Late Night Binge Sessions...



  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    Totally with ya there. I have a horrible tendency to snack late if I've had any alcohol or carbs, so I limit those for the most part. Also I eat all sandwich meats and anything ready & prepared. I can't boil more eggs than I need to eat for breakfast or I eat all of them. (I learned that last week--a friend stayed over & I boiled her some eggs too, then she didn't want them. I ate 6 eggs--only 1 yolk though.) It helps to have veggies prepared in a way that you'd enjoy eating them. I do a casserole of squash/zucchini with a little feta, tomato, parmesan cheese... enough to feel like I'm getting something "bad" but really isn't. Planning is key & I'm still learning to get better at that.:wink:
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Hi, I totally sympathise with this too. I had a light switch moment too, whilst in hodpital with a gall bladder flare up. I just thought I deserve better than this. I hadn't felt the urge to binge at all for 2 months, then this weekend it started. I'd been doing to much exercise and was exhausted! This makes me feel down as I have fybromyalgia too. I wanted to binge 3 nights in a row. One night I ate 3 lots of chocolate.
    I realised it was due to me being exhausted a craving sugar, so I did something I've not done for ages, had a weekend off exercise. And I though of Jillians micheals saying why are you choosing to fail when success is an option? Everytime I wanted to eat something I shouldn't late at night! Suddenly feeling rested, it went away, I don't feel like that anymore. Trust me I used to be like that everyday. I've lost 3 and a half stone, so taken me a while to get to this point.
    You've just got to think I deserve better than that, I want to be happy in my body, I don't want to fail when success is an option. Say it out loud if needed. It will stop you.
    Maybe your exhausted and at the weekend, you should arrange to have a quiet one. Its definately my trigger, as soon as I get too exhausted I want to comfort eat. Also I have a wii and if I feel like that I often get on that or go for a walk and when I'm finished I've forgot about it. Distraction is great.
    Its the biggest problem I've had to deal with and I hope my post can help in any way. Also just don't buy the junk in. If you find it hard in the supermarket, shop online. Pay delivery but won't buy anything you shouldn't so doesn't actually cost more. I've also banned myself from the shop around the corner. X