


  • ElleC
    ElleC Posts: 37
    I lost about 60lbs a few years ago. It was a full-time job.....and that was the only way I could succeed. Where I failed is when I got to where I wanted to be and stopped thinking about it. I ENVY those people who can eat what they want and not gain. But I am realistic. I am NOT THAT GIRL! My body likes to store fat in large and squidgy quantities.

    Obsession / dedication.....call it what you want. But to get to where we all wanna be......we have to be both a little.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i try not to talk about it much, and even when we eat at a restaurant, i do my research ahead of time so i can plan and not have to be searching the menu and counting calories in front of everyone. i've had a few comments from my mom about "ahhh, yes...the "DIET"..." but i let it roll off my back. i'm in this for the long-haul. i have heart disease and diabetes in my family, i want to take control now. it's not about losing weight, it's about a new lifestyle. i do tend to get obsessed about things, but in this case, i think a healthy dose of obsession is ok if it keeps me on track! :smile:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    All the time, apparently I have an issue with food and am not normal!! :huh:

    I just ignore them. :happy:

    At the end of the day I am happier knowing I'm trying to be the best I can be rather than forcing myself to accept my bodies imperfections.

    And over all I know I'm doing good because I get regular compliments and comments about my age and that I'm in good shape.
    Sadly this is just part of getting to my goal. :grumble:

    I think a lot of people who have had to work hard to get to their goal will have experienced this from friends and family.
    I guess they are trying to look out for us but I wish they would just let me get on with it!! :tongue:
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I lost about 60lbs a few years ago. It was a full-time job.....and that was the only way I could succeed. Where I failed is when I got to where I wanted to be and stopped thinking about it. I ENVY those people who can eat what they want and not gain. But I am realistic. I am NOT THAT GIRL! My body likes to store fat in large and squidgy quantities.

    Obsession / dedication.....call it what you want. But to get to where we all wanna be......we have to be both a little.

    SO glad to see that so many of you view this as a 'full time job'. I really thought I was getting to the "obesessed" level when I realized that my mind was on this all the time.

    But I'm seeing that it HAS to be if I want it to succeed.

    Jillian Michaels is always shouting about "giving it all you've got" on her DVDs and it's true~ you really HAVE to!!
  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi, your topic reminded me of a conversation I had with my sister yesterday, we were talking about our favourite sweeties Malteasers!! Its her birthday at the end of the week and mines next month she said to me about how the large boxes were on offer at the moment and how she would quite like a box for her birthday, my sister is very tall and VERY slim, I on the other hand are only 5ft tall and struggled with weight most of my life she said I bought her the box she would eat it all in the one sitting (which she would and would not gain a single pound :noway:) in return she would buy me a box for my Birthday I asked her not to as I am not blessed with her figure or metabolism and that I only buy funsize bags which contain 9/10 maltesers (believe me I counted!!) She then remarked that perhaps I had become "obsessive" with my calorie counting and "logging everything that touches my lips" and that perhaps I shold stop now as I may start to look "ill". Now the fact is I started on the BMI scale as quite heavily obese and have now only just manged at 24.8 to fit into the healthy weight bracket maximum 25.0 at the lightest end 18.5 so I am not "getting far to thin" or "ill", people that do not struggle with this do not realise the work needed to lose weight and as we all know it does take a lot of work I have now lost 33lbs and I can only put that down to the fact that I am a little obsessive as I know that if I were to stop logging or checking nutritional content in food then t may have taken me 9 months to get this far but I have the ability to undo that is 1/2 months!
    I think as long as you had a healthy goal weight in mind and do not get carried away that health and fitness is not a bad obsession!!
    BMI isn't everythng, neither are the scales. I was heading for a further 4 lbs loss on that basis, but when I, note I, looked in the mirror I was already thin enough. I'm not saying that's the case with you, but sometimes enough really is enough. BTW, maintenance is also tough, at first, and you still get *those* comments!

    I am aware that BMI isn't everything and that you should always be careful not to get carried away I was however using it as example I could have used dress size or many other factors and no your case is not the same as mine, my point however was that without the little bit of obsession and logging that we do many of us may not have done as well as we have on here, and that people do sometimes do not realise the work it requires for some of us to reach a healthier weight and better fitness.