Hi all- new to board

Hi everyone- My name is Molly and I have been doing the "My Fitness Pal" for a couple of weeks now (and have lost 6 pounds!! Yeah!!), but I haven't checked out this board yet. My goal is at least 30 pounds. Guess I will re-evaluate once I get there. I know from other boards, they can be a powerful source of support, information and motivation. I look forward to many great conversations!

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    Hey there!
    SO nice to meet you. You are SO right. The tools are great, but once you get to know the other members of this community you will see that it is SO helpful.
    The encouragement, support and advice from others who are going through the same thing you are can be just the push you need to get the ball rolling.
    Good luck and again, welcome!
  • GFreg
    GFreg Posts: 404
    Hi Molly,

    Nice to meet you. I was using the MFP phone app for close to a year, seeing up's and down's of a few pounds but since I have joined the community I have actually been able to keep the weight off. It is great to see my friend's progress to stay motivated and use their support to help me through the tough days.
  • moalebri
    moalebri Posts: 4 Member
    I just added the phone app and it's very useful. I can update or add things and don't have to be home.
    Nice to meet you as well!