day 1 ..

day 1 .. its always hard to start .. don't feel like going to the gym but I know I have to ... need some good motivation .. I eat well .. but I´m always thinking ahead .. witch is not good .. I should be in the moment, constrained on what I´m doing to day .. I have to remind my self of that .. ;) But I always want things to happened straight away .. I am so inpatient .. And thats usually why I fail, stop eating healthy and stop going to the gym ..

What keeps you motivated ?


  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    I find motivation in seeing the changes in my body, my attitude, and my overall health.
    I have slowly learned to love exercise. I think that this community and the members here are also a wonderful source of inspiration, motivation, and support.
    Make friends, share your experience and you will see it does get easier :)
  • joninasigrun
    joninasigrun Posts: 9 Member
    thank you :)

    well the thing is I think .. that I can do maybe 5 days in a row .. and then comes Saturday .. and I go all out .. and I find it hard to go back to eating healty .. how do you do it on weekends ? do you have like a " day off from eating healthy " like on saturday where you would eat what you want ?
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Actually - thinking ahead is something you can still do. Thinking ahead for meal planning, grocery shopping when youre NOT hungry, thinking ahead for exercise - setting up goals and sticking to them.

    I have to think ahead of time for everything (a bit OCD actually) because of working as a Chef.... even with my own meal-planning at work!

    Focus on what you CAN do and CAN have.... thats a good beginning to anything!
  • joninasigrun
    joninasigrun Posts: 9 Member
    Do you recomend any food plan .. I never find any food plan that seam realistic if you know what I mean .. I usually just try to cut out bread and pasta .. and coke and candy .. but like I said .. then comes Saturday and I´m all out ...
  • AllThingsNele
    AllThingsNele Posts: 4 Member
    Just want to wish everyone good luck and they have great success. This is my third time this year trying this and I intend to stick to this time. The doctor says counting calories is more important that counting carbs etc. So the diet plan from doctor is this. 1500 calories (eat whatever you want as long as you dont go over these calories however he does encourage healthy eating) with 5 days of exercise. None of those calories can come from liquids like soft drink, juice, tea etc. He said I could have the drink mixes that are 5 calories like Crystal Lite. For working out he said I could drink G2 Gatorade, Powerade 0 and the rest needed to be water intake. I started this plan last week Sunday Sept. 18 and have lost 8lbs so far. He did say each week the weight loss my decrease at that point we need to change the physical activity so the body would stay on something new. I hope this helps others in their weight loss goals.
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    If you want to treat yourself on Saturdays, maybe have a lighter breakfast/lunch and bank your calories so you can have a splurgy dinner? That's what I do sometimes, if I know I'm going to have a larger dinner. On Sunday I had 2 slices of pizza, and it fit into my calories b/c I just ate a little on the lighter side the rest of the day..