Upper Body Strength Excerises Please :)

I have no upper body strength. It's always been in my legs (and I have some darn good legs too), But I was radinga blog the other day that a girls with PCOS jump started her weight loss by upper body strength building and considering I lack that anyways, I figured it couldn't hurt.

That now brings to question, what are some good upper body workouts? Pushups (girly kind) are about all I know how to do really. Anny thoughts?


  • jlowensby
    check out oxygenmag.com :)
  • odatcindy
    I've struggled with upper body strength, too. Then I joined a boot camp program that has had us doing wall push-ups, pull ups, planks to strengthen the core and the upper body. Maybe you could check into the push-up challenge.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I had a very weak upper body. Since I started heavy strenght training, it got so much better. Maybe start with 10 pounds weights and google youtube for exercise??? Also, there is a 100 push-up challenge that you can try.
  • SephirothsChild15
    I had a very weak upper body. Since I started heavy strenght training, it got so much better. Maybe start with 10 pounds weights and google youtube for exercise??? Also, there is a 100 push-up challenge that you can try.
    Honey, 10 pound weights are wayyyy out of teh question.
  • Pinnagerjaggin
    Grab some good sized weights that are difficult but manageable for you (you should be able to do 8-10 reps before you want to take a short break).

    Do some bicep curls

    Chest rises (not sure what the actual name is)- lay with your back on a bench. Bring your arms with weights out laterally to your left and right then bring them up over your head.

    Triceps- put your feet on a bed, hands on a chair and use your arms to move your body up and down.

    Another one I'm not sure of the name - Standup and bring your arms out to the sides while keeping them straight

    and then don't forget pushups

    Try and make your pushups harder by lifting one hand to the sky so the front of your body is perpendicular to the ground. hold this for a few seconds and then go back and do another push up. It works your abs and your arms and is SUPER hard.