Starting A new life!!!!!!!

JeanneChadwick Posts: 2
edited October 3 in Introduce Yourself
:flowerforyou: Hi my name is Jeanne and I am from UTAH. So today is my first day of the rest of my life, I have Oh lets say about 100 pounds to lose. And I just found out that I am Diabetic . I am going to need lots of help with this journe:sad: y.........


  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,648 Member
    Heya :) I'm also from Utah and I also have 100+ lbs. to lose. This is a great website and I know it'll help you do great and get the weight off. Feel free to add me. :)
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    Hi welcome!

    You can do this! You seem to have your mind set right... just be consistent in what you do and don't let the downs put you off!

    Make the experience enjoyable and you'll do it for fun!

    All the best
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    I've got over a 100 to lose as well. There is a great thread for people needing to lose 100+ lbs.
  • Hello! I just joined yesterday myself and have found sooo many helpful people! Good luck with your journey!
  • Hi Jeanne!
    First of all, be proud that you are willing to work a little to get healthy! No one said it was easy or fun, but I am so happy you know what a benefit it can be to your life! Pat youself on the back!
    I think this site is wonderful for those just starting out. I just started myself and love how I can track what I eat and see the actual calorie count of the food. I was surprised by quite a bit here! I also like that I get calories back just by walking around my neighborhood!
    My biggest challenges are sweets and exercise! I am struggling right now not to grab a treat, but have found gum to be a big help. I have had to make time for myself when it comes to exercise. I have gone out walking after dinner every night this week (yeah, I know it is only Tuesday!) and I have really enjoyed it! With the cooler fall temperatures, it has been really nice!
    Hang it there! You will have good days and bad days. Celebrate the good and don't be too hard on yourself with the bad! You can do this!
  • aiyana1228
    aiyana1228 Posts: 100 Member
    Welcome! This is a great place to do this. I think one of the keys is to log in every day and read some other stories. It will help motivate you and give you inspiration and allow you to see that its not easy for any of us. Even if you blow it one meal or one day get back on the horse right away. Trust me we have all done that. Just don't go away. I am always so sad when people disapear. I think the worst enemy we have is ourselves. We got to the place where we need to loose 100+ by saying things like-Oh well its just the way I am and I am just more hungrey than other people and just one more bite wont hurt... But that one more bite does hurt and before you know it your feet hurt all the tome and you are gasping for breath every time you walk a few stairs. Its amazing how much better I feel after every pound is gone. You can beat that diabetes! You can kick its behind all the way home! MFP rocks!
  • Welcome and good luck! Everyone one here is right. I have lost 27 lbs towards my goal of 40lbs lost. My wife has lost 43 towards around a goal of losing 90 or so. It can be done. We had tried so many things over the years. But my turning 46 and diagnosed with diabetes was my wake up call. I saw both my parents suffer so much with diabetes and their lives (and quality of life) were cut short and my sister has it as well. So I am determined to do it so that I can live as long as I can for my family and to be as healthy and strong as I can be for my grandchildren [Lord willing :) ]. Just hang in there and just do the next right and healthy thing in front of you. If you mess up. Just start again. Get as active as you can but don't get down when you don't see tremendous weight loss. Focus on how healthy it is for you. I just went through a stretch when I hadn't loss a single pound for 2 1/2 months and had gained about 4. And this with exercising quite a bit and eating within MyFitnessPal goals (most of the time). But I just decided that even if I didn't lose another pound I was going to keep eating healthy and exercising because it was good for me. And now this month I have lost 6 pounds finally. So, it can be slow going at times but you and your loved ones will benefit by your lifestyle change! Good luck and many blessings on your journey!
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