Anyone else TTC while losing weight ????



  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Yes, my husband and I have been trying to conceive for 2.5 years. We have gone through all the test and really don't have any answers. I known for a long time that my weight is not helping anything so I'm doing something about it. I'm currently only fertility meds (clomid and progestrone) which can make weight loss interesting but I take it one day at a time and pray someday we'll be blessed with a child.
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    Me! Well, sort of. We have been TTC #2 for a little over a year (about 14 months) with no luck. #1 took over a year, too. We have no known fertility issues, but will start getting tested next month to see what's up. I decided for several reasons that it is in my best interest to take a break from it until February or March. It is exhausting & I want to focus on getting down to my ideal weight first. My husband is very obese & having Lapband surgery soon as well. There is a work related reason, too. So, we are taking a break but will both be a lot healthier AND hopefully have some answers about what the problem might be, if there is one :)
    Good luck to everyone! By the way, I got pregnant with #1 immediately after I dropped 20 lbs. Losing weight while trying can only help things, in my opinion!
  • u334556
    Me! We have been TTC since May and at first I was distraught when I didn't fall pregnant straight away! Teachers & parents had drilled into me from a young age that you most certainly fall pregnant if you didn't have safe sex! Whilst I'm greatful that it definately made me live in fear and thus religiously took my contraceptive, it was a hard thing to accept when trying to actually fall pregnant, I never thought that it might be a challenge, I suppose it's something I took for granted.

    I don't have any charts and I'm not obessed (as yet...) as I figure that way it's ment to be! So in the meantime I'm trying to loose weight (I'm currently dancing on the BMI line between Normal and Overweight, at 25). I'm also trying to wean myself off some of my favourtie foods that are going to be a big 'No no' when I fall pregnant (I really could go some camembert right now!!)

    I have a very supportive husband (annoyingly fit) so that always makes it easier. And much to his disgrace we now have skim milk in our fridge! We've been together for 6 yrs and we are keen to grow up with our children.

    My GW is 57kg (which will give me a BMI of 21.5, perfectly smack bang in the middle of the Normal range).

    Wishing all of you all the luck in the world while TTC and for your weightloss :)
  • M12e31g
    We're TTC #1 for about 8 months now. These past few months my cycles have been all over the place. No idea is it's due to the intense workouts and weight loss or what. I'm at a healthy BMI now, so hopefully that is working on our side. If there isn't any miracle there by December, it will be time to face the Dr. and see what they have to say.
  • treezuk
    Thank you so much girls for all your replys , i dont have the time to reply right now as im about to go out and do the dreaded shop but i didnt want to read and run , i will pop back later tonight and i will reply to you all :) im loving :heart: our little group :)