
Hi everyone, I'm Jon. My partner introduced me to this site, and what a fantastic place it seems to be! Already started tracking calories and exercise, which is a fab tool to have!

To cut an extremely long story short, I am 224lbs, and my plan is to get down to around 168lbs (12 stone). A long way to go, but I think I finally have the determination to follow this through, after many many attempts and failures.

Well that's about it, hope to speak to you soon



  • pompeyqueen
    pompeyqueen Posts: 55 Member
    Hi, this is a great place for support and motivation, I have just started myself and i'm looking forward to seeing results :smile:
  • You'll love it here, similar weight loss to me too.

    Good luck on your journey pal :-)
  • Thanks guys!
  • eaglemonster
    eaglemonster Posts: 156 Member
    Good luck, sounds similar to my journey. 224 on way to 168 target!
  • tanti1984
    tanti1984 Posts: 12
    OK, so it went well, then I fell off, but I'm here to stay!

    Love the forums, so much inspiration and motivation.

    My goal is still the same, 12 stone to reach.

    Smaller goal for now though to get to 14st 13lb which was the lightest I got about 2 years ago.

    Looking forward to being on the forum more and following you guys!

    So here goes, bring it on!