Veg/Salad portions-HELP!!!

Evening All,

I only started using MFP yesterday so this is all pretty new to me :-)
I lost about 3 stone a few years ago and have managed to keep the majority of that weight off although i have put about 1/2 stone back on in the last 9 months or so...
I eat really healthily 95% of the week and started excercising again (3-4 times a week, high impact classes) about 8 weeks ago and yet the weight doesnt seem to be shifting.
I'm so frustrated at the moment as I'm confused now with what is right and what is wrong - to the point whereby I stopped eating fruit because of the sugar content!!
So i went to see my doctor and asked him If he would refer me to see a dietician - which he did :-)
I had my first appointment last week and I feel a little more confused than before...I've been keeping a food diary for the last 3 weeks and had been eating under 1500 kcals per day and yet she told me i needed to cut down on my veg and salad....

Every healthy eating plan i've ever been on, has always told me to bulk up your plate with salad/veg so now i'm confused... i understand her reasons for getting me to think about portion control but don't double up my protein or carbs - just what i consider "free foods" such as veg and/or salad.

I'm now on a 12 week programme through the docs so am going to give it a go but does anyone have any thoughts or advice around eating too much veg/salad?

I'd really appreciate any help...



  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I personally think that this is a silly idea. Perhaps you need to add more of other kinds of foods to your salads, but cutting back? That seems strange. I would get s second opinion from another dietitian, or go back and ask the dietitian why she thinks you need to cut back on veggies. It sounds to me like maybe a misunderstanding, and maybe your dietitian meant you just need to add more things to your diet in order to get more protein or something else.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    That sounds really weird to me. I've never heard of any doc or nutritionist telling someone to cut back on veggies. Your doc would hate me. I ate an entire heart of romaine, 1 cup of grape tomatoes, 1 whole cucumber (diced), 1 whole red bell pepper, 2 pieces of land o lakes cheese and 4 tbsp of full fat ranch dressing at lunch. It was good.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    Maybe you aren't eating enough?? If you are exercising several times a week, and they are intense classes, you should eat those calories that you burned. It doesn't make sense, but it is how it works. Someone made a website, I think it is something like
    www.should i eat my exercise calories. com

    Google it and see :)
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
  • gemswillsucceed
    gemswillsucceed Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you all for your advice :-)