Threw out my back :(

So about a week and a half ago I threw my back out at work. So my dr said no gym for 3 weeks ;( so I've gained about 2 pounds back already. Does any one have any ideas for keeping the weight off and staving hunger pains?
I am super frustrated that I don't get to go to the gym for another week and a half and I really don't want to go back up in weight.


  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Watch your calorie intake and what type of calories you are taking in. Walk, walk, walk, walk!!! Swimming is also great when you need to exercise, but low to no impact. Even after you get cleared for the gym, its going to take a little bit to get back to the same level of fitness, go slow and listen to your body.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Watch your calorie intake and what type of calories you are taking in. Walk, walk, walk, walk!!! Swimming is also great when you need to exercise, but low to no impact. Even after you get cleared for the gym, its going to take a little bit to get back to the same level of fitness, go slow and listen to your body.

    walk, walk ,walk if you can don't rush, as to the swimming when i hurt my back i found swimming made it worse , listen to your Doctor and your body take it from me don't rush it! take care :flowerforyou:
  • I also have a bad back, so I feel your pain (literally!!) I actually threw mine out last week-they installed new marble floors at work, & it took a toll on me for the first couple weeks. Does your gym have a pool? You could try water aerobics, or simply jog in the water. Ask your Dr what he thinks you can do until you're able to get back to the gym. I also broke my foot this summer & was in a cast shoe for 8 weeks. I walked ALOT!! You'll need to be super-vigilant about what you eat too, because you're not burning the calories you normally would.

    Anyway, good luck, feel better & I hope I helped you!!

    Lisa :happy:
  • So what type of limitations exactly did the doctor place on you? You still should be able to do some form of cardio-I would think that a stationary bike would be an option that is not too strenuous on your back or you could try some elliptical trainers. Just because you have suffered a muscle injury doesn't mean you cant still do some cardio. Try some of the different cardio equipment and if it hurts stop. Good luck!
  • Weight gain is temporary but back problems can become a life long issue. Personally, I couldn't walk when I injured my back and I found the pool wonderful. It takes the weight off your back and almost eliminates any impact. But each situation is different. May I suggest you go to a chiropractor who does therapy? Ultra sound, electric stim and new laser treatments (US Olympic ski team uses laser treatments and it cut my healing time from auto accident in half) are wonderful healing tools for the muscles in the back. But whatever you decide to do, concentrate on getting better. Then you can worry about the weight.
  • Cdcaldwe
    Cdcaldwe Posts: 189 Member
    Like others have said get out and walk. Walking is one of the best prescriptions for your back. Try to walk on a flat surface, try to find a rubberized track if possible.