What motivates you?

Here's the issue -- I do really well for about three weeks. I eat well, exercise regularly and start to feel really good! Then three weeks hits and it's like I haven't eaten in ages! I consume way to many calories, which prevents me from working out because I feel gross -- downward cycle.

Then when I weigh myself and notice that I've gained 7 pounds in 10 days, I start to get serious again.

Any tips on how to stay on course?


  • wii boxing!!!
  • tjnahm
    tjnahm Posts: 73 Member
    Set a realistic and specific long term goal. Avoid goals like "get in shape", set real numbers, fitness challenges, etc.

    Define a set of actions that must be required to meet said goal.

    Outline a plan to achieve goal

    Setup milestone goals and reward yourself for reaching said milestones (losing 100 lbs is a daunting task... losing 25lbs four times is better)

    Grab a partner to help hold you accountable for your long term goals.

  • sarantonio
    sarantonio Posts: 880 Member
    Ugh..I do the same thing...the only thing that I can make of it is my cycle....danm being a woman:grumble: Mortrin?!?
  • ohmissemily
    ohmissemily Posts: 73 Member
    every 5 lbs reward yourself. an unhealthy meal youve been wanting for a while. a new outfit. something new. i do a new outfit and unhealthy meal. so that when its time to buckle down, you got something to look forward to, that if you work hard you get something in return that you feel you deserve. its all you gurl. you can do it.
  • istalkzombies
    istalkzombies Posts: 344 Member
    I do a few different things the main thing I do tho is every morning when I wake up and every night before I goto bed I look in the mirror and look at my before pictures and remind myself of where I was and where I want to be and that really helps motivate me. I also made a collage of all the logos of the different programs and tools I use to help get fit and put that as the wallpaper on my cell phone. Being able to play with kids without getting tired has been a huge motivational boost for me. I also set goals such as running a half marathon in april of next year and posted my goals on facebook to help me stick to it. I also am starting to play basketball with my buddies once a week and have a couple friends that I work out with regularly to help push me. I also like reading all the posts in this and other forums as inspiration and I watch mostly sports and shows about fitness like I watch Biggest Loser and watched the Crossfit Games on ESPN and set myself a goal to one day be able to compete in them and/or similar competitions.
  • istalkzombies
    istalkzombies Posts: 344 Member
    Also forgot one of the best motviations as you get more fit and your clothes get too big THROW AWAY OR DONATE your bigger clothes that way you dont have that to fall back on cause then you have to spend money to go buy bigger clothes.
  • For me, is simple. I need to be the best possible role model for my daughter (4 years old). I encourage her to dance and swim and do outdoor games....exactly what I didn't do in the recent past. If my daughter sees me as a healthy guy, she'll probably be the same way.

    PS: As usual, forgive my bad written english.
  • Thanks for the tips everyone! I'm excited to get down to business on a real, detailed and achievable plan.