymore but used to be so... I was 26 at the time:

    Movies, gym, shopping, city trip to London (although I was meeting someone there), all done by myself.

    Bars, concerts, dinner: nope. I think I'd get bored pretty fast.

    Longer vacation: Didn't do it but why not? As long it's one of those backpacking trips where you meet tons of other backpackers.

    I'm going back to London in a few weeks with a friend. I'm a huge Doctor Who fan and she's not so I'm thinking of going to Doctor Who experience by myself. :)
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I'm 24, single and because I travel a lot for work, I'm also alone a lot. I actually prefer to fly and travel alone. I've been traveling my whole life so I have a whole system about it and for me it's much easier alone.

    I don't ever see movies in the theaters, so that's a non-issue for me. I do most of my shopping alone, I actually prefer it, unless I really need someone's opinion on something, but in general I'd rather so alone, much more efficient.

    In theory I wouldn't mind going to restaurants or bars or coffee shops alone, but in practice it's a real problem for me in certain cities. I really get hit on/harassed a lot and in some circumstances it makes me very nervous and uncomfortable. I particularly try to avoid any sort of public transportation alone late at night, I had a terrifying experience one night on the train with a truly creepy man.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I'm 29. I do stuff alone all the time because I'm in that weird stage of life where I'm single but most of my friends are either getting married or are already married and are starting to have kids, so their social interests aren't really what they used to be. I've gone to dinner alone many times, but, as someone else said, not at typical "date" spots. I go for coffee by myself a lot. I've never gone to the movies alone. I'm not opposed to it at all ... I actually think it makes a lot of sense because it's not like you're interacting with a friend when you're sitting in the dark for 2 hours anyway. I prefer to go shopping alone unless I'm looking for something in particular that I want to get an objective opinion on. I've never been on vacation alone, but I am planning to within the next year or two (whenever I can get more than a few days at a time off work). I've always wanted to do that.

    I would not go to a bar alone. Did it once while I was on a business trip in Chicago, and it apparently sent the message that I'm desperate and easy because about 10 different guys tried to pick me up during the half hour or so that I was there.

    I wouldn't go to concerts alone because I just can't imagine that being much fun (assuming we're talking about big, arena-type concerts and not like a blues or jazz club concert).