Bye-Bye Diet Coke, Bye-Bye Energy?

I have been addicted to Diet Coke for many years. Well, i've made some major changes the past few weeks. Starting 5 weeks ago, I have stopped (for the most part) my late night eating habits, i'm more accountable for what I eat and being more knowledgeable about how fattening it is (haven't had a burger or french fries since I started 5 weeks ago), I now exercise 5-6 times a week as opposed to NEVER before (haha), and I was also a social smoker before and smoking cigarettes more than I should and I haven't smoked a cigarette in 5 weeks (and I can tell a big difference when I exercise). I've lost around 15-20 lbs so far, and the weight loss is definitely slowing down now, which I had expected since you lose the most in the beginning. But I decided I would make one more positive change in my life, and that is to try to say goodbye to one of my most favorite things, Diet Coke (and Diet Mtn Dew). Ive never really liked water, but it's so good for you so I want to like it. So this challenge started today, and I have a goal to go 3 weeks without diet sodas, and trying to just drink water. Then hopefully once I go that long, I will actually crave water then and not want Diet Coke. So today was my first day and hasn't been THAT bad, but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on any foods that will help give you energy and won't blow my diet? The first few days will be the hardest and i've definitely noticed a difference in my energy level today... It doesn't exist. lol. I was just curious if you all had any suggestions. Thanks for the feedback!!


  • Aussie4870
    the energy that you got from that coke was from will give you a high and then a crash which is usually why people get addicted and drink so much of it...

    you will get the same amount of energy from eating an apple and having a large glass of iced water...only the engery is from natural sugar and not a carcenageic...

    if you crave something sweet try green tea Crystal Light...or any Crystal Light for that matter...they make a Pure range which doesnt have the artificial sugar but still only 70 calories in a pack...
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    Oh my god I drink so much diet coke too and the bf says that I should stop to help the weight loss but it has no calories, so what will it do other than bloat me because of the gas? (honestly i have no idea, tried researching but found nothing...)

    I haven't stopped yet but I should do really. The only alternative really is water...
  • IamEric
    I gave up Dr. Pepper about two years ago. It was hard at first because I drank a lot of it, but have found that the more I exercise, eat healthy and drink lots of water, my energy level is at record peaks. Much higher than it ever was with DP.

    You can do it and it will get a lot easier.
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    You can try drinking some green tea. I make green tean and put it over ice, its healthy, gives your metabolism a boost and even helps with hunger. I also love unsweaten iced tea.
  • starrstarr007
    I can tell you that it does get easier - I used to drink about 3-4 diet cokes a day and now it has probably been 2 months since I had one. After a few days, it got much easier.

    My one recommendation - get a water bottle than you like to drink from - I know it sounds crazy but I noticed I drank more water from a glass with a straw then without.

    I am in love with my Camelbak Groove water bottle - it is filtered water on the go. I got it from REI and now I don't go anywhere without it. The first couple of sips on a new filter can be so so but then it makes water taste better. I have super sensitive taste buds and the water at work tasted terrible so I would never drink it and reach for the diet coke instead. Now I have my Camelbak groove an the water tastes so much better and I like drinking out of it - I usually put away my share of water during the day now.

    Good luck - you can do it!
  • ameyc2002
    ameyc2002 Posts: 247 Member
    i like diet lemon lime sodas. i havent stopped them but have slacked down
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    I stopped about 3 years ago. I started drinking ginger ale to replace the sodas. Then I would only drink half of a ginger ale. Then after about 2 months I started drinking only water and juice. During that second month I tried to drink a soda and I could not. It filled me up after only three or four swallows. I can't stand sodas now.

    Good luck on kicking that poison. You will be amazed how much better you feel.
  • jnell82
    jnell82 Posts: 136
    I agree with etay. You have a lower energy level because your body is used to that caffeine. Once you go through your withdrawls and you are used to not having that caffeine, your energy will increase naturally. Apples really help me stay energized, along with my daily workout. Good luck :)
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    Oh my god I drink so much diet coke too and the bf says that I should stop to help the weight loss but it has no calories, so what will it do other than bloat me because of the gas? (honestly i have no idea, tried researching but found nothing...)

    I haven't stopped yet but I should do really. The only alternative really is water...

    Worst thing I've heard about diet soda is that the artificial sweeteners in them will reek havoc on your kidneys, basically turning them to leather over time. There are also studies that show an increased risk of cancer in people who consume a large amount of artificial sweetener.

    I still drink a Diet Coke occasionally, but usually limit it to once or twice a week, and only when I'm on the road mostly.
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    I quit all soda about 15 years ago. Now I cant stand it. When I get tired of water I use the new MIO liquid. I like it a lot better than crystal light and its easier to make. For more energy....lots of protein and veggies.
  • rrrbecca11
    I have read that if you can do a thing for 21 days straight, it will become a habit, and I can testify to that in my own life. So your three week goal is very significant. Stick with water. I didn't like it either when I first started drinking it several years ago; now I have from 108 to 120 ounces a day. I don't put another thing in my body till I've emptied my 24 ounce glass that I use, and I keep it filled, 24 ounces at a time, all day and till bedtime. I can barely stand the taste of any sweetened beverage now, and I like it that way. :) Good luck.
  • mewhisler
    mewhisler Posts: 37 Member
    I quit drinking diet coke at the beginning of this year...and I drank A LOT. At first it was horrible - i was so tired and had bad headaches, due to the caffeine. but, then it got better. It did take awhile though - about 1 month - before I didn't crave it every day. Every once in awhile I want one, but I know that if I drink one, I'll go overboard.

    I started drinking La Croix every time I wanted something with bubbles - and it has no artificial sweeteners. That helped a bit.

    good luck!
  • inotnew
    inotnew Posts: 218 Member
    Ive never really liked water, but it's so good for you so I want to like it.
    When I started drinking Diet Coke (many years ago) I didn't like the taste of it either. I trained myself to like it over time. I realized that when I started to drink green tea to replace the Diet Coke. I didn't really care for the taste of green tea. But it took less than 2 weeks to get use to drinking it.
  • janetb21
    janetb21 Posts: 182 Member
    I quit Diet Coke last December. I was trying to cut back on expenses and that was one thing to cut out. After a few days I didn't miss it anymore. And my energy level returned to normal.

    Then I read an article that said women who drink diet sodas have a larger waist measurement than those who don't. That made me really not want to drink it anymore!
  • inotnew
    inotnew Posts: 218 Member
    Worst thing I've heard about diet soda is that the artificial sweeteners in them will reek havoc on your kidneys, basically turning them to leather over time. There are also studies that show an increased risk of cancer in people who consume a large amount of artificial sweetener.

    I had also read that soda (any, not just diet soda) can affect the absorption of calcuim into the bones - over time.
  • Cokamo
    Part of feeling bad today is likely the withdrawl from the caffeine. That will get better with time. Flavored waters/packets help with the need for flavor/sweetness in your water. I try to limit myself to one of those a day, however, and focus the rest of the time on clear water. I do still allow myself one diet coke a day most days (usually at dinner) unless I opt for tea instead.

    You've made a lot of change in a short time. Be careful not to be too extreme or you could find yourself feeling overly deprived and rebound.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I gave up Diet Pepsi back in May and yes I was dragging for about 2 weeks. Best thing I found when I was feeling lethargic was exercise. I do a quick lap around the building I work in, a few sun salutations in an empty conference room, or go up and down the stairs a few times. It's hard and it lasted way longer than I thought it would but it eventually gets better.

    I do have a can or two of Caffeine free, diet pepsi a week now cause I still love carbonation, but I eliminated it entirely for 3 weeks.
  • traviscolby
    Diet Coke is, in my humble opinion, the worst thing out there. I was addicted to the stuff and consumed gallons a day, and my last one was December of 2009. Giving it up was probably the single most effective thing I did. Here is what I went through so you have an idea of what to expect.

    Day 1 through 5 -

    In the first few days of giving up Diet Coke, you WILL go into caffeine withdrawals. This is a natural part of the detox process, but it really sucks. I found myself having the sweats and having trouble concentrating on anything. On top of that, there is the massive headache that will last for at least 3 days. The important thing here is to not replace the caffeine in Diet Coke with another source like coffee, tea, or chocolate. If you just replace one caffeine source for another, you will likely go back to Diet Coke as I did several times in the past.

    The first month -

    As you pointed out, you will have energy issues for a while. This is because your body is used to running on caffeine and making it work for itself is a foreign concept. You can get through this with exercise. I found that hitting the treadmill for a few minutes at lunch perked my system up and got me through the energy issues. Have fait though, the energy issues don't stick around forever.

    The first six months -

    You will have many cravings for Diet Coke, and once you get past the physical issues of the first month then you have to deal with getting past the mental issues of the addiction. It is not an easy thing to do, but it will be worth it in the end. I found that the cravings disappeared after about 6 months. By that point I was used to and enjoyed water as my primary beverage and my body was functioning just fine without the stuff.

    Stick with it - you will thank yourself!

    As to the one wondering if Diet Coke is bad for you, here are some points to consider:

    1. The carbonation in the stuff expands your stomach, making you feel hungry and needing more food.
    2. The chemicals and carbonation digest more food waste products and put them in your system.
    3. The caffeine in them is very addictive
    4. My grandmother died of brain cancer and she drank diet coke every day of her life. While there isn't a medical connection proven, I have to believe the buildup of chemicals in her system had something to do with it.

    That’s my two cents anyway…
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    I can testify - I have been on the Cola addiction thing. Not medically diagnosed, but by those around me and eventually myself. 2-3 cans a day. I *needed* them when having a bad (or good or whatever) day. Hooked on sugar too. HAD to add it to breakfast cereal and HAD to add it to cups of tea (to make me 'enjoy' said items).

    I made a choice 6.5 months ago to go 'cold turkey' on said items. That, and walking 20-30k's per week was the ONLY change I made (physically). In the first few months I was losing 1-2kg per week !!!

    A work colleague had stopped adding sugar and lost 2kg in a few weeks also - NO other changes.

    To tolerate water better, I added 1/8 to 1/4 of whole lemon and of whole lime to my bottle of water. Snacking ended up being on sugar-free mints (2cal each) - and they too enhanced boring water.

    Take the challenge - you CAN do it. Your WILL power says you WILL do it. Go for gold !