I am new & still hungry



    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    1200 calories is not a lot of calories. Scrambled eggs seem to fill me pretty full. Maybe you have set your goal too high at 1200. You can always up the calorie goal and go down later. If you are starting out hungry everyday, I don't know how long you will be able to hold out. Don't starve yourself when you don't have to.
  • lmartinez24
    Try foods that are high in protein. Oatmeal for breakfast helps me and it's only around 150 calories. A spoonful of peanut butter, apples, bananas, yogart, etc.
  • cjw6
    cjw6 Posts: 94 Member
    If our 'normal' habits were OK, we wouldn't be overweight. Its a big change, and one of the great things about tracking your calories is that you start to realise just how much MORE you can eat if you make the right choices (certainly made my regular starbucks order look a lot less appetizing) I haven't seen your diary, but try and increase the bulky low calorie foods like veggies and salad and your hunger (which is basically your stomach physically being empty rather than calorie need) wll be eased and the weight loss will come. Good luck