P90X info needed

I've heard a little about this program and am wondering what the people who have used it think...? Is it worth the $$ ? Do you use it consistently?

I've had a few people tell me it is really hard and that they think I couldn't do it, which kind of makes me even more curious. I'm 52 and 215..... would this be too intense to begin ? My Dr. says go for whatever kind of exercise I want.

What is everyone's opinion on this?


  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Its like 9 DVD's long. I'd say try to find someone to borrow at least the first one from and see if you like it first. That is a lot of cash.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    The program is not easy but it works!! Highly recommended!!
  • cschlicher
    It is intense but they give you options for different levels. I would recommend buying off craigslist or try to borrow from a friend first to see if you like it. I love it and always go back to it when I need a boost.
  • jean1058
    jean1058 Posts: 86 Member
    Anybody wanna loan me a copy, LOL!
  • kaoshavoc
    I tried them twice. I mean like, I turned it on 2 times LOL. holy crap, what a workout. while I hear that the diet that they want to go along with it is not a bright idea, the exercises themselves are intense, and very scalable, as in, you do what you can and push yourself each time, and he shows you several ways to do things, so you can work your way up to the harder stuff. If you are serious about a good workout, then I would definately say this is a good one. It is pretty lengthy though so not one of your 10 minute a day kind of deals. Reason I did not do it, I am over 300 pounds and just did not have the equipment at the time, (most of it can be done with bands and stuff it seems for those who are weaker or just don't have the space for equipment, which everyone should since it seems to be pretty light on equipment, mostly stuff like a pull-up bar, which can be put in a door frame and things of that nature. Chairs, and other stuff will be used as well. Hope this helps. My neighbor is the one who has it, btw, so It is not like I bought it and then did not do it LOL.
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    I've heard it's pretty intense and not something you would want to attempt as your first work out. Something you would be better off working your way up to. If you go to YouTube you can see various clips of the work out. That should give you an idea of what it is all about.
  • jean1058
    jean1058 Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks! I didn't know I could preview it on youtube....good to know!
  • dnsrmr
    dnsrmr Posts: 99 Member
    I've attempted 2 start P90X 3 or 4 times and have yet 2 complete it BUT it is a wonderful program. I went onto www.craigslist.com & got it for $70 and the guy e-mailed the worksheets & all the info 2 me.
    You can also get the worksheets off http://www.teambeachbody.com
    I didn't stop because they were too hard. I had out of town company 2 times where I couldn't fit it into my own home workout, and got sick 2 other times, so those are the reasons - not that I stopped becuz they were 2 hard.
    P90X has about 9 different DVD's and they're challenging but you can always modify the program or if you're a beginner you can start with say 30 minutes of each DVD or pick and choose the ones you like (both cardio and weights) to see how you like them.
    The DVD's are designed 2 get U fit in 90 days BUT many people modify them, especially at the beginning. This way you won't quit or strain or pull a muscle, etc.
    Instead of buying weights, you can try it without or use homemade weights like small cans of something from your food cabinet or fill 2 milk jugs with water half way or whatever you find is best 4 u, etc.
    My personal opinion is that the P90X has helped many people, a few of my relatives and friends that commit & swear by it, and I myself am starting it with a group on Oct 3rd in all of our own homes on an honor system. If you'd like to join let me know.
    I'd love to have someone off this site to do P90X with and to inspire me.
    Good luck and God bless you. ~Dee
  • dnsrmr
    dnsrmr Posts: 99 Member
    Oh, and another thing is that I DO NOT go by their nutritional eating plan. I'm a low carb eater 98% of the time. FYI
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Do you know alot of weight lifting, do correct form?
    P90X is for advance and for people who don't have much weight to lose.
    I have both P90x and Charlean extreme.
    I did try p90x...and hurt my shoulder since my shoulder muscle was weak, had physical theraphy for a while.
    My friend who is a muscular man.. hurt his shoulder so he stops.

    I'm doing charlene xtreme right now. Her dvd has a lot of instruction on the correct form which is good for beginnerd and it's only 30 minutes long.
    I plan after I finish Charlean and 20 llbs lighter, I'll do P90x