20LBS by Thanksgiving

Hey everyone,

How's it going today? I am a little frustrated, and feel like everyone is losing weight but me. I know it's my own fault. I can't seem to keep my calories at 1200 or even 1400. I am not giving up though and am still trying. I am hoping my doctor clears me for vigorous exercise so I can really start working out again.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy day :-)


  • steelguy54
    steelguy54 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey!! Today is a tough one, I've had a stomach ache all morning and have no clue where it came from. Hopefully it will go away by tonight so I can exercise. Gotta get my work in for Thursday!

    Should we have like daily or every other day activities or goals?? Like say tomorrow you got to do 100 steps or 50 sit ups. Just a suggestion to help us all out. I've never been in a group before but I've seen it around the site
  • aunt_hbomb
    Don't feel alone in your frustration. My weekend got the better of me (and my TOM) so when I got on the scale Sunday it said I was up 5 lbs. Thankfully I don't have to count the scale reading on Sunday, just the one on Friday. So I have turned it around and am eating very healthy today, I ran last night, I am zumba'ing it tonight. I know what happened and I'm going to do my best to not let it happen again this weekend.

    Don't let it get you down, it takes a while to figure it all out and get in the right zone. We have 9 weeks and we can do it!
  • liberty741
    liberty741 Posts: 122 Member
    I'd totally be up for doing a challenge. Any ideas for today? I have never been in a group either!

    Btw you look great! :-) But i totally understand wanting to be healthy and do it even better!
    Hey!! Today is a tough one, I've had a stomach ache all morning and have no clue where it came from. Hopefully it will go away by tonight so I can exercise. Gotta get my work in for Thursday!

    Should we have like daily or every other day activities or goals?? Like say tomorrow you got to do 100 steps or 50 sit ups. Just a suggestion to help us all out. I've never been in a group before but I've seen it around the site
  • liberty741
    liberty741 Posts: 122 Member
    Don't feel alone in your frustration. My weekend got the better of me (and my TOM) so when I got on the scale Sunday it said I was up 5 lbs. Thankfully I don't have to count the scale reading on Sunday, just the one on Friday. So I have turned it around and am eating very healthy today, I ran last night, I am zumba'ing it tonight. I know what happened and I'm going to do my best to not let it happen again this weekend.

    Don't let it get you down, it takes a while to figure it all out and get in the right zone. We have 9 weeks and we can do it!

    Wow great way to turn it around! Good for you! thanks for the motivation! :-)
  • Micheetah
    Micheetah Posts: 184 Member
    I was camping this weekend and definitely didnt watch my intake but I did try to stay active enough =/ well here is to a better week. Back to watching my intake and now this week im going to add excercise, ive been slow with that one. We can do it, i want to i want to!
  • Bettany
    Bettany Posts: 14 Member
    I know how frustrated it can be when everyone else is losing, but you. I have so much trouble controlling my food quantity. I am doing better, but there is so much unknown stuff that happens in a normal day that I feel like no matter how hard I try something will happen and I will screw up my weight loss journey. For instance, I started getting a two pack of fig newtons, they are bigger than a normal sized fig newton, but there are only two of them in a package. It turns out that I had been calculating it incorrectly, the serving size was not the package, but per cookie-100 calories each. Then at work, we are having employee appreciation week so they ordered pizza. I ate two pieces of cheese pizza and it was 500 calories. I have already had 700 calories just from eating two things.

    Hang in there, hopefully making better choices will be enough for both of us.
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    I know how frustrated it can be when everyone else is losing, but you. I have so much trouble controlling my food quantity. I am doing better, but there is so much unknown stuff that happens in a normal day that I feel like no matter how hard I try something will happen and I will screw up my weight loss journey. For instance, I started getting a two pack of fig newtons, they are bigger than a normal sized fig newton, but there are only two of them in a package. It turns out that I had been calculating it incorrectly, the serving size was not the package, but per cookie-100 calories each. Then at work, we are having employee appreciation week so they ordered pizza. I ate two pieces of cheese pizza and it was 500 calories. I have already had 700 calories just from eating two things.

    Hang in there, hopefully making better choices will be enough for both of us.

    Wow....that's pretty sneaky that they would not consider the entire package (a measley 2 fig newtons) as a full serving. Just goes to remind me to check those labels. I just bought some of the new hearty microwavable soups from Campbells and that is also 2 serving sizes. I mean really, you look at the thing and there is no way it would satisfy 2 people for lunch!

    I like the challenge idea as well. Anyone want to try to do the 50 sit ups recommended by Steelguy? I'll be watching the Biggest Loser tonight so I will do them while they are working their butts off! Anyone else watching? I stopped the last few seasons because (gasp!) I don't like Jillian...but now that she is gone, I'm watching again.
  • Bettany
    Bettany Posts: 14 Member
    I am game for 50 sit ups. Yes, I like the new Biggest Loser. I, too was not a fan of Jillian. The middle age group is impressive, I think they are going to win the whole thing, but there are still several more challenges left. Yes, talk about sneaky. Lean Cuisine has a new broccoli cheese dip w/pita. I thought it would be on par with eating a bowl of soup w/a pita-wrong. The dip is in a tiny little container and you get one pita pocket. Talk about a sad lunch. It tasted good, but it got about 1/4 the way to filling me up.
  • marzahl68
    Looks like my weights fluctuates every Tuesday and Wednesday. My weight is up 5 lbs from Monday, same thing happened last week and the week before. Towards the end of the week it goes down. I stay within my calories and have a deficit of about 600 cals every day. I don't trust my scale and I'm worried that my scale isn't showing 20 lbs less on Turkey Day when I might actually have lost 20 lbs.
    So here's what I've thought: I have a pair of brand new black goal jeans. Label says size 8. I have anohter pair of blue goal jeans, also size 10 that fit meanwhile. Same brand, but the black ones aren't stretch jeans. It's either 20 lbs or fitting in the black goal jeans. I don't know what else to do to keep track of my weight, obviously my scale keeps letting me down.

    NSV for today: Got up and there was a box of Walmart donuts on the counter. Two are missing, hubby ate them. 4 are remaining and he can eat them as well. They smelled great but imagine the fat in them! I'm picturing two cups of liquid lard. No way I'm going to touch them! Going to do my usual Cheerios with 2% milk and 2 cups of coffee for breakfast!
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    Looks like my weights fluctuates every Tuesday and Wednesday. My weight is up 5 lbs from Monday, same thing happened last week and the week before. Towards the end of the week it goes down. I stay within my calories and have a deficit of about 600 cals every day. I don't trust my scale and I'm worried that my scale isn't showing 20 lbs less on Turkey Day when I might actually have lost 20 lbs.
    So here's what I've thought: I have a pair of brand new black goal jeans. Label says size 8. I have anohter pair of blue goal jeans, also size 10 that fit meanwhile. Same brand, but the black ones aren't stretch jeans. It's either 20 lbs or fitting in the black goal jeans. I don't know what else to do to keep track of my weight, obviously my scale keeps letting me down.

    NSV for today: Got up and there was a box of Walmart donuts on the counter. Two are missing, hubby ate them. 4 are remaining and he can eat them as well. They smelled great but imagine the fat in them! I'm picturing two cups of liquid lard. No way I'm going to touch them! Going to do my usual Cheerios with 2% milk and 2 cups of coffee for breakfast!

    Good job Andrea...keep it up! I also bought a pair of new jeans which are 2 sizes smaller than what I am now. I put them in a place in my closet that I see every day. A good reminder to stick with it!
  • marzahl68
    Donuts still sitting on the counter....untouched. Did my first weekly weigh in for this challenge, 1 pound down since Monday - so glad I didn't cave in on the donuts!

    How is everyone else doing? 8 weeks til Thanksgiving...........
  • xjlishey1
    Hey everyone,

    How's it going today? I am a little frustrated, and feel like everyone is losing weight but me. I know it's my own fault. I can't seem to keep my calories at 1200 or even 1400. I am not giving up though and am still trying. I am hoping my doctor clears me for vigorous exercise so I can really start working out again.

    Wishing everyone a happy, healthy day :-)

    You are not alone...I felt the same way a couple of days ago..So I decided to make small changes and it's working...I have lost 1.5lbs this week after gaining 6lbs back 2 weeks ago. you have the right mindset...don't give up and the weight will start shedding. keep counting