Meet ups



  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I don't know.
    I like the annonimity here. I've been on a board where we all met up and were a big happy family.

    And when it blew up, it blew up in spectacular fashion.

    I'm trying to be cautious with this e-business now!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Carl is the meet up MAN! :)

    I dont have any friends in my area but would LOVE to meet some of them Im close with. Someday!
  • My3Rayz
    My3Rayz Posts: 373
    I'm trying to entice several of my friends into doing a Warrior Dash together next May. I have a "date" for drinks scheduled with one of my bestest friends here too. Supposed to have done it in July, it's September and we're still trying to make it happen. There are so many great people here, how could you not wanna meet and hang in person?!
  • GymRatRaceRunner
    GymRatRaceRunner Posts: 160 Member
    I don't know.
    I like the annonimity here. I've been on a board where we all met up and were a big happy family.

    And when it blew up, it blew up in spectacular fashion.

    I'm trying to be cautious with this e-business now!

  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    Planning on it =P
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I'm trying to entice several of my friends into doing a Warrior Dash together next May.

    We're going to kick butt!

    I've got a few friends who I have meet ups planned with!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I have! I've met 5 or 6 people off of here! It was cool, you should do it!
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    I personally know two people on my Friends list, but knew them previously. I'd definitely be up for a meetup, though, if one were to happen in the Pittsburgh area. It'd be nice to put an actual person together with the MFP name.
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 923 Member
    I'd definitely be up for a meetup, though, if one were to happen in the Pittsburgh area. It'd be nice to put an actual person together with the MFP name.
    Yep I keep thinking about this, too. Maybe dinner and drinks at the Cheesecake Factory?? :laugh: Ok, maybe not the best idea.

    I know some gals on here from another site we've been at for the past 6+ years, but we've never met face-to-face YET either.
  • Krull_the_WarriorKing
    I'd definitely be up for a meetup, though, if one were to happen in the Pittsburgh area. It'd be nice to put an actual person together with the MFP name.
    Yep I keep thinking about this, too. Maybe dinner and drinks at the Cheesecake Factory?? :laugh: Ok, maybe not the best idea.

    I know some gals on here from another site we've been at for the past 6+ years, but we've never met face-to-face YET either.

    Church Brew Works!
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I am in boynton beach fl and would love a meet up, anyone in my area interested?
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    yep one of my workout partners I met through here.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    There is another site I was on first and there are some women on there that I'm now friends with on Facebook and one that I text with when we're not busy with our kids.

    One of those women are on here as well. I would love to meet up sometime with her especially.

    The other 4 live east of me and if I wanted to take a week long road trip I could easily stop and see all three

    OH and there's a woman that we're pretty sure we've ran in some of the same circles b/c she went to a high school that my high school played against in sports.
  • efokken
    efokken Posts: 138 Member
    yep!! met a friend, we had a workout session one morning and I attended her Zumba class one night.... Super cool... but most MFP's are.... :)
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    I've met up with 2 ladies on this site. And I have plans to meet many more of my friends from here.

    There are a few ppl I've LOVE to catch up with.... I told ya Dani, channel your inner Rizzo!
  • Being2befit
    Being2befit Posts: 127 Member
    I've accidently seen someone at the gym and I was like ummm there my friend on MFP...what do I i say hello? i might look like a weirdo i went home and wrote them on here :) and than we always talked she was awesome!
  • greybeh
    greybeh Posts: 72 Member
    I'm also from Pittsburgh. Would be nice to meet some folks in person.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Several and they all have been awesome. :smile:

    Everyone meets Carl... even me.

    I swear it was all innocent too. :tongue:
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    Another member from Pittsburgh here. Unless it was meeting for a workout at the gym, I don't know how I could find time for it. Finding time for the gym is a challenge as it is.