Necessary to worry about carbs?



  • jazzybean1
    Whatever citation someone may have put up regarding not all carbs being equal: the fact is there is a glycemic index for a reason... there are carbs that are low glycemic, which means they do not spike your insulin levels to the same degree as something with a higher G.I, like a simple carb. Oatmeal has been shown to stabalize blood sugars and yams, apples and citrus fruits all fall into the low end of the G.I If someone is asking for help with carbs then the whole point of what I was saying is to pick the lower GI ones and stay away from processed and refined ones. Also, it is 100 % true that we refuel our glycogen stores directly from carbs. It's the reason you are recommended to have a post workout recovery snack with a ratio of 4:1( carb to protein ratio)
  • jazzybean1
    Not all carbs are created equal... not all spike your blood sugar and they do provide your body with the energy it needs for day to life.

    Someone on this board posted that this was not true, and posted a citation to back it up.
  • jazzybean1
    Not all carbs are created equal... not all spike your blood sugar and they do provide your body with the energy it needs for day to day life.

    Someone on this board posted that this was not true, and posted a citation to back it up.

    Haven't been able to find that post but anyways...what I stated is true, different carbs have different effects on your insulin and some are healthier than others... carbs do give you energy as well, they are what your metabolism converts into ATP which fuels our body.
  • fitmissbliss
    fitmissbliss Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great advice. I do know that due to being insulin sensetive I need to watch my carb count ( specifically, I worry the most about starches) so, to start off I am allowing myself two servings per day and am attempting to not eat any refined starches ( rice, bread, pasta-etc) with dinner. Its a struggle-but, my hardest challenge was lunch- I am a college admissions advisor, and I spend my day seeing students and dont really have a lot of time for a big healthy lunch- a sandwich and some fruit and veggies and a yogurt is about what I have time for and can do on a normal basis. I am buying organic, sprouted "light" bread and using that for sammy's. As time goes along, I hope to become more disciplined with my macronutrients...but for now, staying under calorie goal and finding time for regular exercise is enought to keep me busy. Thanks again for all your advice...I So appreicate it!
  • Monika135
    A source I found online which seemed reliable recommended keeping carbs to 100-150 mg day to lose weight. They called that the "Sweet spot" for dieters. I have been following that guideline and its been working for me. You get to pick and choose where your carbs come from. Also Sara Lee makes a bread called "Light and Delightful" which only has 45 cal. a slice if you like sandwiches or toast.

    Name your source...would it be MDA?
  • paladeac
    paladeac Posts: 81 Member
    How much exercising are you doing?

    With my training, it's necessary to eat protein and carbs 3-5 times a day to fuel my body.