Second day- Hello!!!

Hello everyone, Im new to this, never have done a diet by counting calories. I hope this works!!! Now I just need to add exercise to my diet!



  • It's my second day also! I am so, this site is addicting. :)
  • Hello!!! You need to add Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred to your works!!!
  • Hey! Welcome! I am new to the whole exercise thing myself and I speak from experience when I say start slow. If you try to push yourself too hard too fast you will regret it. And your body will hate you. Good luck!!
  • angeleyes4643
    angeleyes4643 Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome aboard ! Both of you. Calorie counting is really easy especially here at MFP. Just stick with it and you'll do great. Years ago I did WW (which back then was like calorie counting. No points) and I lost 80 lbs. Unfortunately I gained it all back and then some but I'm here again and to date I've lost 57 lbs. Feel free to friend me if you'd like some company on your journey. It's always easier to do it with friends.
  • Weclome to MFP it is a great tool for watching calories and talking with others that have the problems.Good Luck
  • It totally works. And you'll find that recording what you eat is actually more fun than tedious. If you stick with it, you'll be on your way to your goal in no time.
    Best of luck to you!
  • GibsonDarlin
    GibsonDarlin Posts: 202 Member
    Hello!!! You need to add Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred to your works!!!

    I've heard good things about this, I am on an 8 week Y group challenge but when that is over this is on my list for next!!!
  • if you`re looking for a fun work out i`d suggest "Turbo Jam" i love it!