Help Please!!!!!!!

mariejustin Posts: 3
edited October 3 in Introduce Yourself
Hi i am 53 years old and i need to lose about 50lbs. I need support bad!!!!!!!!! I have been rollercoasting my
diet for too long. Today is my first day of a very long jorney


  • runninggirltoo
    runninggirltoo Posts: 12 Member
    I'm here to help.....we can all help one another. Good luck on your journey.:flowerforyou:
  • Hi. Im 55 and with the help of this clever little site,,, I'm actually doing it. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I am a firm believer that if you focus on the things you CAN do, and you CAN have, that is half the battle. Trust me when I say, you DONT want to be doing what my doctor has me doing! LOL!!! People think Im crazy that I can do this recommended plan but its definitely working!
  • My mom lost 89 pounds at age 60. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!! JUST START!
  • horaks
    horaks Posts: 124 Member
    I am 46, and hear your plead, I am starting with my first goal to be 20lbs then 40lb then 50 as well, final would be 50+, so feel free to add me. I also want to find a new walk support group, are you intersted??

    Any of you In??
  • I am in about the same situation as you. My daughter introduced me to this site. It is wonderful. My daughter and I have been working hard and recording every day. You can do this. There will be lots of support. Take one day at a time. Sometimes, it is one step at a time. Keep your goals in site. Be beautiful for yourself. If you are too tired to do much exercise one day, do at least five minutes. We are rooting for you and cheering you on to success.
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    Hello! I am 50 and I do find it a bit hard trying to lose weight at this age, I am 5'4" and always weighed around 120 to 125 until I hit 40. Having a desk job does not help but this site does!! I have lost 4lbs since starting just a few weeks ago and I truly believe counting calories is the ticket. I also walk 30 min. a day at about 4 miles per hr. You can do this...please feel free to add me as a friend, the support and motivation is the best!
  • if you ever need to talk i'm here..I just started too i'm only 25 and been overweight since i've was 10. It's the hardest thing to do but I just had a baby a year ago and i'm ready to rock this for my me and my family. Keep your head up and push yourself till you can't anymore i have to lose about 130 pounds and i've never been more ready in my life. You need positive motvation i'm here cause we all stick together and we all can do anything we put our minds too!
  • Looking for a friend to help keep me on track. Someone who'll take the time to let me know when I am making mistakes.
  • Make good use of this site to track EVERYTHING you eat. It can be very eye opening when you eat something you think is good for you, only to find out it is high in sugar, calories, sodium or something else.

    I am 60 and was 95 pounds overweight when I started. I always used the starvation method to try & lose weight. How wrong I was. I now eat a healthy breakfast (about 400 calories), a mid morning snack of fruit or yogurt, a healthy lunch (400 calories), a mid afternoon snack of cheese, crackers, etc. and a 400-500 calorie dinner. All told, I try to eat 1500-1600 calories a day and then do some aerobics.

    End result is I am rarely hungry and I am losing weight.

    One great hint that I was given. Do not eat ANYTHING in front of the TV. It was too easy for me to lose track of how much I was eating. Now, even if I'm eating a late night snack, I seat at the kitched table while I'm eating it.

    Good luck. I know you will do great.
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    Welcome. I am 50 and have just started this journey myself. I hated to exercise but once I started I realized how out of shape I am but it keeps me motivated. Start out slow and work yourself up. You can do it. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    Hi and Welcome! I'm 53 and have about 77lbs to lose to reach my goal weight. Have found many great people to support me as I try to support their efforts. This is a great site! Congrats on beginning your journey to a slimmer/fitter you!
    Send me a friend request if you like.:happy:
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    Take it one day at a time, and take the time each night to feel proud of yourself for the accomplishments you achieved that day.
  • Hey! I just joined as well! I'm 34 and want to lose about 44lbs. I was told about this site by my doctor who just lost a lot of weight using this site, and she looks great! I think the best thing to do is stay positive and set a goal. Mine is to wear a bathing suit to the beach next summer, instead of looking like frump-girl sitting there in my t-shirt and shorts! I also want to stay healthy so I can set a positive example for my kids and husband. So I am hopeful that this site will motivate me, and it will be great to have some support in case I get unmotivated! We are all here for the same reason, right?!
  • Miggy52
    Miggy52 Posts: 164
    Hi in a week I will be 59 years young...I started tracker here at MFP last Friday heard about this site from some of the girls I work out at Curves with...they say it works and I have seen there results...they are looking good so they are...I just have to remember I did not put this weight on over night so can not expect to lose of night .I have not really set any goals maybe I should, maybe it would motivate me a little more...pretty hard when I work full time and sit in front of a computer.....any suggestions would be greatly appreciated....
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