
I'm looking for ideas/tips to control my hunger. I understand that while I make this lifestyle change permanent, I will have to deal with some hunger pangs. When I'm motivated, I can overcome them, heck, even ignore them.:bigsmile: It's when I start to lose my dedication that I start craving chips and cakes and chocolates, etc. :frown: I've googled some ideas and I've tried a few. I still find myself getting hungry throughout the day. Besides the fact that I'm constanty thinking about food or checking to see if I'm hungry, I find that hunger always lingers. Am I not eating enough protein? Is my calorie limit too low? I'm just trying to get some answers because I'm tired or falling off the wagon and going MONTHS without taking care of myself. I want this time around to be different and in order to do so, I need to control this unbelivable appetite!
Any suggestions?


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Options :D
  • rasterf92
    Keep thinking about what you really lose weight! When you get those "cravings" eat an apple or nuts or something else.
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    Keep eating, just make healthier choices. Replace that cookie with a piece of fruit. I try to have something to eat every 2 hours so I never feel hungry, some mornings I need something small every hour!

    You'll get the hang of it, just keep logging everything you eat. I plan for the day ahead so I don't blow my calories out :)
  • sryan8408
    Honestly I think if you're truely hungry, you should eat. Try maybe drinking a bottle of water before eating though just in case because dehydration can act the same as hunger. If you're still hungry after that then totally eat. Not eating sets you up for a possible binge later. Try more fiber. And when you do eat when you're hungry eat something sensible. 100 calorie pack or a protein bar. Luna has some lower sugar protein bars and it will give you your chocolate fix and solve your hunger pain.
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    EAT! I felt like the obsession with food would never go away too, when I first started. It was like, before, when I wasn't logging, I didn't think about food all the time, but once I started logging, it was incessant, and there was no way I wanted to live the rest of my life like that.

    Just go with it, because it will eventually fade, and your actions become habits. So for now... EAT. Breakfast. Snack. Lunch. Snack. Supper. Snack. Just make healthy choices in the food groups that you crave. Mine was sugars. So I ate TONS of fruit initially. There's no way that could be healthy for the rest of my life, because we need variety, but when you're trying to change your tastes and make healthier decisions, you do what you have to in order to make those mid-set changes. If your craving is in the salty area, eat salted nuts. People will tell you to watch your sodium, and though that's good advice, if you'll increase your water, then it will help flush the salt. If it is breads, find healthy whole grains. (Sorry, that's not my area of craving, so I really don't know what alternatives there are.) My point is to feed the craving with a healthier alternative.

    The obsession WILL go away, trust me. You can do this, and you can maintain it. :flowerforyou:
  • mestacy010
    mestacy010 Posts: 577 Member
    Veges and fruits fill you up more and quicker than foods with a lot of fat!!¡
  • hazelrachel
    Try to cut your sugar intake to the lowest. Sugars make me hungry like a wolf! Eat a lot of vegetables, a lot, and make sure you have enough proteins. Maybe youre not getting enough. Are you exercising too much? that also makes me take feel like a hungry tiger. That's why sometimes I just take a short walk. Helps me burn calories, but doesn't make me feel exhausted and in need of food. And don't forget water. Sometimes a cup of tea helps me a lot, you can also take a tomato soup or chicken broth. Hot food calms your hunger better. Good luck and keep the good job!