My first day...

Need some advice here... My first day on the road to a healthier me made me sick. By 11am I had a raging head ache, by 4pm I was vomiting (if I lost my lunch can i subtract those calories??? :wink:). Before starting this diet I was consuming about 3600 calories a day <cringe>, so I cut it in half. I didnt do anything stupid like cutting out caffeine, I still had my normal two cups of coffee with breakfast. For breakfast I actually ate more than normal, usually I just have a banana or two pieces of toast and then have lunch early ( breakfast at 7am and lunch at 11). I ate more for breakfast then tried pushing lunch back til 2pm, with a snack in the middle.

I guess what I'm wondering is if anyone else has had this problem and what they did to resolve it. What I'm considering is front loading my meal plan, eating more for breakfast and not pushing lunch back so far. Then eating lighter for dinner. I did stick to the calorie part but exercise is totally out of the question now considering how I feel.


  • JodyMalia
    Maybe try more smaller meals. I have been reading a book that suggests eating 3 meals and two snacks or perhaps 6 small meals.
  • daves160
    Maybe you just happen to be sick???
    Coincidences do happen.
  • sheenades0804
    sheenades0804 Posts: 52 Member
    I would suggest having snacks before lunch so there isn't this huge gap of being really hungry. I would make sure your drinking lots of water as well. I know it's really hard to do at first but you will get the hang of things. Dont give up and please add me we can do this together and stay strong!
  • countinonme
    Could you have picked up a flu bug? I hope not, but that's what it sounds like to me. I too new to be giving you solid advice. Hope you feel better!
  • daves160
    Maybe try more smaller meals. I have been reading a book that suggests eating 3 meals and two snacks or perhaps 6 small meals.

    That is what I do. Every 2-3 hours I am eating something.
  • Kandace_Riopel
    Kandace_Riopel Posts: 80 Member
    My gma had similar problems. Turns out when she cut calories it obviously cut her sugar intact. She is an insulin dependent diabetic and never decreased her insulin injections to accommodate the lower sugar intact. I'm not sure if you are diabetic or take insulin but I thought this tidbit might help if you are/do.
  • Naytahlee
    Naytahlee Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you all for the encouragement and advice. I am so happy that I found this place!

    Two doses of Excedrin later I did end up feeling well enough to take the dog out for a 10 minute walk, so thats something even though it wasnt what I planned. Tomorrow is another day. :happy:
  • curiouslyphantasmagorical
    i'm glad you ended up feeling better! I have no idea if this will help or do anything. but about a year ago my friend convinced me to stop eating all processed food and to only eat fruits and veggies. A diet that he maintains. I tried just for funzies for a little bit and felt AWFUL. I tried all kinds of medicine and finally while complaining to my boss one day she said to go home and eat carbs. at this point i was up for trying anything and almost immediately felt better. I'm not saying to only eat carbs. lol. but simply that sometimes when you switch diets it can shock your body and you feel sick. so if thats it then its nothing to be concerned about. just switch everything over slowly. i hope today is awesome though. :-)