I keep gaining, but I keep going.

today was my weigh in day and I am now up six pounds. Thank goodness I took my measurements, because I know I have lost a couple of inches.
I am doing the 30 day shred and can feel myself getting stronger, but it's just so disheartening to step on the scale and see the numbers go up.

I watch all my friends show up in my news feed with their weight loss and I am so proud of them, but also jealous, I wish that I could post a loss.

Will the weight come off later? I seem to be going over sugar everyday. I try to eat a lot of fruit, but I will admit to having some splurges once in a while. It seems to me that if I burn 500 extra calories, I can have a stinking brownie. ;)
I've learned to stay under my calorie goal for the most part, that took some learning, as anyone can see in the early weeks of my diary. I try to make healthy choices, but I guess I am just looking for validation that i am going in the right direction.

I don't eat out of boredom anymore. I don't take the entire bag of chips to the couch. I'm thrilled to be eating some carbs again (I never go over carbs) even though I still try to stick to high protein and lower carbs.

I would be happy to listen to polite advice from people who have been here before.
I started my weight loss journey at 155 and I am currently at 160. I'm 5'7". Size 10-12.

Thanks to everyone here at MFP for all the encouragement and advice.


  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Well I will say that I gained 2lbs during 30DS...which is a lot on me, I am only 5'1".....and then after I finished it, my weight didnt change for 5wks....it was soooo frustrating, but I stuck to my goals and kept working out and finally these past 2 wks I lost 4 more lbs.
    So stick with it.....you will lose the weight!!!!
  • keithaj1
    keithaj1 Posts: 71 Member
    Focus on the inches... muscle weighs more than fat.... 30ds will build muscle.... Take some pictures and keep taking measurements so you can compare and see the changes and stay motivated... your body is changing for the good whether or not pounds are coming off right now....:smile:
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    Maybe try cutting your sodium? Even though MFP has it set at 2500mg, I think the FDA guidance is 1500mg.

    I know for me sodium is way more difficult to cut than calories, but I've noticed that when I eat more sodium, my weight goes up a couple of lbs.
  • kolbyjack
    I'm in the same boat as you! I am doing P90X right now and I have gained. It's hard to believe that it is muscle since this is just my second week. I'm going to keep a watch out on my sodium. That is great you are taking measurements, they are the best indicator or how you are doing!
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    Sodium causes temporary fluid retention, but so does heavy, intense exercise. If this is a new exercise regime for you, that is probably the cause of the gain. Don't sweat it. Well, DO sweat it, but cheer yourself on over the inches!
  • lauraleeto
    its muscle most likely.
    try, eating more protein and vegetables. with that hardcore workout.. you need to make sure your body is getting it protien! :)
  • scottymcnasty
    Just remeber that increased muscle bulk will result in a higher BMR. If you are seeing benefits on the measuring tape keep going. I rode my bike from Peth in Western Australia to Sydney a 4200km trip it took a month. I thought I was going to loose at least 8kg but I only lost 3kg. When I go home all my clothes swam on me. So the scales aren't the best tool for measuring results.
  • welcomenuts
    welcomenuts Posts: 119 Member
    Thank you all for your candid responses.

    I pushed through and worked out yesterday, although all I really wanted to do was curl up with a bag of Tostitos. ;)

    I've studided my food diary and I am WAY over on sodium every day. I'm still pretty low on carbs, but could let go of a few things that I have been noshing on. I'm going to switch around my totals that I can see on my diary and I am not getting on the scale for a month. I will use my jeans and my measuring tape only.
    I found a formula for estimating your body fat in one of these forums and it looks like mine is at 27.5% which is better than this summer when it was over 28%. So I KNOW I am building muscle.
    We are just told over and over that the SCALE is a measure of our worth. That losing weight is what is important and that the NUMBER is the be all, end all. I have to change my thinking.
    I don't want to be skinny, I want to be strong and sexy. I need to remember that there is a difference.

    Sorry to run off on my own tangents, I suppose I should start blogging, looks like I have a lot to say! :)
    Thanks again for all your advice and support, it helps me to remember to look in the mirror and not at the scale.