needing some nutrition/dietitian expert advice...

Ok, I have always considered myself a pretty healthy eater. I have a general knowledge when it comes to food and nutrition and know what is right and wrong. So, my main question is, do you seriously have to be perfect all the time? No cheats, low fat, low carb, low sodium, no pop, exercising regularly, and obsessing over eating perfectly???? The scale just won't budge.... it's completely frustrating and meanwhile I watch my boyfriend wolf down burgers, fries, and fatty yumminess. I try not to restrict my diet, but just improve it. I am afraid that if i label something OFF LIMITS I will cave. I have switched to diet pop when I do crave it, i am eating more fruits and veggies, and have tried to limit fried foods.
The only time i have ever lost weight is when i nearly starve myself. The last time I remember seeing the pounds drop was when i was eating nothing but soup, salad, and fruit and I know it wasn't nearly enough caloric intake to be healthy. Probably about 1,000 calories a day. Well here I am trying to eat healthier and more often, and hitting my exercise goals everyday. NOTHING is happening! HELP!


  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Are you exercising? That could help you burn more calories and probably kick start your metabolism. Also, beware of fat free foods since a lot of time they have even more sugar and salt and are worse for you than the regular version. One last thing: artificial sweeteners don't necessarily help. There's many theories as to why they're bad for you (or why they're good for you), so try reading up on them and see if they're worth having in your diet. Good luck. =)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Ht/wt, TDEE and current caloric intake?
  • MellyPfromVT
    MellyPfromVT Posts: 869 Member
    I feel you. I am having the same issues. I have changed up my exercise routine and upped my calories for a week. We'll see if this helps! (And, no, you can't possibly eat perfect all the time...have a burger and fries occasionally.) If only the weight would come off as easy as it was to put it on!
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    If "eating perfectly" for you isn't sustainable, it won't work. You'll cave. Depending on what you consider cheating, there's no harm in one or two cheat meals/week. But it really depends on what your caloric goals are and by what percentage you plan on missing them by when you cheat, so to speak.
  • mwest11
    mwest11 Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks, if I use artificial sweeteners I use splenda. It doesn't happen very often and neither does the diet soda (maybe 2-3 times a week. It is probably the exercise. I walk anywhere from 3-5 miles a day because of a walking program at work, and do yoga/pilates once a week. I am a former college athlete and just can't bring myself to do the lifting anymore. I just hate it now, had someone forcing me to do it for a long time. But i probably need to just suck it up and get back into a circuit/resistance training program.
  • mwest11
    mwest11 Posts: 89 Member
    starting weight: 145
    current weight: 144
    goal weight: 135

    1500 kcal/day
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    starting weight: 145
    current weight: 144
    goal weight: 135

    1500 kcal/day

    to answer your first question, you don't have to eat healthy 100% of the time to lose weight, total caloric intake governs weight loss.

    how long have you been stuck @ 144?
  • mwest11
    mwest11 Posts: 89 Member
    I love the food tracker of this site because it does help keep me in check. I usually do well the first half of the day and then dinner sabotages me. But I usually end up pretty close to my total caloric intake for the day. And I won't lie, I like to have a beer every now and then. I have been stuck at the 145 range for at least a year now. Last year around this time I was a lot better about going to the gym but my diet wasn't so hot. Then I started a 2nd job and working out couldn't fit in my schedule. That was when i lost some weight but it was because I was under-eating due to my schedule. I put the 5 lb weight loss back on as soon as I quit the 2nd job a few months ago.
  • Ebbsies
    Have you ever had medical testing for hormone levels, a full physical to see if something may be wrong with your thyroid etc? To not lose weight unless your practically starving yourself says that something could be amiss with your body, but if all those levels are normal, I would say start measuring your food on an actual SCALE by weight. It seems tedious but it really is an eye opener for a lot of people who are having a hard time losing while tracking cals/eating healthfully.
  • mwest11
    mwest11 Posts: 89 Member
    Have you ever had medical testing for hormone levels, a full physical to see if something may be wrong with your thyroid etc? To not lose weight unless your practically starving yourself says that something could be amiss with your body, but if all those levels are normal, I would say start measuring your food on an actual SCALE by weight. It seems tedious but it really is an eye opener for a lot of people who are having a hard time losing while tracking cals/eating healthfully.

    I actually have, once last december and once a couple weeks ago. My mom had her thyroid shrunk with radioactive iodine, g-ma on her side removed, aunt and g-ma on dads side are on meds.

    I just looked over my food intake for the past week and after seeing what I ate, not what I thought I ate, helped. You are probably right about being more tedious about what I eat. I try so hard the first half of the day to eat well that I just want junk in the evening!
  • Ebbsies
    That's great you could look back and see that, I actually love huge dinners with tons of veggies, lean meats and usually make my dinner about 700-800 calories so I'm satisfied at the end of the day to avoid night eating and craving junk. I don't worry about spreading my meals evenly, just making up the right cals/macros I need for that day dependent on my training.