Not losing weight. Not giving up but....

What can I do? 28 lbs nearly fell off me in less than 6 weeks and now, here I hold for the last few weeks. I used to read these posts and think "What's the big deal, it's a lifestyle change" but now I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong.

I do eat. I do try to work out about 3 times or more a week. Some of those workouts don't get posted. I do feel smaller, and my clothes are bigger. I haven't measured since my last loss, and don't know if doing so will help me.

I am not going back to my old ways, NO WAY! I was gaining like a lb a week and that's just wrong on so many levels.

Any ideas on what to do? I'm not really all that discouraged, but I'd like to see at least a lb every week or two. My scale is not broken either... lol. I drink loads of water, and have cut out a lot of nasty food that I used to eat.

I am not a fan of veggies but eat a few here and there, and I don't eat fruit at all, and won't. I drink 2 cups of coffee in the AM and have gone from 1/4 cup of sugar each day to 2 tsp of sugar and lord knows how much cream, maybe a 1/4 cup or more per day down to 2 tablespoons per day.

I don't eat fake sugar except in yogurt. And I only drink water after my 2 coffees. I spread out my eating through the day. I kind of eat lighter early in the day and heavier at the end of the day. Would swapping that make more of a difference?


  • King_Bee
    King_Bee Posts: 275 Member
    Maybe you can start by taking body measurements? I was going through the same thing. Turns out I was progressing but it was showing up in inches lost rather than pounds. As I was working out I was gaining muscle I hadn't used in a long time. Muscle weighs more than fat. Just something to think about.
  • IamEric
    Change things up a bit. If you ran a mile today, run a mile and a quarter tomorrow. If you lift weights and did 8 reps today, do nine tomorrow.

    Change up your food, also. Little things like that have helped me get over the plateaus.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Do check your measurements. You can get a chart to log it here:

    This is an interesting post about when the scale stalls:
  • AlohaBrook
    Keep it going.. I think at some point we all hit a stale mate... The weight will start droping off again.. I would increase your water and exercise... I have also heard that you need to kickstart your body with more calories for a day or two and then drop them back down again... Not sure if this does help but I have read others post it on here..

    I am not a big fan of my scale right now..

    It a big fat liar (to my advantage) but I just dont trust it... So I have made a decision not to take a look at it until I am one month in.. I dont want to know if I am losing lbs (although i feel it in my clothes that something is working) I just want to be shocked at the end if the month.

    I think that will keep me motivated.

    Also, I know that the less you stress about it the better...

    Not much scientific anwsers above for you but maybe a little motivation to keep it up!
  • snybod39

    You have to record your food and exercise HONESTLY. You are not doing yourself any favors by not recording exactly what you eat and burn. If you are diligent in tracking, you will find that it will take the mystery out of whether or not you will lose the weight. I just started tracking and found out I was eating ALOT more calories than I thought I was.
  • Kelly50054
    What has happened to me, when I got to around 20lbs off I hit a weight loss wall. I think that is quite normal, because your body isn't sure what exactly you are doing. Things are readjusting on the inside. When I hit my weight loss wall, there was no weight loss for about 6 weeks and I was concerned about that, but a dietian says that is very normal.
  • Kelly50054
    Also, the key to weight loss is lots of fresh fruits and veggies. I eat a salad twice a day and fruit with several meals.
  • coltonsmumma
    coltonsmumma Posts: 80 Member
    I track ALL food that I eat.

    I sometimes don't track all exercise because I either forget, don't know how long, and/or don't think it's enough to matter like when I clean the house like a maniac or walk at a fair or the mall for whatever amount of time. Generally, if I had to push and break a sweat, then I record it and try to eat a little of it back.