700 Calories Left and Not Hungry



  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    That's what I'm worried about. I went to dinner and had a pretty filling dinner but when I went back here I was only at 1000 and I know that that's not enough. On the other hand I'm trying to get myself away from eating for the sake of eating. That's my major problem with gaining weight.

    It probably doesn't hurt you to be that low on calories occasionally, but if you find you're hovering around 1000 most days, I think you probably should find a way to get some more calorie-dense food in your diet (nuts, olive oil, full-fat cheese, etc). When I was your age, I ate 800-1100 calories every day. I was never hungry. I thought I was a weight-loss superstar and a model of health. It turned out that eating that way had consequences for me that made weight management tougher for me as I got older and tried to follow normal eating patterns.

    I just turned 40 and I think I finally have a handle on how I should eat to maintain a healthy weight. I've lost 32 pounds since April. I'm in the healthy BMI range (although I have some vanity pounds I'd still like to lose). I eat a widely varied diet, typically 1800-2100 calories a day.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Just use today as a learning experience. You had a pretty good size dinner, so there's no reason to cram food down tonight just to eat the remaining calories. But, it would be a good idea to think about planning ahead in the future to avoid having a bunch of calories left over. A good size breakfast would be a good start. You seem like you're on the right track so good luck! :)
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Sigh................. I work out hard, but only have 200 left sometimes, today only 35 I think!! Pout... xx