Hullo ;)

Hi, I have been using the APP for a while but not the website until recently.

I am finding the whole MFP tool really useful and really think that this time I am going to acheive something good :)

I have had osteoarthritis in both legs since I was a teenager (due to some meddling by a Doctor) and was misdiagnosed with a condition that gets worse with exercise and advised not to do anything but rest. I was then told at 24 that I had always had osteoarthritis and I was way too fat! Obviously I was really depressed after that conversation and the weight was so hard to shift without being able to exercise so I gave up.

My arthritis got worse and worse and after having two lovely children my joints are in a bad way, I need replacement joints but the doctors won't operate because I am way too young.

So faced with a lifetime of pain and a body thats really hard to get around I think its time I really tried to do something about it and take some control back over my life and health! I have a long way to go before I get anywhere near a healthy weight so I am taking it a bit at a time. I have discovered low impact aerobics and dance aerobics, it hurts like you wouldn't believe but the adrenaline rush from it is amazing, after so long of being aftraid of the pain it is wonderful to feel my body start to move! I still have to learn my boundaries (I often do way too much and end up suffering) but I really get a sense of acheivement from what I have accomplished so far :)

Please add me as a friend if you would like and give me your support in my mission, I will gladly give you mine :)


  • terisgray
    terisgray Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I was wondering if you had tried water aerobics..... It is very low impact and works you hard due to the resistance of the water?
    Good luck and keep on going!!