Not new to MFP but new to the forums! :)

Hi everyone,

My name is Allisha, I'm 24 and I am new to the MFP forums. I've been using MFP for about 6 months now, and I've lost 10lbs. (my ticker only reads 7 but that was because of a typo when weighing in. oops!)

My main goal for losing weight is my issues with trying to conceive my first child. My husband and I have been trying for a few years without success & my doctor felt that losing weight would be the best thing for fertility.

Since our wedding (January 30th 2010) I have lost a total of 60lbs by re-vamping my lifestyle to be healthier & more active. I've seemed to hit a plateau, and though I am not gaining anything it is frustrating. I have 123lbs until my "forever" goal and just a week ago I surpassed my first "number on the scale goal" (even though it was only by 1lb) rather than "lbs lost" goal, so yay for that at least :)

I am on my way to a fertility specialist on Tuesday since my weight loss failed to aid my fertility issues and I am extremely nervous. The co-founder of the clinic I was referred to recently spent a week on the "pro" side of a debate to ban fertility treatments to women who are overweight. I never thought that at the age of 24 I would be visiting a fertility doctor let alone having to worry about not being treated due to my weight. Most people will say that I have lots of time to lost the weight, get healthy & re-visit the fertility treatments when the time is right but I come from a gene pool of women who experienced early menopause, as early as 25 years young.

Sorry this post got so long, thank you for reading if you made it this far! :)