Suggestions for finding new local friends

Does anyone have suggestions for finding new friends? It just seems harder and harder the older I get. I have never been one to have too many friends. Have always had some friends, but really have one good friend that lives six hours from me.

I actually joined a Meetup for my area but cannot get myself to go alone, i know silly isn't it? The point of being a member is to meet people.

I belong to two gyms but am the newbie to both and people don't really talk there much.

I have two kids 22, and 17, but never really got to know their friends parents in town.

I am gone 12 hours a day for work, so the computer is really my "friend" but it brings me all of my MFP buds and then of course FB and gmail/aol..etc... so the computer is good.

I need to do something about it....I need real life friends :))) Gosh that sounds so sad. Any real suggestions out there?


  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Here's the search feature for members in your area link, you can input your zip code and find many ppl in your area. Well least I did, I think it was something like 52 pages of members...I didn't look through them all..:laugh:

    Good Luck!
  • mrsgolfie
    mrsgolfie Posts: 42 Member
    Agree 100% with all you My best friend passed away; and have another close friend that's goes away all winter. The rest of my friends are in another city. Does make it hard.
    I do have some great golf friends; but in winter we don't golf
  • Thank you Becca. I have done that a few times. Everyone seems so far away from me bc I live in the boonies. I will keep trying. )))
  • Thank you MrsGoflie :)))

    Sad so many people on this planet, and not enough of us are friends.
  • MissObstinatiox
    MissObstinatiox Posts: 275 Member
    I,m the same too i,ve moved to the valleys in south wales and i literally have no friends at all (omg i sound so sad) lol
    I find it hard because i,ve got a little boy and i dont fancy the whole mums and toddlers groups as i think there can be a lot of gossipers locally so for now its me harley and phoenix the cat and lilly the puppy x
  • Mannnnn Do I hear you Vik! It seems so wrong to be like this. Such good people we are. We should be sharing our lives. Might even bring more peace in the world, ya know?!
  • MissObstinatiox
    MissObstinatiox Posts: 275 Member
    I completely agree hun.
    What would i do without my laptop lol eeek dont bear thinking about.
    I would like to have at least as you say real life friend as it kind of gets a little lonely stuck in the valleys with no one other then family around.
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    Are you involved with your kids schools, sports, or with church groups? I seem to meet all sorts of people at the grocery store, the mall, the gas station, coffeehouse, etc.
  • Hmmm Phil....I went to a Catholic church for years and people just don't talk there. Kind of a turn off. Haven't gone in a while.

    Kids aren't in sports. Don't talk to folks at the gas station really. I have to make a mental note to go out of my way to talk to people when I see them. That does work. But as for long term friends? Not so much.
  • Volunteering works for me. People from all avenues in life show up sooner or later. Chat with all who seem approachable and perhaps you will find you know some of the same people. I am widowed and find they try to fix me up with meeting ole so and so for he's a good ole boy! Church is great also for there are always departments who need helpers. I am Navywife.
  • ltlane
    ltlane Posts: 120
    i moved away from home some years ago cause i was sick of living there and plus it got real crazy.... then i ended up losing my job in the new area and then had to move up here. it feels like the boonies as well. i never really had many friends growing up and then now im like damn i did leave home where i did have some. i still have issues with going places and meeting and greeting people but at my age and yours i admit it is harder to just meet people and befriends them. my children are 5 and 11 and i dont know maybe its me but people just realy try to be around people they have known for years and then there is a block/wall and no one is allowed in that circle. maybe not a great description but just sayin i know how ya feel :flowerforyou:
  • Aww Itlane....i so hear what you are saying. I think it's way too flippin sad. Would like to do something about it. Everyone needs friends they can count on to be there for them, hang with, and vice versa!
  • Thank you, Navywife! You are right!
  • Chris, I am basically the same way. I have lived here almost three years and I don't have any true friends. I have the girls I work with but they don't really count. Those are people that I am friends with because we work together and if I didn't work there we would probably have very little to do with each other. To me, it is much harder to make friends now than it use to be. Everyone, including myself, is very busy with their own lives. I do need a friend because sometimes my boyfriend doesn't want to go to the movies or out to eat with me. Last weekend, I actually got my 19 yr old son to go eat with me which was very odd! He wanted a free meal i think! Just keep being friendly to folks when you go places like the gym and you will meet someone sooner or later! I don't know what else to suggest because I struggle with this too! Good Luck and Keep Smiling :)
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    This is going to sound odd but have you thought of going to other Christian churches functions? Most Christian churches will welcome other Christians in to their social events. Otherwise maybe you can take up dance or something social but active instead of doing two gyms maybe do one and the social thing.

    Why can't you drag your 22 year old along to things with you for company until you meet some people? I often go out with my mother in law to her karaoke so she isn't alone.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I like There are all kind of interest from hiking group, camping to meditation group.
  • startingoverca
    startingoverca Posts: 35 Member
    I am desperately needing to meet local people too! If you need online support add me to friends... and we can muddle through the real world together :) lol. I am so into my routines that it is difficult (and intimidating) to put myself out there and meet new people... Good luck!
  • mrsgolfie
    mrsgolfie Posts: 42 Member
    Tried that local friends and it says no such page and check address....was worth a try...but not working for me