Finally saying 'hello' !

Howdy all :)

I joined this site last year and lost about 10lbs. Then I made excuses and didn't come back for quite some time.

I'm now working at weight loss again and have lost 36 lbs since July. My only bad point is that I've hit a plateau and I'm trying to work through that. Right at the beginning of my plateau I started the 30 day shred and it has helped my fitness levels and I've lost about 1/2 an inch on my thigh and 1/2 an inch on my upper arm. I did 20 days straight and took a day off yesterday. Will be doing my 21st day tonight when I get home. But sadly, I'm obsessed with the number on the scale and that really hasn't moved much. And yes, I know I really shouldn't worry about that, and I tell myself that... but you know how it works! lol

I'm now trying to zig zag my calories as well. So on Sunday I had a high calorie day and yesterday (Monday) I went back down in calories and I've been starving ever since! lol (about to fill up my water bottle and down that) But I'm pushing through that and going to see what the scale has to say in a week or two. Oh and I do drink alot of water, always over 12 glasses a day.

My highest, non-pregnancy weight was 274. I'm currently 220. I'd like to hit 180 and see what I want to do at that point. I'm also 5'9"... well almost 5'10" but I always put in 5'9" when calculating my BMI.

I'm 33 and a mother to 2. My daughter is 3.5 and my son is 17 months. I have a common-law hubby of 6 years. We live in Ontario, Canada.

Glad to have found this site, and I'm glad I'm using it again!

Add me as a friend if you need another cheerleader or want to cheer me on :)


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Hello and welcome. You can do this. Good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • karo224
    karo224 Posts: 292
    best of luck to you on your journey.....i truely hope you reach your goals and we all know this is one of the hardest things we will ever do. it takes a very strong person to conquer this
  • Welcome back and if you need a cheerleader or someone to hold you accountable I am on here daily pretty much. Good luck
  • Way to go!! I appreciate your introduction as I am new MFP. I started tracking my food a few weeks ago, got distracted and fell off of my food tracking. I have lost appx 35 lbs since January.

    I have to weigh in pretty soon. Not sure if I should do it today or wait a few (?) Not sure which would be more motivating - the before signs of falling off of the fitness goals or the after getting back on board.

    I am a 51 year old woman. I am married in March 2012 for 33 years to my high school sweetheart. We have two grown children, 22 year old son and a 24 year old daughter. Our son married this past March, now we have two daughters :)

    In addition to this support, we have other family and friends. All being supportive and they are each greatly appreciated. My sister actually introduced me to MFP!! She is awesome and never fails to inspire me.

    On the work front, I am active with canine rescue, and serve as a Tri-State Regional Coordinator and Board Member of a National Papillon (toy breed canine) rescue. This is solely volunteer work as the organization is a non-profit. I have just begun a new part-time paying position last week - part of my "won't wash" excuse for losing focus on my fitness goals, with a new medical group. I work in the E.D. as a patient registrar. So far so good... a lot to know but such a great, supportive staff. I feel very fortunate to have landed this position.

    Aside from canine rescue, which has kept me plenty busy, I have not had any gainful employment for 8.5 years. I have battled some significant health challenges, a number of surgeries and yada yada. Better now and this will continue as I become stronger and stronger through seeking and reaching my fitness goals.

    I am right around 165 lbs, 5'2", and would like to weigh 115 - 120 lbs asap... Patience is a virtue, and I must bring it back into focus now and then. Beating one's self up is a sure fire way to side-rail your achievements.

    Best wishes everyone!! All my new MFPs!!

    Cheryl in VA
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    Thanks all :) The support that I see everyone give eachother is truly amazing :)