Zumba or Zumba Gold

I hope some one out there has an idea of how many calories are burned doing Zumba Gold. I do this activity Tuesday nites and Thursday evening. and Try to get in and do my curves work out...I tried looking in the data bases but nothing is listed


  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    Here is a calculator that was referred to me by a friend for calculating Zumba calories based on intensity of the class:


    Enjoy your classes, I am going to my first one tonight! :smile:
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Invest in an HRM. I found when I finally got an HRM that I was burning anywhere from 600-800 calories per 45 min Zumba session. Love those workouts!
  • Miggy52
    Miggy52 Posts: 164
    Thanks ladies....will check both out I use a pedometer to keep track of walking etc...HRM is that heart rate monitor? Does Walmart carry them or do I have to go to sports shop.....