FEELING really bad!



  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    We have ALL been there or we wouldn't be here! Yes, we all understand. Guilt will make you feel bad but it won't make you thinner! In fact stress can make most of us over eat or make bad choices! Take a minute to realize that two bad meals can't undo all of your hard work. They might cost you a little more time in your walking shoes or an extra week or two on your journey to good health but they are just bumps in the road. So forgive yourself and move on. Every new day is a new opportunity to do it right. It might help you to look back at your food diary for the last few days and see if anything has changed. Not enough calories for example?? Do you keep notes at the bottom of your log? Sometimes that can help if you note extra stress, how you dealt with a problem etc. Sometimes just seeing when and how you were successful can keep you on the right track. good luck! Wishing you a good day.
  • Awake_Alive
    Awake_Alive Posts: 261 Member
    I had a day like you did about three weeks ago, and my trainer told me something that I hope you find as useful as I did. He said "if you have a dog who loves to eat chickens, you'd better not put his food bowl in the hen house".

    If I am thinking about eating somewhere, and I recognize the fact that I am going to have to be "good", I now see that as my own personal henhouse and I just don't go.

    I would agree with the poster who said to look at it as your metabolism sparking meal and then just move on and continue to make the next right choice. You can do it!!!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Maybe don't stop for food on your walks. Have something ready for when you get home. You can make better than subway or the italian place at home.
    This was my thought. Eat at home more. Eat out on more rare occasions.
  • sheryl3424
    sheryl3424 Posts: 4 Member
    When we start feeling bad about ourselves, it can start a spiral downhill... so just don't even go down that path. As has been said, count these calories in as part of your "real life eating" and realize that life is good and so is an occasional treat

    I am NOT on a "diet", but trying to change the way I view food. This means that I cannot start thinking of food as a punishment but rather a realistic need that my body has. When I was young, eating out was a once or twice a year event. Chips, cake and candy were a very occasional treat. Somewhere along the line, I forgot this and proceeded to have "cake" everyday. Hence, I look like a small, round Yoda. "The dark side, food is not." Be comfortable with your choices and be AWARE that they ARE choices, and we are teaching ourselves to make better ones.
  • trod1149
    we all slip from time to time. thae main thing is stay positive. if you really feel bad about overindulging all you have to do is get on a stationary bike or treadmill and ride til you burn off those calories. ok, 2 slices of pizza is about 700 calories so thay would be a considerable workout. just remember, you are accountable to no one but youself. i walk-and-jog 5 miles every morning and that gives me -600 calories to start the day. then i get stinjy in giving them back. find a routine that works for you. :0)
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    Everyone said this already...but don't get down on yourself! Make today better and go from there...it'll be okay :smile:
  • Amanda0877
    When you've been eating light and healthy for a long time, your metabolism slows down because it gets used to not having to work very hard. When you eat a huge meal when you haven't in a long time, its like a kick start for your metabolism. It will get your body burning calories faster until it gets used to you eating light again. That's science! I firmly believe in a pig-out session at least once a month to get my metabolism revved up again (that's not science, just me) and I swear it works!! When I hit a plateau with my weight loss, that always seems to do the trick! Don't go crazy on the processed foods, but something high in protein and good fats makes your metabolism work hard. So don't sweat it, just think of it as a jump start for the next week or two.
  • Silchi24
    One of my mfp friends told me to me to hate my actions not myself. She is so right, sometimes there is no explaining why we do these things to ourselves but when we do we should forgive but not forget.

    Forgive yourself for doing it but don't forget how you feel right now the next time you feel like eating ???? (I am british and have no idea what you it was you ate) :happy:

    LOL that is funny...do you really want to know what CAPICOLA IS? I believe its a lunch meat. Pork shoulder (I think). Or the PIZZA? Thanks so much for the support. Reading all of your posting, makes me get up and do a double time on my workout today. Which I will do. And everyone here is right about everything you all wrote.
  • Silchi24
    As already said, today is a new day! Also if you have a splurge day (like every friday for me), just skip it for the week... no harm done!

    I like that! VERY GOOD IDEA!
  • Silchi24
    When you've been eating light and healthy for a long time, your metabolism slows down because it gets used to not having to work very hard. When you eat a huge meal when you haven't in a long time, its like a kick start for your metabolism. It will get your body burning calories faster until it gets used to you eating light again. That's science! I firmly believe in a pig-out session at least once a month to get my metabolism revved up again (that's not science, just me) and I swear it works!! When I hit a plateau with my weight loss, that always seems to do the trick! Don't go crazy on the processed foods, but something high in protein and good fats makes your metabolism work hard. So don't sweat it, just think of it as a jump start for the next week or two.

    I have never heard of that and maybe its something to consider.
  • Silchi24
    Thanks for the many reply's and motivation. After reading all your postings I do feel better. In fact, I am ganna do double time on my work out today when I get home. Definitely eat something before leaving for our walks and go to the aerobics class that I haven't done since last week.

    I will try to burn as much as I eat yesterday.

    Thanks, from the bottom of my chubby heart. I do appreciated it! :blushing:
