Why does dieting taste so good?

Why does dieting taste so good, and why dont I do it more??

Alright, so thats not including chocolate and cinnimon buns and all the things we CRAVE when we're dieting, but all in all, the food I eat while dieting is DELICIOUS and generally far better than my normal "on the go" high calorie, high fats & carbs diet.

For instance, last night I made an incredible chicken salad that had me "mmmmm"ing and wondering why I wouldn't normally make such a gourmet dish. And right now I'm eating greek strawberry yogurt mixed with banana and almonds with a side of scrambled egg whites, which is better than most breakfast meals I've experienced at restaurants.
(p.s. let me know if you want these recipes)

I think the key is TIME. I said earlier that my diet was "on-the-go", well I was the queen of convenience; utilizing the microwave and prepackaged options to the fullest.
The majority of my recipies are still quick and easy, but by taking the time to weigh and measure my food and understand the nutritional content while building a tasty recipe, I am confident I will reach my goal (again) and keep it off this time!


  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    Well, it certainly sounds like you have mastered the trick to eating delicious and healthy meals!
    They sound delicious.
    I also love Greek Yogurt. Chobani strawberry/banana is my absolute favorite.
    Congrats on discovering that you really CAN eat well and enjoy delicious and satisfying food.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    I love this! I need to think this way because it's true!!! Thank you for pointing it out:)
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    I have to agree with you. I've tested and tried different foods, and I'm finding I'm really liking the healthy foods. It is true, by taking the time to mix and match, understanding what you eat and how they work together, you can come up with some very tasty meals. Good for you!! And the bonus, losing weight and just feeling better!!! Have a great day!!
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    I love this! I need to think this way because it's true!!! Thank you for pointing it out:)
  • armymil
    armymil Posts: 163 Member
    I was thinking about this the other day. The food tastes so much better but takes a little longer to prepare. I think I was eatting to fill full so that was my happy medium. Sure, some food tasted good, but as long as it didnt taste funny, I would just eat it up. Now, I eat to enjoy my food (what pieces of scraps I have - joking) but it is good. My dinner is usually no larger than 500 calories, but usually a lot smaller.

    What's worse is sure, I love a slice of pizza of my free meal, but it doesn't treat my body the same. For some reason, all the greasy foods I so enjoyed before are no longer 'enjoyed' by my stomach. :(
  • sunnyrunner23
    sunnyrunner23 Posts: 182 Member
    I try to think more about what I can have instead of what I can't. Switching that focus really helps!
  • Part of what motivates me is knowing that my lifestyle changes can motivate others...
    I appreciate the posts today!
  • Well put! I agree- after you cut the crud from your diet, you appreciate the real (good for you) foods much more!