Cheat days???



  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Normally I blow it later in the day. I swear one terrible a day a week helps me lose more weight.
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    haha....I like your thinking. I am new to this (only started a few weeks ago) had a cheat day this past Saturday with a delicous cheesburge and two shock top it! Was scared to step on the scale this morning only to find I had lost two pounds!! Yay for cheat days!
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    It is 100% impossible to "blow it" with one bad day.
    I will argue this point to my death bed.

    Use simple math.
    How many calories of a surplus is equal to a pound of fat?
    =3,500 cals

    Now how many calories will you burn in a day?
    Average person, I'd say about 2,500 calories (BMR+Activities)

    How is energy stored.
    Glucose to glycogen in the liver and muscles, and the left-overs are bodyfat.
    As you are dieting during the week you are depleting your glycogen storage, so when you present your body with a surplus it will begin restoring glycogen.
    "The human body will convert excess carbs to glycogen first,"- Dr. Michael Aziz
    Most people can store about 2,000-5,000 calories of energy in glycogen.

    So now you are having your cheat day or for me, my "Spike Day" because I'm sure as heck not cheating!

    You eat lets say.... 4,000 calories, and you really enjoyed it!

    Burned 2,500
    Ate 4,000

    SURPLUS of 1,500 calories
    Let's say your glycogen was FULL, then
    You just gained (0.4lbs!)
    Wow, you really blew it.

    Even better is your glycogen was probably depleted meaning most of that surplus just restored glycogen making you next couple of workouts 10 times better!

    Now the benefits of a Spike Day
    1. You restore leptin (helps cravings)
    2. Increase metabolism
    3. makes your diet doable by giving you a weekly break
    4. Keeps you honest during the week having a day to look forward to
    5. You can eat pizza and donuts every week!
    6. Re-storing glycogen makes your workouts more effective
    7. Day after spiking you have increased strength
    8. Avoid starvation mode
    9. Great for parties and football games
    10. Guilt free eating,
    11. It's extremely fun planning and having a Spike Day
    12. You can eat pizza and donuts every week!

    There is no doubt in my mind that without spiking I would not be where I am today, over 100lbs lighter and under 10% bodyfat.

    AMEN!!! i try to put this in simple terms for people and some people just dont understand it...its a simple concept but not everyone wants to believe that its so simple
  • Triathlynne
    Cheat days for me are Fridays. I either splurge on Chinese Stir fry (Even at that I always ask for extra veggies) or a bloody good Indian meal! I have a long run/bike the next day so really I'm also carbo loading - well that's my excuse lol
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I don't do cheat days/meals...I've worked to hard to blow it all on one day/meal. I work everything into my cals for the day. If well planned it can be done. If I know hubby and I have a date night (very rarely happens) I make sure to work out a bit harder than normal and watch what I eat more during the day.

    Everything in moderation! :)


    I really don't get why people have cheat days. I guess I just have more self control and discipline.
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    I try to eat well all the time, but on the weekends, I indulge myself a bit because if I didn't, I'd send myself on a food bender down the road. You can only deny yourself so much before the body takes over and wants to compensate for all those tasty treats you drool over but don't touch. Often, if I just have a miniature Hershey's every day, then I don't feel the need to indulge in other things. Sometimes, there's just something I can't resist, so I indulge in that. I think that you just have to find a happy medium for yourself. If you can have one cheat meal per week and still lose weight while not feeling the need to binge on treats, then that's what you should do. If instead your body wants a small treat like a small piece of chocolate everyday instead of a cheat meal or day, then go with that. Sorry I can't be more specific for you!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Sunday is my cheat day! I eat whatever the heck I want! I like to get a kller work out in that day but if I don't I won't beat myself up over it. 6 days a week, I'm working out, and eating healthy and as clean as possible. Sunday is my day to enjoy any food I want with out guilt!! I still do log everything in on Sundays even if I'm wayyyy's very interesting to see exactly what your eating and where the calories are going. And in some way I think it deters me from consuming an entire carton of Ben and Jerry's....or two lol!!!

    I have been toying with the idea of not logging my food in Sundays only because I start to get the feeling it's 'unnatural' to have to be plugged into a calorie counter 24/7. But I'm not sure I want to go that route yet. It's been too much of a learning experience!
  • Leola2011
    It is 100% impossible to "blow it" with one bad day.
    I will argue this point to my death bed.

    Use simple math.
    How many calories of a surplus is equal to a pound of fat?
    =3,500 cals

    Now how many calories will you burn in a day?
    Average person, I'd say about 2,500 calories (BMR+Activities)

    How is energy stored.
    Glucose to glycogen in the liver and muscles, and the left-overs are bodyfat.
    As you are dieting during the week you are depleting your glycogen storage, so when you present your body with a surplus it will begin restoring glycogen.
    "The human body will convert excess carbs to glycogen first,"- Dr. Michael Aziz
    Most people can store about 2,000-5,000 calories of energy in glycogen.

    So now you are having your cheat day or for me, my "Spike Day" because I'm sure as heck not cheating!

    You eat lets say.... 4,000 calories, and you really enjoyed it!

    Burned 2,500
    Ate 4,000

    SURPLUS of 1,500 calories
    Let's say your glycogen was FULL, then
    You just gained (0.4lbs!)
    Wow, you really blew it.

    Even better is your glycogen was probably depleted meaning most of that surplus just restored glycogen making you next couple of workouts 10 times better!

    Now the benefits of a Spike Day
    1. You restore leptin (helps cravings)
    2. Increase metabolism
    3. makes your diet doable by giving you a weekly break
    4. Keeps you honest during the week having a day to look forward to
    5. You can eat pizza and donuts every week!
    6. Re-storing glycogen makes your workouts more effective
    7. Day after spiking you have increased strength
    8. Avoid starvation mode
    9. Great for parties and football games
    10. Guilt free eating,
    11. It's extremely fun planning and having a Spike Day
    12. You can eat pizza and donuts every week!

    There is no doubt in my mind that without spiking I would not be where I am today, over 100lbs lighter and under 10% bodyfat.

    Yeah my Spike days are insane. I've done 6,000 calorie spike days. There's a reason I don't log on sundays....I don't want to hear people telling me i'm messing up my diet............It's part of my diet/ lifestyle and it is awesome!!!

    I'm not sure I have the inclination to back up all the science here, but one thing I know for sure....when I plan and execute my spike day, I GO ALL OUT!!!!!!!!! And it's totally worth it! And it is absolutely true that it boosts metabolism and work out strength. I plan one day a week to go absolutely bananas and when it's over, I feel great, rewarded, and the next 6 days aren't so hard.
  • cassiopeia1975
    I don't do cheat days/meals...I've worked to hard to blow it all on one day/meal. I work everything into my cals for the day. If well planned it can be done. If I know hubby and I have a date night (very rarely happens) I make sure to work out a bit harder than normal and watch what I eat more during the day.

    Everything in moderation! :)

    I don't do "cheat days" either...but...If I feel like I may go over a little on calories...I work out extra to burn those extra calories....I don't agree with people who go overboard on "cheat days"...I've worked too hard and I'm not going to ruin it on those kinds of days....

    Me too, i just build what i want into the calories i have.

    If i want a bar of chocolate or a bowl of chips then i have it -- i just do an extra work out or eat less of something else so i stay within my calories.

    I rarely go over on cals and if i do its not by many. i know that if i stop myself from having something i really want im more likely to fail so i just eat what i want in moderation or work harder to burn the extra calories.

    Having a CHEAT day is only really cheating yourself!
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    I do a cheat day/weekend every few weeks. It's not from "lack of discipline", it's more of rewarding myself and enjoying life every once in awhile. I am very strict otherwise.

    I wouldn't be surprised if I consume over 5000 calories on a cheat day. It's easy to do when you dedicate the day to loading up on carbs. Last time I gained almost 3 pounds when I weighed myself the next day (mostly water). I lost that weight, and then some in less than a week.

    A cheat day here and there is not going to derail your progress. It's great to dedicate your life to be healthy, but don't keep yourself from indulging in the things you enjoy every once in awhile.

    It's like that saying about your work and your life.

    Work to live, not live to work.
  • jazzybean1
    You'll have to try a couple ways of spike days and just keep track to see what works for you...I def don't eat junk food all day as it's just not for me, makes me feel horrible, but I do eat more, will have homemade breakfast with whole grain toast and baked potato hash browns with eggs, compared to the protein shake I eat for breakfast every other day of the week. If I want a cheeseburger I will have one but I make my own, tastes better and is still healthy:) That day is also my rest day and gives my body the energy to get through the next 6 days of intense exercise and clean eating:)
  • rcrea
    rcrea Posts: 80
    Wow! There really are a lot of different opinions on this matter, huh? lol :laugh:
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    I don't do cheat days/meals...I've worked to hard to blow it all on one day/meal. I work everything into my cals for the day. If well planned it can be done. If I know hubby and I have a date night (very rarely happens) I make sure to work out a bit harder than normal and watch what I eat more during the day.

    Everything in moderation! :)


    I really don't get why people have cheat days. I guess I just have more self control and discipline.

    Wrong it has nothing to do with either, it has to do with the fact I enjoy food and I enjoy being ripped.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I don't do cheat days/meals...I've worked to hard to blow it all on one day/meal. I work everything into my cals for the day. If well planned it can be done. If I know hubby and I have a date night (very rarely happens) I make sure to work out a bit harder than normal and watch what I eat more during the day.

    Everything in moderation! :)


    I really don't get why people have cheat days. I guess I just have more self control and discipline.

    Wrong it has nothing to do with either, it has to do with the fact I enjoy food and I enjoy being ripped.

    I think there is no right or wrong way. Individually, we are all at different fitness levels and have different fitness goals. For example an avid runner burns so many calories and would be able to consume way more calories than someone like me (I'm 53 and although very active I not going to be burning what a say 30 year old runner would). I would think my calorie intake is restricted to a tighter other words can't eat as much as they could on a daily basis. There for......I love my 'cheat' day. It's a chance to indulge a bit more and not freak out about busting my calorie budget.

    Other people may find it hard to indulge one day and then jump right back on the fitness wagon the next. So they just work there 'fun' food into their daily caloric limit.

    Bottom line......I don't want to live in a world with out a 3 scoop hot fudge sundae extra extra whipped cream!!!!!!!!!!
  • ammbbbeeeerrrrr
    My cheat days are usually on the weekends. They usually go like this:

    Friday: I eat very light all day, workout like normal, and i know that my boyfriend will want to go eat somewhere for dinner. Usually at a fast food place, so i get the small meal there which is still pretty high in calorie, and i'll have a glass of wine at home.

    saturday: i usually dont exercise, and i'll have one drink with my bf's family but still eat healthy.

    sundays: my boyfriends family usually has some kind of barbecue or dinner and they dont really cook healthy so i eat a little of whatever they have and usually have a drink then too. lol I don't exercise either.

    It doesnt sound as bad when I type it out as it feels when its happening though..
  • armymil
    armymil Posts: 163 Member
    I don't call it a cheat day. I call it a free meal. I have 2 free meals a week. And I make them sensible at best.

    In my defination, I will consume for example Taco Bell. But instead of getting extra food that is just too much, I will get what will fill me up. 3 tacos instead of 5.

    I dont drink soda anyhow.

    Then I record them. You have to have free meals. Sometimes you go out with friends and want to grab a snack. Just enjoy it. But some people who don't have self control should avoid it. If you can handle having the free meal and maintaining your scheduled diet, then go for it.

    I use to do free days, but I lost my calories that way. Plus it would never shrink my stomach. So I tried the free meals way, and it works. So yes, if on Saturday, I have a lunch and dinner, fine. But I might have something on Saturday and something on Wed. Again, not 5000 calories, but maybe 1000 calories on each meal.
  • Scoobies87
    I don't do cheat days/meals...I've worked to hard to blow it all on one day/meal. I work everything into my cals for the day. If well planned it can be done. If I know hubby and I have a date night (very rarely happens) I make sure to work out a bit harder than normal and watch what I eat more during the day.

    Everything in moderation! :)

    I don't do "cheat days" either...but...If I feel like I may go over a little on calories...I work out extra to burn those extra calories....I don't agree with people who go overboard on "cheat days"...I've worked too hard and I'm not going to ruin it on those kinds of days....

    Me too, i just build what i want into the calories i have.

    If i want a bar of chocolate or a bowl of chips then i have it -- i just do an extra work out or eat less of something else so i stay within my calories.

    I rarely go over on cals and if i do its not by many. i know that if i stop myself from having something i really want im more likely to fail so i just eat what i want in moderation or work harder to burn the extra calories.

    Having a CHEAT day is only really cheating yourself!

    I would hardly call it 'cheating yourself.' I have my 'cheat days' at weekends because that is when family get togethers/meals with friends, going out occur and those are the times when I like to relax a little and enjoy time with my friends and family without worrying.
  • armymil
    armymil Posts: 163 Member
    I would hardly call it 'cheating yourself.' I have my 'cheat days' at weekends because that is when family get togethers/meals with friends, going out occur and those are the times when I like to relax a little and enjoy time with my friends and family without worrying.

  • SunShyne200
    I few years ago I was pretty successful following the WW program..I dropped 42lbs in about 4 months. Not in the beginning but by about the end of the second month I started eating whatever I wanted on Sundays, ( right now I can still picture the Pizza Hut Pan Pizza I would eat on that day, yum) Anyway, I always said that my weigh ins on the weeks I would have a "cheat" day would be my best weigh ins...I remember telling my WW buddy that and my leader, of course the leader couldn't promote that, so needless to say, for me a cheat day works....I haven't had one yet and don't plan on starting a "cheat/spike" day/meal until I've been calorie counting for 4 solid weeks. Then I will have better control over my eating and I know I'll be able to get right back at it the next day...
  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    I believe in a good cheat day. Although, I find that I make it more of a meal, than a whole day. I usually try to be good during the day, try to get a work out in and then have a really satisfying dinner, sometimes with dessert, sometimes woithout... I find that my weight loss is more consistant when I do that, and it makes staying on the rest of the week a lot more doable.