New Member- Single Moms

Hi everyone, Im a new member to "myfitnesspal" I just started this yesterday. Never done a calorie counting diet in my life. But, Im willing to give it a shot. Done many other crazy diets before so lets see how this one goes. Im a single mom of 2 teenage children that are in college right now. Been single since 2008. I work full time and decided it was time for me to get my life back. I enrolled in college as a full time student and being a single mom, working full time and being a full time student is super hard... I dont see where I can schedule a work-out program. Im always tired!!!!

Any suggestions!!!



  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    Hello and welcome!
    Phew....I am tired just reading about all the stuff you have going on.
    While adding exercise AND a proper diet is the most effective way to lose weight, it is NOT the only way.
    You can lose weight without adding exercise to your routine. It just takes a bit longer.
    The goal is to burn more than you eat, so if you can't exercise, you won't burn as much, so you need to make sure you keep what you eat in check.

    Now...even if it is just a 15 minute walk around the neighborhood, you need to find SOME time to be active and have some "me" time. It doesn't even have to be for exercise, but more for a mental break.
    Your life sounds very full and it can be very easy to let YOUR own needs fall in the cracks.
    A few minutes to "recharge" is a good thing :)

    Take it one day at a time and use the forums. We are all here to help you!
  • stef_3
    stef_3 Posts: 173
    You can try a short workout dvd. Jillian Michaels has quite a few that run between 20-30 mins a workout and only cost $8-$15 at Target and Walmart. Good luck
  • mjshmily
    mjshmily Posts: 137 Member
    I am a single mom of teens. Between a full time job and life in general and helping out with Bio 20 homework I don't have a ton of extra time. I walk almost every night and often my daughter joins me. Gives us a chance to talk :-)

    As odd it sounds, every little bit helps. Take the stairs at work, park on the far side of the lot, crank up the tunes and dance when you clean. :-)

    You will get there!
  • im a single mum also with two small children, a big dog, a job and i also study online...sound familiar?

    i work out first thing in the morning...after i drop one kid at school and before i drop the other one off...

    have you heard of Curves? its a great workout, and im in and out in less than 45minutes (i do stay and stretch otherwise i feel like i cant move in the afternoons)...

    i didnt think i had time to workout either but i started getting out of bed earlier and being more organised with our morning routine and i found the extra hour in the day that i needed to get a workout in...

    i lost 85lbs by myself before joining on her a few days ago....i needed some extra motivation to loose the 70lbs i have left to go...

    i have founds lots of support and helpful tips to keep me going...

    working out actually gives me more engery in the day and i also get to bed at 8.30pm...just after i tuck the kids in...
  • your absolutely right!!!

    I do have to have "me" time
