my husband thinks I am getting addicted to loosing weight, w



  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Because HCG is controversial and probably not all that safe, why not try just plain diet and exercise? Maybe he's worried that you're addicted to the hormone and would be more supportive if you lost weight the traditional way? It would also probably be better for you in the long run.

  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member

    This post SCARES ME about you!

    You ADMIT to "seeing too much fat on my body even though I am a size 10." You DO have a situation here that definitely needs to be addressed more than you realize - and just as important as perhaps getting OFF of the HCG so you will truly learn about proper If you mentally see yourself as fat while being a size 10, you definitely have problems that need to be addressed.....

    You also said "I feel that doing any other method of weight loss takes too long, and I am afraid of getting comfortable with this size over the next six months"

    You are sadly mistaken - slow and steady weight loss IS the appropriate way to lose weight - this allows the body to adapt and stabilize appropriately. Getting comfortable in a size that is considered healthy is what you SHOULD be doing - in conjunction with learning how to eat foods appropriately, sans the HCG.

    Your husband is definitely right - Im sorry hun: in these posts, you do come off with a red flag legitimately - and I would SERIOUSLY suggest a call to your primary care physician.....

    This is what I war referring to in my Q, it sounds like you think I am wrong or there is something maybe sychologicly wrong with me for seeing my self as still too fat as a size 10. Please confirm
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    HCG topic aside, since that wasn't what you wanted feedback on....

    I went through this with my Husband. I went from 244lbs (size 22's) to 133lbs (size 8's) and I'm 5'2" with a wide frame. I used MFP for majority of my journey to lose the weight, and he would often comment on my dedication/obsession :wink: about staying on track at all times, never letting up. When I was 160lbs, he was like "Ok, you can stop now" haha. Now at 133, he makes sure I'm always eating at maintenance :laugh:

    I think they are just used to seeing us a certain way, (my Hubby met me at 175lbs.) and possibly feel insecure about themselves not changing, with the added possibility of attention from other men and the overall effect on the marriage. I do have an acquaintance that has lost about 80lbs., and she is now considering divorcing her Husband due to her recent boost of self-confidence. So, it really can go either way, you just have to make him understand that this is something you are doing for YOURSELF, and the added bonus of looking good for him, no one else.

    Best of luck, keep the focus :flowerforyou:
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    also please keep in mind I used to eat very little like 800 calories a day when I was fat, because I shot my metabolism when I was in high school by being Bohemia and anorexic to stay on the gymnastics team. so being able to eat at least 2000 cal a day is amazing for me.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    my hair was falling out my nails were pealing and shredding and I was still gaining weight at that time. that I why my Dr agreed to let me start the HCG diet while monitoring me.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I know that I am not ready to stop because I see too much fat on my body even though I am a size 10. the reason a size 10 is a big deal for me is the smallest size I have ever been even is high school is a 12. I feel that doing any other method of weight loss takes too long, and I am afraid of getting comfortable with this size over the next six months.
    Also keep in mind I haven't had sugar in over a year, if I eat sugar again I may not want to stop for this diet again. It is very hard to stop eating sugar but once you stop eating sugar it is easy to stay stopped. once I am done with HCG I do plan on eating sugary items with moderation.

    all in all I remember how hard it was to start the HCG diet, I did take a 5 month break before I started my third round. but still stayed away from sugary items. I am getting tiered of being restricted to certain foods or from foods. and I know it will be very difficult for me to do this again.

    Just exercise and eat health with the occational treat, as long as you eat below maintenance cals you will lose weight.

    You are still seeing fat as a lot of the weight you are losing is muscle, not just fat. dieting this way will only have you be skinny fat, when you get to your goal weight (thin with a high BF%), the smaller your deficit is the longer it will take to get to your goal but you will be a low BF% once you are there.

    ^^this guy right here^^
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I know that I am not ready to stop because I see too much fat on my body even though I am a size 10. the reason a size 10 is a big deal for me is the smallest size I have ever been even is high school is a 12. I feel that doing any other method of weight loss takes too long, and I am afraid of getting comfortable with this size over the next six months.
    Also keep in mind I haven't had sugar in over a year, if I eat sugar again I may not want to stop for this diet again. It is very hard to stop eating sugar but once you stop eating sugar it is easy to stay stopped. once I am done with HCG I do plan on eating sugary items with moderation.

    This post SCARES ME about you!

    You ADMIT to "seeing too much fat on my body even though I am a size 10." You DO have a situation here that definitely needs to be addressed more than you realize - and just as important as perhaps getting OFF of the HCG so you will truly learn about proper If you mentally see yourself as fat while being a size 10, you definitely have problems that need to be addressed.....

    You also said "I feel that doing any other method of weight loss takes too long, and I am afraid of getting comfortable with this size over the next six months"

    You are sadly mistaken - slow and steady weight loss IS the appropriate way to lose weight - this allows the body to adapt and stabilize appropriately. Getting comfortable in a size that is considered healthy is what you SHOULD be doing - in conjunction with learning how to eat foods appropriately, sans the HCG.

    Your husband is definitely right - Im sorry hun: in these posts, you do come off with a red flag legitimately - and I would SERIOUSLY suggest a call to your primary care physician.....

    I would have said you were aiming for a healthy goal and not to be concerned until I read this. Losing weight should not be about a "quick fix" and the fact that you want it to be is a little scary, frankly. My husband's boss did the HCG diet, lost 70 pounds and then went back to her normal way of eating. She put a bunch of those 70 pounds back on in a pretty short period of time. She then didn't learn from this mistake and went back on HCG. She's doing the yo-yo thing and it's just so bad for your body. You are MUCH better off losing weight by learning to eat the way you're going to need to eat for the rest of your life to maintain your weight loss. If you don't learn now, you're going to be just like her.

    Losing weight by watching your calories and exercising is slower, yes, but it will help your skin stay in shape. You'll have less loose skin when you reach your goal than if you continue to lose it quickly.

    As far as sugar goes, if you don't want to eat it, then don't! No one said a "normal" diet has to include sugar. When you finish your 4th round of HCG and/or hit your goal weight are you thinking you're going to just be able to go back to eating sugar and maintain that weight? I'm betting no, if it's that big of an issue to you. Look into a lower sugar/carb lifestyle that you can maintain for the rest of your life. Atkins or a Paleo-type diet may be a really good option for you.

    Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the very best.

    ETA: I would personally think that a size 10 would be too big for me, and it sounds like we are similar height and build. I started losing weight when I hit about 140 pounds and am still a little too flabby for my taste at 125, so your goal is definitely just fine. However, I'm not as concerned about your goal as I am about your method of getting there and then maintaining it. Consider that part of the equation, as well.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member

    This post SCARES ME about you!

    You ADMIT to "seeing too much fat on my body even though I am a size 10." You DO have a situation here that definitely needs to be addressed more than you realize - and just as important as perhaps getting OFF of the HCG so you will truly learn about proper If you mentally see yourself as fat while being a size 10, you definitely have problems that need to be addressed.....

    You also said "I feel that doing any other method of weight loss takes too long, and I am afraid of getting comfortable with this size over the next six months"

    You are sadly mistaken - slow and steady weight loss IS the appropriate way to lose weight - this allows the body to adapt and stabilize appropriately. Getting comfortable in a size that is considered healthy is what you SHOULD be doing - in conjunction with learning how to eat foods appropriately, sans the HCG.

    Your husband is definitely right - Im sorry hun: in these posts, you do come off with a red flag legitimately - and I would SERIOUSLY suggest a call to your primary care physician.....

    This is what I war referring to in my Q, it sounds like you think I am wrong or there is something maybe sychologicly wrong with me for seeing my self as still too fat as a size 10. Please confirm

    I'm not the person you quoted but I understand your frustration about your size. I don't think it's unreasonable for you to want to be smaller than a size 10. But the way to see that fat disappear is to be able to workout and replace it with muscle. You aren't supposed to be working out on the 500 calorie HCG diet, so logically the HCG plan needs to go if you want to workout and tone up your body. I look at your avatar picture, and if that's you girl you are *beautiful*. Please take care of yourself so you will be healthy and still beautiful at the end of your weightloss journey.

    ETA: I missed the part where you said you're eating 2000 calories a day - you can STILL do that without the HCG and lose weight, as long as you *workout* and burn some of those calories. I think there is a point where the HCG is a crutch and you really could do this on your own without having to put your body through that added stress. MFP has me on the 1200 calorie plan (which I don't stick to super-close - normally it's closer to 1300) but when I workout I get to add back around 200-300 so I'm really usually eating closer to 1400-1600. If I were more dedicated to working out, I could eat more too. I'm losing 1-2 lbs per week. You can do this too. You don't need the HCG to keep losing weight, it will be slower but it will be better for your body and easier to keep it off when you get to your goal.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    ty for your response on my hubby, he is 285 lbs and 6'2". He recently lost 15 lbs on the HCG diet doing it for 23 days, but he can't do it again. It is just too hard for him to lay off the carbs, and that is the hardest thing to do when starting the diet.

    my biggest concern is going through the struggle of laying off the carbs all over again.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    the 15 lbs my hubby lost was about 6 months ago and he eats everything, even ghee with out putting it back on.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    ty for your response on my hubby, he is 285 lbs and 6'2". He recently lost 15 lbs on the HCG diet doing it for 23 days, but he can't do it again. It is just too hard for him to lay off the carbs, and that is the hardest thing to do when starting the diet.

    my biggest concern is going through the struggle of laying off the carbs all over again.

    You and your hubby don't have to lay off the carbs as long as you count the calories. I'm not restricting my carbs. I eat what I want as long as it works with my calorie goals for the day. I had pasta for dinner last night and I'm having leftovers for lunch and probably dinner today too (so delicious). But I added up every ingredient I used and then split the portions so I know exactly how many calories are in each portion, so I can control it within my plan. I love bread and pasta way too much to drop them, so I just monitor how much they affect my daily goals. You don't have to eliminate food groups as long as you're looking at the overall picture.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    Ty very much for all your posts, please don't think I am making little of any of your responses, I appreciate all of your input.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    If you made it that far with the HCG, why not give it a try without it? It's not the healthiest thing and by coming off it now to lose the last little bit of weight, it will help you keep it off longer. It id your body so when it comes down to it, your choice.. but if it were me, I'd want to try to do it on my own with eating right and working out. You've got all the tools you need.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    What if I don't loose weight, like when I was big. I ended up eating 800 cals per day when was 277 just so that I didn't gain weight.
    I am scared, and if I have to go back to the HCG diet again to loose weight it was so hard to ween my self away fro sugar and carbs.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member

    This is what I war referring to in my Q, it sounds like you think I am wrong or there is something maybe sychologicly wrong with me for seeing my self as still too fat as a size 10. Please confirm

    Im not passing judgement here but when you posted that one sentence, it screamed a self-misconception right away.

    You think you are still fat even at a size 10.....

    Have you ever gone through an eating disorder specialist for counseling when you were finally diagnosed with Bulemia/Anorexia back then?

    Since high school, you have never learned how to properly eat healthy, you have never learned how to accept yourself free of unrealistic measures and goals, and now, to continue with the HCG, you still wont learn about how to eat properly.... Your body has been traumatized and for you to still have strength left is definitely commendable..... but, to have a warped mind about yourself... says to me, you need to seek professional services ..... size 10 is not fatty..... and your mind is telling you that it is..... and that is just as unhealthy!

    Your husband sounds like a wonderful man, and based on what you have posted - he sounds to me (now that you have admitted to thinking you are still too fat at size 10), he is more than concerned for you and your situation.

    I would definitely be consulting with your PCP (is this the MD who is currently reviewing your HCG care?) - you have alot more than just weight issues to address...... If you cant put your mind at ease and learn how to restructure your thinking process from the negativity gained from others on your weight, you arent going to get physically healthy....
  • slavaheroyam
    ty for your response on my hubby, he is 285 lbs and 6'2". He recently lost 15 lbs on the HCG diet doing it for 23 days, but he can't do it again. It is just too hard for him to lay off the carbs, and that is the hardest thing to do when starting the diet.

    my biggest concern is going through the struggle of laying off the carbs all over again.

    I sort of feel like that's part of losing weight and being healthier: you teach yourself how to be around food. Everyone struggles, be it with cheese, chocolate, bread, whatever, but you teach yourself how to either eat in moderation, or avoid those foods completely.

    While I think wanting to be smaller isn't inherently bad, I do agree with most of the people here and say try and do it naturally for a few months since if you're going to hit your goal weight soon, you will be off all the hormones and off a restrictive diet.
    When you get off this HSG diet, you're going to have to learn how to be around sugar or carbs or whatever your weaknesses may be.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I know that I will be able to maintain the weight loss because I didn't have a problem maintaining for the 5 months while staying away from sugar and eating only complex carbs
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    Please keep in mind we are an east Indian family and Rice or Chipati is a staple in our daily diet
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Please keep in mind we are an east Indian family and Rice or Chipati is a staple in our daily diet

    Im canadian living in the USA and our staple is fried this, fried that, potatoes, corn, white rice, pizza and carb-overload...

    Prior to seeking an Endocrinologist who specializes in my medical diagnoses, Ive dropped 35 pounds on my own. No radical diets, hormones, etc.

    Now that Im under physician care right now with that Endo, Im on a low-carbohydrate intake and Im dropping weight even more.... this past month, ive lost 10 pounds.

    And it was literally food adding to the mix of my medical problems....
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    You really need help - both physically and psychologically...... and I mean that in the most sincere way..... Ive had patients like you before.... and it scares the crap out of me....